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June 4th a Nice Sunday


Yesterday was the first time i dated her. Most of the time, we read books together because she's preparing the CPA certification test in September.

Well, i have to admit that we didn't have a good efficiency in reading, only 50% as usual( according her statistics ). But i do enjoy reading books with her, she looks so cute while concentrating on her books. yes, that's one of the reasons i love her - EARNEST.

In the night i did something that maybe embarrassed her... i feel sorry for this, maybe i got over excited... hope she could forgive me. i promise that i'll love her all along, make her happy, ever. ( for the make up, i'm gonna give her a surprise this weekend :)  )

Today, she leant on my shoulder when we took a car to work, just like a babe girl :D . I like that feeling!



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