public boolean isEexit(){ try { String sql = "select url from app_table limit 0, 1"; Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null); c.close(); return true ; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false ; } }
private void getData(int size,String name,String value){ String where = size + "=0 and " + name + " is not null and " + value + " is not null"; Cursor cursor = db.query("info_table", null, where, null,null, null, null); String where = size + "=0 and " + name + " is null"; Cursor cursor = db.query("info_table", null, where, null,null, null, null); String where = size + ">0 and " + name + " is null"; Cursor cursor = db.query("info_table", null, where, null,null, null, null); }
"size > 0"
" size > 0 and name= '"+name+"'"
size +" <> "+ 1
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