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四个开源商业智能平台比较(三) -
Thank you, the landlord, a good ...
商业智能平台研究(九) ETL 中的数据质量控制 -
我找到的这一篇是November 2006的,找了半天也没找到最新的,它是分各个不同组件的,我挑一些说一下:
1 。 Many components of JasperIntelligence are localizable. We are doing a pass through to make sure localization works at all levels.
2 。 Dashboards Multiple reports and OLAP components displayed in a single screen
3 . Portal (JSR168) integration: portlets, security
4 . Report data sources in all JR query languages, including Mondrian and XML/A
5 . Scheduling Enhanced UI for scheduling management
6 . JasperAnalysis Filtering views according to user profile, not just role
7. JasperAnalysis Visual Schema Builder
Visual MDX builder
1 可以看出jaspersoft的全球化的意图,实际这也是每一个成熟项目都需要面对的。
2 DashBoard是BI展现层技术比较集中的一个地方。我本身没有看过jaspersoft的DashBoard。
3 . portal是BI展现层不可避免要用到的技术,后面我也会就portal专门有一个篇比较的
4. data warehouse 也是支持越来越广泛。
5. 任务调度必不可少
6. 基于profile的参数控制也算是基于权限控制的另一种途径。因为普通的权限控制不可能满足BI的要求,太多的参数要管理了
7. Visual , Visual , Visual 不知道它的MDX怎么做的,如果跟JPivot一样就..................
1. Accelerate dashboard creation by delivering a dashboard design tool.
2. Business users will be able to select from subject areas predefined by administrator and apply filters (for example, certain time periods or product lines) to select the subset of information they need.
3. Wizard-driven interfaces to streamline the deployment and optimization of OLAP cubes .
4. Easily incorporate data from multiple sources into Pentaho Data Mining solutions via Pentaho Data Integration.
5. Offer integration with Content Management Systems (CMS) to store and manage access to generated reports.
1. 用DashBoard Design tool来做Dashboard,易用性又提高不少,pentaho喜欢把tool做成基于eclipse的tools,spagoBI则是喜欢模块化的设计,都基于web + plugin模式.
2. 预定义的filter,最后大家都可以共享和分发filter,有点像社交社区的功能
3. 用wizard-driven的方式来建cube,OLAP的功能会越来越厉害的,JPivot的不爽的另一种表现(挑拨离间我最在行,开玩笑的,大家别当真)
4. 我也不懂什么意思,pentaho论坛上也有人问了,没有回答
怎么集成的,怎样data mining , 集成到哪了,kettle吗?只有等release才知道
5. 终于还是要动用CMS来解决问题了,spagoBI在这点上领先一点.
First half 2007
Analytical engines and end-user functions
1 ETL: integration of Talend OS tool
2 OLAP: new OLAP engine for web based analysis or local spreadsheet elaboration - Integration of Palo/JPalo OS tool
3 OLAP: new XMLA engine, to integrate MS Analysis Services
4 QbE: profiling and filtering over data according to the behavioural model
5 Dashboard: enrichment and new components
6 Personal folders to storage private documents and the possibility of sharing them
7 Personal menus of quick access to all kind of documents
Developer/administrator functions
8 Scheduler: production, distribution and storage of off-line reporting, deferred execution of documentary Dossiers, Mining or ETL processes
9 Search engine
10 Predefined set of metadata to implement frequently used time parameters (ex. current month, current year, current date)
11 Self-analysis: analytical model developed with the SpagoBI platform on its own metadata. This model offers the developer/administrator the full visibility on the behavioural model and on the analytical metamodel managed by the platform.
