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logback.xml immediate=false 到底缓存空间是多大 -
jasonlong10 写道 楼主别光写报错,有没什么解决方法 ...
SpringMVC 在 Jboss 下会报的 warn -
SpringMVC 在 Jboss 下会报的 warn -
不错,没报错了...这些配置的文件真麻烦,不深入了解,配置的很 ...
Error creating bean with name '_messageBrokerDefaultHandlerMapping': Initializa -
Error creating bean with name '_messageBrokerDefaultHandlerMapping': Initializa
Java事务的类型有三种:JDBC事务、JTA(Java Transaction API)事务、容器事务。
JDBC 事务是用 Connection 对象控制的。JDBC Connection 接口( java.sql.Connection )提供了两种事务模式:自动提交和手工提交。 java.sql.Connection 提供了以下控制事务的方法:
public void setAutoCommit(boolean)
public boolean getAutoCommit()
public void commit()
public void rollback()
使用 JDBC 事务界定时,您可以将多个 SQL 语句结合到一个事务中。JDBC 事务的一个缺点是事务的范围局限于一个数据库连接。一个 JDBC 事务不能跨越多个数据库。......
This section describes some semantics of transaction propagation in Spring. Please note that this section is not an introduction to transaction propagation proper; rather it details some of the semantics regarding transaction propagation in Spring.
In Spring-managed transactions, be aware of the difference between physical and logical transactions, and how the propagation setting applies to this difference. Required
This section describes some semantics of transaction propagation in Spring. Please note that this section is not an introduction to transaction propagation proper; rather it details some of the semantics regarding transaction propagation in Spring.
In Spring-managed transactions, be aware of the difference between physical and logical transactions, and how the propagation setting applies to this difference.
When the propagation setting is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
, a logical transaction scope is created for each method upon which the setting is applied. Each such logical transaction scope can determine rollback-only status individually, with an outer transaction scope being logically independent from the inner transaction scope. Of course, in case of standard PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
behavior, all these scopes will be mapped to the same physical transaction. So a rollback-only marker set in the inner transaction scope does affect the outer transaction's chance to actually commit (as you would expect it to).
However, in the case where an inner transaction scope sets the rollback-only marker, the outer transaction has not decided on the rollback itself, and so the rollback (silently triggered by the inner transaction scope) is unexpected. A corresponding UnexpectedRollbackException
is thrown at that point. This is expected behavior so that the caller of a transaction can never be misled to assume that a commit was performed when it really was not. So if an inner transaction (of which the outer caller is not aware) silently marks a transaction as rollback-only, the outer caller still calls commit. The outer caller needs to receive an UnexpectedRollbackException
to indicate clearly that a rollback was performed instead.
When the propagation setting is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
, a logical transaction scope is created for each method upon which the setting is applied. Each such logical transaction scope can determine rollback-only status individually, with an outer transaction scope being logically independent from the inner transaction scope. Of course, in case of standard PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
behavior, all these scopes will be mapped to the same physical transaction. So a rollback-only marker set in the inner transaction scope does affect the outer transaction's chance to actually commit (as you would expect it to).
However, in the case where an inner transaction scope sets the rollback-only marker, the outer transaction has not decided on the rollback itself, and so the rollback (silently triggered by the inner transaction scope) is unexpected. A corresponding UnexpectedRollbackException
is thrown at that point. This is expected behavior so that the caller of a transaction can never be misled to assume that a commit was performed when it really was not. So if an inner transaction (of which the outer caller is not aware) silently marks a transaction as rollback-only, the outer caller still calls commit. The outer caller needs to receive an UnexpectedRollbackException
to indicate clearly that a rollback was performed instead.
When the propagation setting is PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
, a logical transaction scope is created for each method upon which the setting is applied. Each such logical transaction scope can determine rollback-only status individually, with an outer transaction scope being logically independent from the inner transaction scope. Of course, in case of standard PROPAGATION_REQUIRED
behavior, all these scopes will be mapped to the same physical transaction. So a rollback-only marker set in the inner transaction scope does affect the outer transaction's chance to actually commit (as you would expect it to).
However, in the case where an inner transaction scope sets the rollback-only marker, the outer transaction has not decided on the rollback itself, and so the rollback (silently triggered by the inner transaction scope) is unexpected. A corresponding UnexpectedRollbackException
is thrown at that point. This is expected behavior so that the caller of a transaction can never be misled to assume that a commit was performed when it really was not. So if an inner transaction (of which the outer caller is not aware) silently marks a transaction as rollback-only, the outer caller still calls commit. The outer caller needs to receive an UnexpectedRollbackException
to indicate clearly that a rollback was performed instead.
- read dirty data : tx1 read tx2's update but not commited data
- can not re-readable : tx1 can not get the same return data from one field (tx1 can read the updated and commited data from tx2 )
- imaginary read : tx1 read the data from which tx2 inserted and commited
- if i use try-catch surround the below code snippet the spring container can not do the controll of transaction , if not spring container can do it for us. just throw !!!
public void delPerson(Integer id) throws Exception {
String sql = "delete from person where id = ?";
jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new Object[] {id}, new int []{java.sql.Types.INTEGER});
throw new Exception ( "Exception");
- Spring 事务详解
- http://developer.51cto.com/art/200906/129854.htm
log4j.properties 使用 (转)
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Dynamic Proxy
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spring learn experience
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hibernate 教程
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struts2 +spring 教程
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learning of struts 2
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javax.transaction.xa javax.xml javax.xml.datatype javax.xml.namespace javax.xml.parsers javax.xml.transform javax.xml.transform.dom javax.xml.transform.sax javax.xml.transform.stream javax....
【标题】"com.qz.transaction.MainActivity 非常好的源码资源" 提供的是一个关于Android应用程序源码的分析和学习素材,其中`MainActivity`是Android应用中的主要入口类,通常承载了应用的主要功能和界面展示。...
解决castle事务处理framework4.0异常,反编译修改后的dll集合,castle+Ibatis.NET集成dll,包含事务处理相关,...Castle.Services.Transaction.dll Castle.Windsor.dll IBatisNet.Common.dll IBatisNet.DataMapper.dll
org.springframework.transaction-3.2.4.RELEASE.jar,最新版的org.springframework.transaction,Wed Aug 07 16:44:37 GMT+01:00 2013
fescar-transaction.zip文件是一个包含Fescar分布式事务实现案例的压缩包,可以帮助开发者快速理解和应用Fescar。 Fescar的核心设计目标是提供简单易用、高性能、高可用的分布式事务服务,以解决在大规模分布式系统...
本项目"基于Hyperf的TCC分布式事务-tcc-transaction.zip"提供了在Hyperf框架下实现TCC事务的示例,帮助开发者理解和应用TCC模式。 首先,我们需要了解Hyperf。Hyperf是一款基于Swoole 4.4+开发的高性能、全异步的...
《SAP Transaction Codes 2010》是一本由Arshad Khan编写的关于SAP事务代码的参考手册,特别适合于使用SAP业务软件的各类用户,包括普通终端用户、高级用户、领域专家(Subject Matter Experts,SMEs)、项目团队...
Could not roll back Hibernate transaction; nested exception is org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC rollback failed 这表明Hibernate事务回滚操作失败,导致事务不能正确回滚。 二、问题原因 该问题的...
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor#0': Error setting property values; nested ...
赠送jar包:javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:javax.transaction-api-1.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:javax.transaction-api-1.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:javax.transaction-api-1.2....
javax.transaction.xa javax.xml javax.xml.bind javax.xml.bind.annotation javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters javax.xml.bind.attachment javax.xml.bind.helpers javax.xml.bind.util javax.xml.crypto...