1. You have two ways to use Jasper reports, one is to download and installe the Jaser Server and use it. It'll install Tomcat and by default PostgreSql, and an web application for managing your reports. The other way is to include Jasper reports libs in your application and manage the report generation and export programmatically by yourself.
2. Jasper report generation include these steps: create template (.jrxml), compile template (.jasper), fill report template (.jrprint), and then save the report to disk/ or export to other format/media, such as web application pages.
3. Jasper repot template normally generated with a tool, such as iReports.
But the template generated by IReport normally has the SQL query embedded inside the xml template. You can remove the query section and recomile it to get the .jasper file. You can create your own data source and fill the report accordingly, like by a JRResultSetDataSource. This way, you move the DAO to your own program and control it programmtically.
4. To fill a comipled Jasper report template:
JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(String sourceFile, String destFile, Map params, JRDataSource ds);
5. To export a Jasper report to PDF as one go: (it can be jdbc or JPA)
String sql = "ur query";
Connection conn = DAOUtil.getConnection(dsname);
ResultSet resultSet = ....
JRResultSetDataSource ds = new JRResultSetDataSource(resultSet);
JasperRunManager.runReportToPdsStream(rptAsInStream, outputStream, new HashMap(), ds);
// if jsf, you wanna break its life cycle
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
// if http, you wanna set header(s) here
// response.setContenType("application/pdf");
6. The normal steps to export to a pdf file:
File file = new File("/report/myReport.jrprint");
try {
JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint) JRLoader.loadObject(file);
JRPdfExporter pdfExporter = new JRPdfExporter();
pdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
pdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterOUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "/export/myReport.pdf");
catch(Exception e) {
7. It's similar to export to Excel file:
File file = new File("/report/myReport.jrprint");
try {
JasperPrint jasperPrint = (JasperPrint) JRLoader.loadObject(file);
JExcelApiExporter xlsExporter = new JExcelApiExporter ();
xlsExporter .setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
xlsExporter .setParameter(JRExporterOUTPUT_FILE_NAME, "/export/myReport.xls");
xlsExporter .exportReport();
catch(Exception e) {
Note: it's preferable to use JExcelApiExporter, which is the newer implementation of Excel exporter. The original JrXlsExporter is does not support exporting images.
That's all for an introduction to Jasper report (-;
**安装Jasper Reports** 要开始使用Jasper Reports,你需要先进行安装。Jasper Reports的所有报表功能都包含在一个单一的JAR文件中,可以从SourceForge的项目页面下载。除此之外,还需要以下依赖: 1. Java虚拟机...
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### Jasper Reports 详解 #### 一、引言 在企业级应用开发中,报表生成是一项常见且重要的功能。Jasper Reports 是一个强大的开源报表引擎,它能够从多种数据源(如 J2EE 应用程序)接收数据,并生成各种格式的...
- **发行版本分类**:文档介绍了JASPER Reports Server的不同发行版本,包括安装程序分布和支持WAR文件的二进制分布。 - **安装程序分布**:包含了完整的安装包,适合新手或希望快速部署的用户。 - **WAR文件二进制...
jaspars提供了与Remedy AR系统兼容的Jasper Reports定制数据源(JRDataSource)。 有关更多信息和使用说明,请参见http://www.mypathworks.com/arslist/Public?id=8ae4b6940c259f32010c3707fbae01bf。
在使用 iReport 和 Jasper Reports 时可能会遇到各种问题,包括但不限于数据源配置错误、报表设计不当等。针对这些问题,需要逐一排查并解决。 通过本教程的学习,你可以了解到如何使用 iReport 设计复杂的报表,并...
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这个“jasper-jarbao3-7”可能就是Jasper Reports的一个特定版本,版本号为3.7。JasperReports支持多种数据源,包括数据库、CSV文件、XML数据等,能够生成PDF、HTML、Excel、CSV等多种格式的报表。 1. **...
Jasper 报告查看器。 运行 jasper 文件,并提示用户输入必要的参数。 还支持动态参数,其中给定参数可以从 sql 查询(单选/多选)生成值列表。 面向最终用户的JasperReports Viewer
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根据提供的文件信息,我们可以深入探讨Jasper Reports的核心API及其各个组成部分的功能与作用。Jasper Reports是一款流行的开源报表工具,主要用于生成复杂、动态的报表。它支持多种数据源,并能将生成的报表输出为...
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jasper.jar jasper.jar