一、 JS api
1、支持 Object到 json数据格式的相互转换
2、支持 Object到url编码、转换(key不编码,value自动编码为%3A这样的形式),支持url格式到Object的解码、转换
6、提供从Object 的key--- alue形式快速填写到form表单,提供从表单快速转换为key - value 的Object
二、HTML dom api等部分
1、支持XPath、css selector的选择API,并支持迭代
3、所有的表单元素支持自动捕获数据、自动完成功能,支持制定 url参数自动捕获完成的下拉列表
1、每个浏览器内置p2p浏览功能,从而大幅降低web服务器负担,提升页面浏览速度,并且支持设置对那些静态资源进行采用P2P进行分享、献流,而服务器端则按p2p 服务器的需要进行设计和支持;
..... 心中唯流“此情可待成追忆 只是当时已惘然”......
Looking to the future perfect browser, and we look forward to microsoft and google .....
For me personally, I hope that the perfect browser with the following features】 【hope that we express their views:
Add the following functions aimed at improving the performance of web applications, application development to improve the usability and development efficiency
1, JS api
1, support Object to the json data format conversion between
2, support Object to the url encoding, conversion (key non-coding, value automatically encoded as follows: in such a way) to support the url format to Object decoding, conversion
3, Ajax asynchronous further package, able to directly send the Object, or a Form object, automatically converted to a form of internal data format, can support with the submission of documents
4, supports large collection of data sorting, filtering, easy to do large data fast multi-column table sorting, filtering,
5, Array support the iterative and indexOf, filter
6, providing the key --- alue from Object quickly fill out the form to the form the form, providing rapid conversion from a form to key - value of the Object
2, HTML dom api and some other
1, support XPath, css selector choice of API, and support the iterative
3, all the form element supports automatic capture of data, auto-complete function, support the development of url parameter auto-complete drop-down list to capture
2, support for dates, numbers, period number, identity card, postcode, telephone and so on with the power of application development using HTML tags
3, the drop-down internal standard html tags should be supported to allow entry of new values, support from the specified URL in the drop-down list to obtain data to support multi-column display, support for fast positioning and support features such as rapid filtration
4, more than something to support the container label from a given reference to the specified url in the html fragment id of the element as its content - in particular, to support the <script>, rather than simply innerhtml
5, page leaving the page to release all the memory resources, even between js and HTML reference to an object
6, all the html tags visible support to hide and show the api, and in the hidden location of the time should not be occupied by
7, provide detailed, based on high-level programming language (eg C) expansion of the new code html tags - that is, the browser is the core of a micro-kernel framework, all of the html tag is plug-in
8, enhance and simplify the window with the domain of interaction between the object function
9, img direct support for binary data, without having to get src
10, to achieve a powerful form html tags, can refer to the PB of the datawindow, EXCEL, where I will not detail the features listed
Believe that these are the development needs, web is no longer a pure html page, but with the development needs of the times! Alice, I head to wait, I believe in the future who should achieve the above functions, one who will certainly shock the entire Internet market! Deep regret the major companies are copper doors closed, Jin Jian nowhere, remote send no boats, only a little ink in the sub to the table - look forward to their chance to find and to adopt it, in our Creator!
..... Mind only flow "right here waiting just at the time Wang Ran into a Remembrance "......
Original and reproduced Please mark "style masters. MTXTQQ.11602011"
Bo Main Recommended source: http://code.google.com/p/json-rpc-for-java/
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3. **Chrome的诞生**:2008年,Google推出了Chrome浏览器,凭借快速、稳定和安全的特点,以及强大的JavaScript引擎V8,Chrome在短时间内成为市场的新宠。其简洁的设计理念和沙盒安全模型改变了用户对浏览器的期待。 ...
10. **未来展望:** Google正积极布局人工智能、物联网(IoT)、量子计算等前沿领域,为未来的技术发展和市场需求做准备。 综上所述,Google的战略制定体现了其对科技创新、市场拓展、用户需求和企业责任的全面考量...
