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I have a new Computer


Today is 2011/11/6, I went to a computer shop which belong to my roommite's collage student to buy a computer. The computer i bought this afternoon is ThinkPad T420i,it cost four thousend and senvern handred,It is not bed,I like it ,I can do a lot thing by using it.I can connect with my friends through it,I can sufer on the Internet,it is the dearest thing i bought in my life till today.





    - I have a new computer.(我有一台新电脑。) 2. **用餐**:"have"还可以与表示一日三餐的名词搭配,表示“吃早/中/晚餐”。 如:have breakfast/lunch/supper(吃早/中/晚饭) 3. **食物和饮料**:"have"还...


    例如"I have a new bag.","I have a new computer."等。接着,通过展示不同颜色的物品(如粉色的书包、黄色和黑色的电脑、黑白相间的书)来教授颜色词汇,并引导学生猜出哪种动物是黑白相间的,从而引出"panda"这一...


    - 引入个人物品和宠物,如"A yellow dog is on the bed." 和"I have a new computer in my bedroom." - 描述物品的特性,如"It's cute." 或 "It's my best friend." 8. 图画和装饰: - 学习描述墙上图画的词汇,...


    8. **新事物的介绍**:"I have a new computer in my bedroom."展示了如何介绍新事物,并强调了其重要性。 9. **词汇多样性**:文中出现的"bear lamp"和"several beautiful pictures"展示了词汇的丰富性和多样性,...

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