DirectByteBuffer(int cap) { // package-private super(-1, 0, cap, cap); boolean pa = VM.isDirectMemoryPageAligned(); int ps = Bits.pageSize(); long size = Math.max(1L, (long)cap + (pa ? ps : 0)); Bits.reserveMemory(size, cap); long base = 0; try { base = unsafe.allocateMemory(size); } catch (OutOfMemoryError x) { Bits.unreserveMemory(size, cap); throw x; } unsafe.setMemory(base, size, (byte) 0); if (pa && (base % ps != 0)) { // Round up to page boundary address = base + ps - (base & (ps - 1)); } else { address = base; } cleaner = Cleaner.create(this, new Deallocator(base, size, cap)); att = null; }
static void reserveMemory(long size, int cap) { synchronized (Bits.class) { if (!memoryLimitSet && VM.isBooted()) { maxMemory = VM.maxDirectMemory(); memoryLimitSet = true; } // -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize limits the total capacity rather than the // actual memory usage, which will differ when buffers are page // aligned. if (cap <= maxMemory - totalCapacity) { reservedMemory += size; totalCapacity += cap; count++; return; } } System.gc(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException x) { // Restore interrupt status Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } synchronized (Bits.class) { if (totalCapacity + cap > maxMemory) throw new OutOfMemoryError("Direct buffer memory"); reservedMemory += size; totalCapacity += cap; count++; } }
- 堆外内存默认是多大
- 为什么要主动调用System.gc()
private static long directMemory = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // Returns the maximum amount of allocatable direct buffer memory. // The directMemory variable is initialized during system initialization // in the saveAndRemoveProperties method. // public static long maxDirectMemory() { return directMemory; }
/** * Initialize the system class. Called after thread initialization. */ private static void initializeSystemClass() { // VM might invoke JNU_NewStringPlatform() to set those encoding // sensitive properties (user.home, user.name, boot.class.path, etc.) // during "props" initialization, in which it may need access, via // System.getProperty(), to the related system encoding property that // have been initialized (put into "props") at early stage of the // initialization. So make sure the "props" is available at the // very beginning of the initialization and all system properties to // be put into it directly. props = new Properties(); initProperties(props); // initialized by the VM // There are certain system configurations that may be controlled by // VM options such as the maximum amount of direct memory and // Integer cache size used to support the object identity semantics // of autoboxing. Typically, the library will obtain these values // from the properties set by the VM. If the properties are for // internal implementation use only, these properties should be // removed from the system properties. // // See java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache and the // sun.misc.VM.saveAndRemoveProperties method for example. // // Save a private copy of the system properties object that // can only be accessed by the internal implementation. Remove // certain system properties that are not intended for public access. sun.misc.VM.saveAndRemoveProperties(props); ...... sun.misc.VM.booted(); }
public static void saveAndRemoveProperties(Properties props) { if (booted) throw new IllegalStateException("System initialization has completed"); savedProps.putAll(props); // Set the maximum amount of direct memory. This value is controlled // by the vm option -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>. // The maximum amount of allocatable direct buffer memory (in bytes) // from the system property sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize set by the VM. // The system property will be removed. String s = (String)props.remove("sun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize"); if (s != null) { if (s.equals("-1")) { // -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize not given, take default directMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); } else { long l = Long.parseLong(s); if (l > -1) directMemory = l; } } // Check if direct buffers should be page aligned s = (String)props.remove("sun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory"); if ("true".equals(s)) pageAlignDirectMemory = true; // Set a boolean to determine whether ClassLoader.loadClass accepts // array syntax. This value is controlled by the system property // "sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax". s = props.getProperty("sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax"); allowArraySyntax = (s == null ? defaultAllowArraySyntax : Boolean.parseBoolean(s)); // Remove other private system properties // used by java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache props.remove("java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high"); // used by java.util.zip.ZipFile props.remove("sun.zip.disableMemoryMapping"); // used by sun.launcher.LauncherHelper props.remove("sun.java.launcher.diag"); }
如果我们通过-Dsun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize指定了这个属性,只要它不等于-1,那效果和加了-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize一样的,如果两个参数都没指定,那么最大堆外内存的值来自于directMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_java_lang_Runtime_maxMemory(JNIEnv *env, jobject this) { return JVM_MaxMemory(); } JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(jlong, JVM_MaxMemory(void)) JVMWrapper("JVM_MaxMemory"); size_t n = Universe::heap()->max_capacity(); return convert_size_t_to_jlong(n); JVM_END
其中在我们使用CMS GC的情况下的实现如下,其实是新生代的最大值-一个survivor的大小+老生代的最大值,也就是我们设置的-Xmx的值里除去一个survivor的大小就是默认的堆外内存的大小了
size_t GenCollectedHeap::max_capacity() const { size_t res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _n_gens; i++) { res += _gens[i]->max_capacity(); } return res; } size_t DefNewGeneration::max_capacity() const { const size_t alignment = GenCollectedHeap::heap()->collector_policy()->min_alignment(); const size_t reserved_bytes = reserved().byte_size(); return reserved_bytes - compute_survivor_size(reserved_bytes, alignment); } size_t Generation::max_capacity() const { return reserved().byte_size(); }
private static class ReferenceHandler extends Thread { ReferenceHandler(ThreadGroup g, String name) { super(g, name); } public void run() { for (;;) { Reference r; synchronized (lock) { if (pending != null) { r = pending; Reference rn = r.next; pending = (rn == r) ? null : rn; r.next = r; } else { try { lock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } continue; } } // Fast path for cleaners if (r instanceof Cleaner) { ((Cleaner)r).clean(); continue; } ReferenceQueue q = r.queue; if (q != ReferenceQueue.NULL) q.enqueue(r); } } }
void VM_GC_Operation::doit_epilogue() { assert(Thread::current()->is_Java_thread(), "just checking"); // Release the Heap_lock first. SharedHeap* sh = SharedHeap::heap(); if (sh != NULL) sh->_thread_holds_heap_lock_for_gc = false; Heap_lock->unlock(); release_and_notify_pending_list_lock(); } void VM_GC_Operation::release_and_notify_pending_list_lock() { instanceRefKlass::release_and_notify_pending_list_lock(&_pending_list_basic_lock); }
对于System.gc的实现,之前写了一篇文章来重点介绍,JVM源码分析之SystemGC完全解读,它会对新生代的老生代都会进行内存回收,这样会比较彻底地回收DirectByteBuffer对象以及他们关联的堆外内存,我们dump内存发现DirectByteBuffer对象本身其实是很小的,但是它后面可能关联了一个非常大的堆外内存,因此我们通常称之为『冰山对象』,我们做ygc的时候会将新生代里的不可达的DirectByteBuffer对象及其堆外内存回收了,但是无法对old里的DirectByteBuffer对象及其堆外内存进行回收,这也是我们通常碰到的最大的问题,如果有大量的DirectByteBuffer对象移到了old,但是又一直没有做cms gc或者full gc,而只进行ygc,那么我们的物理内存可能被慢慢耗光,但是我们还不知道发生了什么,因为heap明明剩余的内存还很多(前提是我们禁用了System.gc)。
如果我们大面积使用堆外内存并且没有限制,那迟早会导致内存溢出,毕竟程序是跑在一台资源受限的机器上,因为这块内存的回收不是你直接能控制的,当然你可以通过别的一些途径,比如反射,直接使用Unsafe接口等,但是这些务必给你带来了一些烦恼,Java与生俱来的优势被你完全抛弃了—开发不需要关注内存的回收,由gc算法自动去实现。另外上面的gc机制与堆外内存的关系也说了,如果一直触发不了cms gc或者full gc,那么后果可能很严重。
《JVM调优与Hotspot源码解读》 在Java编程世界中,JVM(Java Virtual Machine)扮演着至关重要的角色。它负责运行Java应用程序,是Java“一次编写,到处运行”理念的核心。JVM调优是提升Java应用性能的关键步骤,而...
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新版书籍对此进行了更新,增加了对这些特性的介绍,并加强了对OpenJDK源码分析的讲解,让读者有机会深入源码层面理解JVM的实现细节。 无论是对于Java初学者还是资深开发者,掌握JVM的工作原理和高级特性对于编写...
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2. **监控指标**:学习如何解读和分析内存使用率、对象分配速率、GC频率等关键指标。 3. **配置部署**:掌握如何将probe.war文件部署到Tomcat服务器,以及如何配置Probe以适应你的特定环境需求。 4. **报警与通知*...
了解JVM如何加载类、执行字节码、内存管理(包括堆、栈、方法区等)、垃圾收集(GC)策略以及性能优化等方面,对于提升程序效率和解决内存泄漏等问题至关重要。 其次,源码解读是提升技术水平的重要途径。Java标准...
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