1. 微软的梦魇:展望了微软在浏览器市场可能面临的挑战,特别是在WebKit等开源内核的竞争下。 2. 云端技术的发展:探讨了云技术对浏览器未来的影响,比如云计算服务如何与浏览器相结合,提供更丰富的应用。 3. ...
### 微软研发用户追踪新技术欲取代Cookie ...随着更多互联网巨头加入到这一趋势中,我们可以期待未来会有更多创新的解决方案出现,不仅能够更好地服务于用户,也能满足不断变化的市场需求和技术标准。
6. HTML5的市场竞争力和未来展望:文档中提到苹果、微软等公司对HTML5的高度评价,以及对HTML5可能改变互联网世界变革的期待,强调了HTML5的市场地位和未来发展的潜力。 7. HTML5技术在其他领域的应用:除了传统的...
五、未来展望: 随着技术的发展,AJAX不仅限于XML,还可以使用JSON等其他数据格式。同时,更多的框架和库(如jQuery、AngularJS、React等)简化了AJAX的使用,使得开发人员能够更高效地构建富互联网应用程序(RIA)...
此外,还涉及虚拟化技术如OpenStack,云计算数据中心的运作,以及中国云计算技术的现状和未来展望。 在Hadoop 2.0这一章节,课程详细讲解了以下几个方面: 1. **5.1 引例**:通常引例会通过实际案例来引入Hadoop ...
I design my future bright.” 这句话象征着对未来的积极展望,可以作为设计的主题或激励语,提醒演讲者对知识的追求和对新生活的期待。 7. **自定义功能**:使用这样的模板,学生可以根据自己的需求调整字体、...
AV1的出现,得到了包括亚马逊、苹果、思科、脸谱、谷歌、IBM、英特尔、微软和Netflix等行业巨头的支持,他们联合起来,致力于推动AV1成为未来4K视频编解码的新标准。 在硬件领域,选择合适的编解码格式意味着成本的...
Ajax的核心组件之一XMLHttpRequest,最初由微软的MSXML实现,并随后被Mozilla和其他浏览器采纳和标准化。虽然W3C直到2004年才开始考虑“Load and Save”规格,但实际上,许多公司如Amazon和Google早已在实际项目中...
科技巨头如苹果、谷歌和微软围绕操作系统进行垂直整合,通过软硬件结合和生态系统建设,强化了对产业链的控制。 再者,HTML5技术成为行业关注的焦点,作为下一代Web技术,HTML5有望大幅提升Web应用的性能和功能,...
- **未来展望**: 预示着Web Game将迎来新一轮的发展高潮。 **6. Firefox Aurora版本测试** - **版本更新**: 最新版Firefox Aurora在多个平台上线测试。 - **改进特点**: 用户界面优化、增强了第三方扩展的管理...
3. Chrome Remote Desktop:谷歌提供的免费工具,通过Chrome浏览器实现远程连接,支持多种操作系统。 4. Microsoft Remote Desktop:微软官方出品,主要用于Windows系统的远程连接,也有Android和iOS版本。 三、...
文件中提到了许多具体软件产品的更新与发布,如Google Storage的全面开放、Microsoft发布IOS版Window Azure工具包等。这些更新和发布对IT行业有着深远的影响,反映了云服务、移动开发等领域的发展趋势。 ### 开发与...
12. **浏览器**:谷歌浏览器/微软edge/火狐,用于访问和测试Web应用程序。 13. **技术栈**:Java、MySQL、Maven、Spring、SpringMVC、Mybatis、Ajax、Vue等,这些技术共同构成了系统的开发基础。 #### 三、系统设计...
- **浏览器**:Google Chrome/Microsoft Edge/Firefox。 5. **其他技术**:AJAX、Vue等 - **AJAX**:异步JavaScript和XML技术,实现网页的局部刷新。 - **Vue.js**:用于构建用户界面的渐进式框架。 #### 三、...