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June 24th One Short Message Can Make Me Feel So Good

well, i must admit that sometimes i'm a sensitive person, because one short message from her could make me feel great... what's on the message? it's is a secret~ haha ( but it's really on this page...yes, exactly the page you are reading )

if you found this, you are smart~ the short message is, "准备睡觉了,想你了". really feel nice :)


    Download cuDNN v8.0.1 RC2 (June 26th, 2020), for CUDA 10.2

    **正文** cuDNN,全称为CUDA深度神经网络库(CUDA Deep Neural Network library),是由NVIDIA公司开发的一个针对GPU加速的深度学习库。这个库专为高性能计算而设计,能够极大提升深度学习模型的训练和推理速度。...


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    标题“sqlt_10g_11g_12c_18c_19c_5th_June_2020.zip”表明这是一个包含Oracle数据库不同版本(10g, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c)相关SQL工具或脚本的压缩文件,更新日期为2020年6月5日。SQLT(SQL Tuning Advisor Test)是...

    Swift5:Exploring the iOS SDK, 5th Edition-June 2, 2019-5th.pdf

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    DirectX SDK June 2010

    DirectX SDK June 2010是微软发布的一个软件开发工具包,专为游戏开发者和图形程序员设计,用于创建基于DirectX技术的应用程序。这个版本的SDK包含了开发DirectX应用程序所需的头文件(.h)和库文件(.lib),允许...

    Actual test june 11th update VCP-510_formatted_by_SAN_12_6_2012.rar

    vcp 数据中心虚拟化 VCP5-DCV 或 VCP6-DCV 网络虚拟化 VCP-NV 或 VCP6-NV 云计算与自动化 VCP-Cloud, VCP6-CMA 或 VCM7-CMA 桌面虚拟化 VCP6-DTM 或 VCP7-DTM

    Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)

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    Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

    该软件包是微软的DirectX一系列技术的集成,用来提供Windows平台多媒体运行的API,支持...DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)包含DX9、DX10、DX11。 安装了DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)就不必安装DX9了。

    The Feel Of Java -James Gosling(Java之父)June 1997, pp. 53-57, vol. 30

    The buzzwords that have been applied to Java-distributed computing, architecture neutrality, and so on-derive directly from this context. This article provides a firsthand account of some of the ...

    Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010).rar.rar

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    Java邮件开发Fundamentals of the JavaMail API

    Sun has one available separate from the JavaMail implementation. After downloading and unbundling pop31_1_1.zip, add pop3.jar to your CLASSPATH, too. After installing JavaMail 1.1.3, install the ...

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    7. **面试准备**:表达对面试的期待和自信,愿意随时接受面试,例如:"I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today." 8. **行业了解**:展现对所申请行业或...

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