在sun公司的官方网站,Java SE 6 Update 10 RC版本正式发布。
不过,官网仍然写的是“Download this beta version now. ”(应该是RC版本才对)
Download Java SE 6 Update 10 RC
与上次不同的是,这次JDK6U10下载加入了对Itanium (安腾平台的支持)!
Java SE 6 Update 10 Beta - Itanium Platform
Java SE 6 Update 10 RC is an update release that introduces new features and enhancements aimed at providing an optimized consumer-end user experience. Java SE 6 Update 10 RC focuses on the following areas:
- Enhanced Java deployment
- The Java Deployment Toolkit takes the guess work out of determining what versions of the Java Platform end users have installed on their PCs. It supplies Java based web applet/application deployers with a simple JavaScript interface. This greatly increases the ease of detections of users' Java environment, as well as the ease of Java Platform deployment.
- The Java Kernel online installer lets first time Java users run applets and Java Web Start applications quicker without waiting for the whole Java Platform to be downloaded. The default Kernel installation is expected to satisfy the requirements of most Java applets and applications, and any additional libraries that may be required at runtime are downloaded to complete the Java Kernel installation. This installation mechanism let the end user get up and running significantly faster, while the complete Java Platform installation takes place in the background. See Java Kernel FAQ for more information.
- For current users of Java SE, the Java auto-updater has also been improved, using a patch-in-place mechanism that translates in a faster and more reliable update process (the patch in place mechanism will take effect for end users who upgrade from this update release or later to a new update release). As an added benefit, follow-on update releases will no longer be listed as separate items in the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" dialog.
- New Version Download and Pack200 Support
Ease of deployment: Server side requirements have been removed! We've added a new Java system property along with new support that will make it much easier for developers to deploy their Java applications or Applets through the network.
- Improved performance and look & feel
- The Java Quick Starter feature will prefetch portions of the JRE into memory, substantially decreasing the average Java Platform cold start-up time (the time that it takes to launch a Java application for the first time after a fresh reboot of a PC).
- Hardware acceleration support: Java SE 6 Update 10 RC introduces a fully hardware accelerated graphics pipeline based on the Microsoft Direct3D 9 API, translating into improved rendering of Swing applications which rely on translucency, gradients, arbitrary transformations, and other more advanced 2D operations.
- A new cross-platform Swing look & feel, code name Nimbus, provides a nice update over 'Metal' and 'Ocean' and with exciting features.
- Next-Generation Java Plug-In
A new implementation of the Java Plug-In that features:
- Better Windows Vista support
- Ability to specify large heap sizes
- Ability to specify per-applet command-line arguments
- Improved reliability
- Improved user experience
- Improved Java/JavaScript communications
- Built-in JNLP support
- Multiple JRE version support
1. **改进的动态语言支持**:JDK 6增加了对动态语言的原生支持,如JavaScript和Ruby,通过JavaFX Script和JRuby等技术,增强了Java与这些语言的互操作性。 2. **增强的Swing组件**:JDK 6提升了Swing UI库的性能和...
微信开发平台开发工具 JDK jdk 6.0 jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008
标题中的"jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008.zip"表明这是一个Java Development Kit(JDK)的压缩包,版本为6u10的候选发布版2(RC2)。"bin"暗示了这个包包含了可执行的二进制文件,用于在Windows i...
jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008.exe java编译环境
在本文中,我们将详细介绍如何在Windows操作系统上安装和配置Java Development Kit (JDK) 版本6u10-rc2-bin-b32。JDK是开发Java应用程序的基础,包含了编译器、运行时环境和其他必要的工具。 **一、安装JDK** 1. ...
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jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008.exe part1 1 2 都下载
首先,JDK 7u10(更新10)是Oracle公司为Java 7发布的一个更新版本,旨在提供性能优化、安全性和稳定性改进。这个版本的JDK支持32位的Windows操作系统,即i586架构。在安装完成后,JDK的主目录通常位于“C:\Program ...
- 文件名: `jdk-6u10-rc-bin-b28-windows-i586-p-21_jul_2008.exe` - 大小: 72.68MB - MD5校验码: (未提供,请参照官方文档或下载链接确认) - **x64自解压版**: - 文件名: `jdk-6u10-rc-bin-b28-windows-amd...
`jdk-7u10-windows` 标题明确指出这是一个针对32位Windows操作系统的Java 7更新版,适合Java开发人员用于开发、测试和部署Java应用。 **主要特性与更新:** 1. **动态语言支持**:Java 7引入了 invokedynamic 字节...
前天帮公司搭建jenkins,下载了最新版本,结果安装的时候提示jdk版本不支持,去官网看了一下最新版本好像只支持jdk11和jdk17了,费了一番力气,在官网找到了支持jdk1.8的最新版本2.346.1 亲测有效。发出来方便大家...
下载链接:http://www.java.net/download/jdk6/6u10/promoted/b32/binaries/jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008.exe - JDK 1.7(也称为Java 7):引入了Try-with-resources语句、多版本兼容的JAR文件...