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Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. #3.1基本字符串操作 >>> website = 'http://www.python.org' >>> website[-3:]='com' Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> website[-3:]='com' TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment #3.2 字符串格式化:精简版 >>> format = "Hello, %s. %s is enough for ya?" >>> values = ('world', 'Hot') >>> print format % values Hello, world. Hot is enough for ya? >>> format = "Pi with three decimals: %.3f" >>> from math import pi >>> print format % pi Pi with three decimals: 3.142 #模板字符串 >>> from string import Template >>> s = Template('$x, glorious $x!') >>> s.substitute(x='slurm') 'slurm, glorious slurm!' >>> s = Template("It's ${x}tastic!") >>> s.substitute(x='slurm') "It's slurmtastic!" >>> s = Template("Make $$ selling $x!") >>> s.substitute(x='slurm') 'Make $ selling slurm!' >>> s = Template('A $thing must never $action.') >>> d={} >>> d['thing']='gentleman' >>> d['action']='show his socks' >>> s.substitute(d) 'A gentleman must never show his socks.' >>> #saft_substitute不会因缺少值或不正确使用$字符而出错. >>> '%s plus %s equlas %s' % (1,1,2) '1 plus 1 equlas 2' >>> '%s plus %s equlas %s' % 1,1,2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#24>", line 1, in <module> '%s plus %s equlas %s' % 1,1,2 TypeError: not enough arguments for format string >>> '%s plus %s equlas %s' % 1,1,2 # Lacks parentheses! Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#25>", line 1, in <module> '%s plus %s equlas %s' % 1,1,2 # Lacks parentheses! TypeError: not enough arguments for format string #3.3 字符串格式化:完整版 #3.3.1简单转换 >>> 'Price of eggs: $%d' % 42 'Price of eggs: $42' >>> 'Hexadecimal price of eggs: %x' % 42 'Hexadecimal price of eggs: 2a' >>> from math import pi >>> 'Pi: %f...' % pi 'Pi: 3.141593...' >>> 'Very inexact estimate of pi: %i' % pi 'Very inexact estimate of pi: 3' >>> 'Using str: %s' % 42L 'Using str: 42' >>> 'Using repr: %r' % 42L 'Using repr: 42L' #3.3.2字段宽度和精度 >>> '%10f' % pi ' 3.141593' >>> '%10.2f' % pi ' 3.14' >>> '%.2f' % pi '3.14' >>> '%.5s' % 'Guido van Rossum' 'Guido' >>> '%.*s' % (5, 'Guido van Rossum') 'Guido' #3.3.3符号, 对齐和0填充 >>> '%010.2f' % pi '0000003.14' >>> 010 8 >>> '%-10.2f' % pi '3.14 ' >>> print ('% 5d' % 10) + '\n' + ('% 5d' % -10)F SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> print ('% 5d' % 10) + '\n' + ('% 5d' % -10) 10 -10 >>> print ('% 5d' % 10) + '\n' + ('% 5d' % -10)F SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> print ('% 5d' % 10) + '\n' + ('% 5d' % -10) 10 -10 >>> print ('%+5d' % 10) + '\n' + ('%+5d' % -10) +10 -10 #代码清单3-1 字符串格式化示例 #3.4字符串方法 #string模块还包括一些不能作为字符串方式使用的常量和函数 >>> import string >>> string.digits '0123456789' >>> string.letters 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' >>> string.lowercase 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' >>> string.uppercase 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' >>> string.punctuation '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' >>> string.printable '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ \t\n\r\x0b\x0c' >>> string.ascii_letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' #3.4.1 find >>> 'With a moo-moo here. and a moo-moo there'.find('moo') 7 >>> title = "Monty Python's Flying Circus" >>> title.find('Monty') 0 >>> title.find('Python') 6 >>> titie.find('Flying') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#59>", line 1, in <module> titie.find('Flying') NameError: name 'titie' is not defined >>> title.find('Flying') 15 >>> title.find('Zirquss') -1 >>> subject = '$$$ Get rich now!!! $$$' >>> subject.find('$$$') 0 >>> subject.find('$$$', 1) 20 >>> subject.find('!!!') 