12 Rich client (Ajax) for the developer and administrator functions
13 Designers: enrichment and simplification of the interactions with the platform for the development of the analytical documents
14 Evolution of the platform towards SOA architecture
15 Metamodel
Second half 2007
Analytical engines and end-user functions
16 Dashboard: new engine
17 Subscription: capability for the end-user to enter himself to the periodic delivery of predefined reporting.
18 Alerts and notifications
19 Geo-referenced analysis: improvement of the current engine and integration of GIS solutions
20 Navigation profile, to inherit settings during the vertical and cross navigation between the analytical areas and documents
Developer/administrator functions
21 Installer and end-user interface for the configuration of the environment
22 Rich client (Ajax) for the developer and administrator functions
23 Designers: enrichment and simplification of the interactions with the platform for the development of the analytical documents
24 Evolution of the platform towards SOA architecture
25 Metamodel
Applicatory development areas
* What-if
有很多人认为 pentaho有多么多么厉害,证据呢?能告诉我厉害在哪些方面吗?这个roadmap也许会给你一个不一样的答案pentaho宣传做的很好,有microsoft的风格,有什么都展现出来
2和3是支持新的OLAP Server的,Mondrian可不是唯一的选择。
4. 跟pentaho一样基于profiling,只不过spagoBI有自己的behavioural model(行为模式) ,比pentaho厉害一点
5 . pentaho的DashBoard注重在易用性方面,spagoBI 则是强调在功能上
6 和 7.pentaho的cms只是一个plan,spagoBI已经在做private folder和共享文档了,还有导航,技术又高一点.
8. mining ETLprocess ,后面我会在ETL的部分提到的
9 . Search Engine 基于lucene的search,cms一部分
10 .跟pentaho一样,常用的查询预先定义
18. 用户通知方式的加强.不知道会不会有 RSS的方式
19 . GEO 的查询快要和GIS集成了,十分期待,不知道会不会一样引用Google的API或是仍然基于原先的SVG.
21 - 25都是为用户易用性和更好的用户体验做的增强.
我找到的这一篇是November 2006的,找了半天也没找到最新的,它是分各个不同组件的,我挑一些说一下:
1 。 Many components of JasperIntelligence are localizable. We are doing a pass through to make sure localization works at all levels.
2 。 Dashboards Multiple reports and OLAP components displayed in a single screen
3 . Portal (JSR168) integration: portlets, security
4 . Report data sources in all JR query languages, including Mondrian and XML/A
5 . Scheduling Enhanced UI for scheduling management
6 . JasperAnalysis Filtering views according to user profile, not just role
7. JasperAnalysis Visual Schema Builder
Visual MDX builder
1 可以看出jaspersoft的全球化的意图,实际这也是每一个成熟项目都需要面对的。
2 DashBoard是BI展现层技术比较集中的一个地方。我本身没有看过jaspersoft的DashBoard。
3 . portal是BI展现层不可避免要用到的技术,后面我也会就portal专门有一个篇比较的
4. data warehouse 也是支持越来越广泛。
5. 任务调度必不可少
6. 基于profile的参数控制也算是基于权限控制的另一种途径。因为普通的权限控制不可能满足BI的要求,太多的参数要管理了
7. Visual , Visual , Visual 不知道它的MDX怎么做的,如果跟JPivot一样就..................
1. Accelerate dashboard creation by delivering a dashboard design tool.
2. Business users will be able to select from subject areas predefined by administrator and apply filters (for example, certain time periods or product lines) to select the subset of information they need.
3. Wizard-driven interfaces to streamline the deployment and optimization of OLAP cubes .
4. Easily incorporate data from multiple sources into Pentaho Data Mining solutions via Pentaho Data Integration.
5. Offer integration with Content Management Systems (CMS) to store and manage access to generated reports.
1. 用DashBoard Design tool来做Dashboard,易用性又提高不少,pentaho喜欢把tool做成基于eclipse的tools,spagoBI则是喜欢模块化的设计,都基于web + plugin模式.
