Guide to setup ATG10 on linux
ATG platform depends on at least 2 products: java and application server. This guide illustrates how to setup ATG10 by using jdk1.6 and jboss5.
Configuration list:
OS: Linux CentOS 2.6.18 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Java: jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin
ATG: ATG10.0.1.bin
All lines start with a sharp sign(#) are linux commands, like this one
# chmod +x jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin
1. jdk installation and configuration
If old version(s) of jdk has been installed and configured in the system, you do not need to uninstall it. That doesn't matter us much.
Use following commands to install:
# chmod +x jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin
# ./jdk-6u11-linux-i586.bin
After installation complete, we need to setup Java environment variables. To enable system-wide variables, we modify /etc/profile, adding the following 4 lines to the end of the file.
To check the variable setting, we need to logout and then login. Use following commands:
# java -version
java version "1.6.0_11"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_11-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.0-b16, mixed mode)
# javac -version
javac 1.6.0_11
Then we can check the information's correctness.
2. jboss5 install and config
As jdk installed and configured, installing JBoss is fairly simple, just unzip the file to directory we want.
# unzip -d /usr/java
Here we extracted the zip file to /usr/java directory, so the JBOSS_HOME variable should be set to /usr/java/jboss-5.0.0.GA.
3. ATG10
Not like several JDKs can be existed in one system, we need to uninstall older versions of ATG to ensure the correctness of ATG platform. To uninstall ATG, use following commands:
# cd <dir>/ATG/ATG9.1/uninstall/.ASE9.1_uninstall
# ./Uninstall_ATG_9.1
After remove old version of ATG, we can now install the latest one or the one you need.
Much too often, we access to our linux/unix server through terminal and don't have any desktop utilities. In this case, you add an argument to install ATG like the following.
# ./ATG10.0.1.bin -i console
Then follow the console guide and respond to the promts. In the process of installation, we will be asked to enter and choose information. The 2 important pieces of information are listed below:
jboss home: <absolute_jboss_home_path>
java home: <absolute_java_home_path>
If you do have the utilities of server's desktop view, the pain of following the command prompts can be easied to use Java Swing window, by changing the console argument to swing.
# ./ATG10.0.1.bin -i swing
Then follow the wizzard showing in swing window, as exactly in Windows OS.
After seeing the congratulations information, we need to add a environment variable to ease our life in the future.
Remember to logout and login to make the change working.
4. Test of setting up.
To see if we set ATG successfully, we can start the ATG built-in reference application called Motorprise. Use following commands to fire the app up!
# $ATGDIR/DAS/solid/i486-unknown-linux2/bin/solfe -c $ATGDIR/DAS/solid/atgdb
# $ATGDIR/home/bin/ -c atg -f -run-in-place -m MotorpriseJSP Fulfillment
If console doesn't show any error message, then after app started, we can access to http://localhost:8080/Motorprise through our favorite web browsers. Then we can see the results.
Any suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment it.
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