16 >>> subject.find('!!!', 0, 16) -1 #3.4.2 join >>> seq = [1,2,3,4,5] >>> sep = '+' >>> sep.join(seq) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#69>", line 1, in <module> sep.join(seq) TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found >>> seq = ['1','2','3','4','5'] >>> sep.join(seq) '1+2+3+4+5' >>> dirs = '','usr','bin','env' >>> '/'.join(dirs) '/usr/bin/env' >>> print 'C:' + '\\'.join(dirs) C:\usr\bin\env #3.4.3 lower >>> 'Trondheim Hammer Dance'.lower() 'trondheim hammer dance' >>> if 'Gumby' in ['gumby','smith','jones']: print 'Found it!' >>> name='Gumby' >>> names=['gumby','smith','jones'] >>> if name.lower() in names: print 'Found it!' Found it! #标题转换 >>> "that's all folks".title() "That'S All Folks" >>> import string >>> string.capwords("that's all, folks") "That's All, Folks" #3.4.4 replace >>> 'This is a test'.replace('is','eez') 'Theez eez a test' #3.4.5 split >>> '1+2+3+4+5'.split('+') ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] >>> '/usr/bin/env'.split('/') ['', 'usr', 'bin', 'env'] >>> 'Using the default'.split() ['Using', 'the', 'default'] #3.4.6 strip 相当于Java 中的 String.trim() >>> ' internal whitespace is kept '.strip() 'internal whitespace is kept' >>> names = ['gumby','smith','jones'] >>> name = 'gumby' >>> if name in names: print 'Found it!' Found it! >>> '*** SPAM * for * everyone!!! ***'.strip(' *!') 'SPAM * for * everyone' #3.4.7 translate >>> from string import maketrans >>> table = maketrans('cs', 'kz') >>> len(table) 256 >>> table[97:123] 'abkdefghijklmnopqrztuvwxyz' >>> maketrans('','')[97:123] 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' >>> table = maketrans('cs','kz') >>> 'this is an incredible test'.translate(table) 'thiz iz an inkredible tezt' >>> 'this is an incredible test'.translate(table,' ') 'thizizaninkredibletezt' #非英语字符串问题 table = maketrans('X','x') word = 'Xxx' print word.translate(table).lower() print u'Xxx'.lower() #小结 #本章介绍了字符串的两种非常重要的使用方式 #字符串格式化: 求模操作符(%)可以用来将其他值转换为包含转换标志的字符串,例如%s. 它还能用来对值进行不同方式的格式化, #包括左右对齐, 设定字段宽度以及精度,增加符号(正负号)或者左填充数字0等. #字符串方法 有些非常有用,比如split和join,有些则用得很少,比如istitle或capitalize. #本章的新函数 #string.capwords(s[, sep]) 使用split函数分割字符串s(以sep为分隔符),使用capitalize函数将分割得到的各单词首字母大写,并且使用join函数以sep为分隔符 #将各单词连接起来 #string.maketrans(from,to) 创建用于转换的转换表 #接下来学什么 列表, 字符串和字典是Python中最重要的3种数据类型.
代码清单3-1 字符串格式化示例
#e3-1 #使用给定的宽度打印格式化后的价格列表 width = input('Plese enter width: ') price_width = 10 item_width = width - price_width; #减号(-1)用来左对齐数值 header_format = '%-*s%*s' format = '%-*s%*.2f' print '=' * width print header_format % (item_width, 'Item', price_width, 'Price') print '-' * width print format % (item_width, 'Apples', price_width, 0.4) print format % (item_width, 'Pears', price_width, 0.5) print format % (item_width, 'Cantaloupes', price_width, 1.92) print format % (item_width, 'Dried Apricots (16 oz.)', price_width, 8) print format % (item_width, 'Prunes (4 lbs.)', price_width, 12) print '=' * width #python e3-1.py #Plese enter width: 35 #=================================== #Item Price #----------------------------------- #Apples 0.40 #Pears 0.50 #Cantaloupes 1.92 #Dried Apricots (16 oz.) 8.00 #Prunes (4 lbs.) 12.00 #===================================
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在第三章“使用字符串”中,我们探讨了字符串的一些基本操作、格式化以及特殊方法。以下是对这些概念的详细解释: 1. **基本字符串操作**: - **索引**:字符串中的每个字符都可以通过索引来访问,如`str[0]`获取...
在Python编程语言中,字符串是数据类型之一,用于存储文本信息。在本章中,我们将深入探讨Python字符串的特性和操作。 首先,我们要明白一个重要特性:**字符串是不可变的**。这意味着一旦创建了一个字符串,就不能...
**Python基础教程第三版概述** Python是一种高级编程语言,以其简洁、易读的语法和强大的功能而闻名。作为初学者入门编程或者专业人士增强技能的工具,Python基础教程第三版是学习这一语言的理想资源。该高清版教程...
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第3章专注于字符串的使用,包括基本操作、字符串格式化,以及字符串方法,如查找、连接、大小写转换、替换、分割等。这有助于提升字符串处理的效率和灵活性。 第4章介绍了字典,这是一种基于键值对的数据结构,非常...
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在Python中,字符串可以使用单引号、双引号或三引号来表示。字符串可以进行各种操作,如字符串连接、字符串分割、字符串检索、字符串格式化等。本文将详细介绍Python中字符串的各种操作和应用。 字符串常用操作 1....
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在"Python基础教程的第三版"中,作者详细介绍了Python的基本概念和语法,为初学者提供了全面的学习路径。这个压缩包包含了该教程各章节的源码,使读者能够通过实践加深对每个概念的理解。 首先,我们可以从“第一章...