2. 预定义的filter,最后大家都可以共享和分发filter,有点像社交社区的功能
3. 用wizard-driven的方式来建cube,OLAP的功能会越来越厉害的,JPivot的不爽的另一种表现(挑拨离间我最在行,开玩笑的,大家别当真)
4. 我也不懂什么意思,pentaho论坛上也有人问了,没有回答
怎么集成的,怎样data mining , 集成到哪了,kettle吗?只有等release才知道
5. 终于还是要动用CMS来解决问题了,spagoBI在这点上领先一点.
First half 2007
Analytical engines and end-user functions
1 ETL: integration of Talend OS tool
2 OLAP: new OLAP engine for web based analysis or local spreadsheet elaboration - Integration of Palo/JPalo OS tool
3 OLAP: new XMLA engine, to integrate MS Analysis Services
4 QbE: profiling and filtering over data according to the behavioural model
5 Dashboard: enrichment and new components
6 Personal folders to storage private documents and the possibility of sharing them
7 Personal menus of quick access to all kind of documents
Developer/administrator functions
8 Scheduler: production, distribution and storage of off-line reporting, deferred execution of documentary Dossiers, Mining or ETL processes
9 Search engine
10 Predefined set of metadata to implement frequently used time parameters (ex. current month, current year, current date)
11 Self-analysis: analytical model developed with the SpagoBI platform on its own metadata. This model offers the developer/administrator the full visibility on the behavioural model and on the analytical metamodel managed by the platform.
12 Rich client (Ajax) for the developer and administrator functions
13 Designers: enrichment and simplification of the interactions with the platform for the development of the analytical documents
14 Evolution of the platform towards SOA architecture
15 Metamodel
Second half 2007
Analytical engines and end-user functions
16 Dashboard: new engine
17 Subscription: capability for the end-user to enter himself to the periodic delivery of predefined reporting.
18 Alerts and notifications
19 Geo-referenced analysis: improvement of the current engine and integration of GIS solutions
20 Navigation profile, to inherit settings during the vertical and cross navigation between the analytical areas and documents
Developer/administrator functions
21 Installer and end-user interface for the configuration of the environment
22 Rich client (Ajax) for the developer and administrator functions
23 Designers: enrichment and simplification of the interactions with the platform for the development of the analytical documents
24 Evolution of the platform towards SOA architecture
25 Metamodel
Applicatory development areas
* What-if
有很多人认为 pentaho有多么多么厉害,证据呢?能告诉我厉害在哪些方面吗?这个roadmap也许会给你一个不一样的答案pentaho宣传做的很好,有microsoft的风格,有什么都展现出来
2和3是支持新的OLAP Server的,Mondrian可不是唯一的选择。
4. 跟pentaho一样基于profiling,只不过spagoBI有自己的behavioural model(行为模式) ,比pentaho厉害一点
5 . pentaho的DashBoard注重在易用性方面,spagoBI 则是强调在功能上
6 和 7.pentaho的cms只是一个plan,spagoBI已经在做private folder和共享文档了,还有导航,技术又高一点.
8. mining ETLprocess ,后面我会在ETL的部分提到的
9 . Search Engine 基于lucene的search,cms一部分
10 .跟pentaho一样,常用的查询预先定义
18. 用户通知方式的加强.不知道会不会有 RSS的方式
19 . GEO 的查询快要和GIS集成了,十分期待,不知道会不会一样引用Google的API或是仍然基于原先的SVG.
21 - 25都是为用户易用性和更好的用户体验做的增强.
JFreeReport 0.9 的特性预览
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在tomcat上部署pentaho 1.5.3
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商业智能平台研究(十一) BI基本概念
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商业智能平台研究 (十) ETL 选型
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商业智能平台研究(九) ETL 中的数据质量控制
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### Pentaho 开源商业智能平台在 CentOS 中的搭建详解 #### 一、Pentaho 概述 Pentaho 是一款非常受欢迎的开源商务智能(Business Intelligence, BI)平台,以其全面的功能和易于使用的特性而著称。它不仅提供了一个...
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