Wolf CMS simplifies content management by offering an elegant user
interface, flexible templating per page, simple user management and
permissions, as well as the tools necessary for file management. Wolf
CMS is a fork of Frog CMS. Although the two applications still share a
family resemblance, Wolf has left Frog’s development path.
GetSimple is an XML based lite Content Management System. To go along
with it’s intuitive user interface, it’s loaded with features that
every website needs, but with nothing it doesn’t.
Perch is a really little content management system for when you (or
your clients) need to edit content without the hassle of setting up a
big CMS.
sNews is a completely free, standards compliant, PHP and MySQL driven
Content Management System. It is extremely lightweight, simple and
customizable. This cms consists of only one core engine file, one
independent template file and its accompanying CSS stylesheet file, plus
an .htaccess file that makes all URLs search engine friendly.
Zimplit is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. It’s easy
to install, and easy to use via a simple web interface. Zimplit consists
of only one core engine file.
PageLime is a simple CMS for web designers. It acts as a remote
Content Management System that allows you to update the content, images,
and documents on your web site without any setup. All you have to do is
add the ‘cms-editable’ CSS class to any element on your site, and we
host the application that edits your site.
With Surreal CMS, there’s absolutely nothing to install. Just enter
your website’s FTP info and you’re connected! Within minutes, you can
enable webpages, add content regions, assign editors, and begin updating
your website — and you don’t even need an FTP client to get started.
CMS Made Simple provides a fast and easy way to create a web site and
manage its contents. Use it to make a home page for your family — or
your multinational corporation!
A fully branded, easy to use content management system for your
clients. All you do is add a little piece of code to your existing site.
CushyCMS is a Content Management Systems (CMS) that is truly simple.
It’s free for unlimited users, unlimited changes, unlimited pages and
unlimited sites.
7. **SEO优化**:轻量级CMS可能内置了搜索引擎优化功能,如元标签设置、URL重写,以提高网站在搜索引擎中的排名。 8. **缓存机制**:为了提高性能,CMS可能会利用缓存技术(如APC、Memcached或Redis)来减少数据库...
PHP实例开发源码—狂雨小说cms内容管理系统 轻量级小说网站.zip PHP实例开发源码—狂雨小说cms内容管理系统 轻量级小说网站.zip PHP实例开发源码—狂雨小说cms内容管理系统 轻量级小说网站.zip
ELINCMS是针对快速搭建企业站所开发一套轻量级的CMS管理系统!系统采用PHP MYSQL开发,内建了新闻、产品、人才招聘、客户留言的等基础模块,它将你给带来快速建站的乐趣! 产品特点: PHP MYSQL开发 应用主流的B/S ...
**AkCMS轻量级网站内容管理系统** AkCMS是一款基于PHP编程语言开发的轻量级网站内容管理系统,专为快速构建和管理小型至中型网站而设计。它的核心特性在于其简洁、高效和易于定制,使得开发者能够以较低的学习曲线...
【PHP实例开发源码—狂雨小说CMS内容管理系统 轻量级小说网站】 这个压缩包文件提供了一个基于PHP的轻量级小说内容管理系统——狂雨小说CMS。它旨在帮助开发者快速搭建一个功能完备的小说网站,适用于个人博客、...
总的来说,"基于ASP的X2CMS 轻量级CMS解决方案 1.1 Beta"是一个使用ASP技术构建的,适合小型网站使用的轻量级内容管理系统,旨在简化网站管理,提高效率。尽管没有详细的功能列表,但我们可以预期它具备基本的CMS...
Bludit轻量级博客CMS系统是国外一款多语言轻量级网站CMS系统(支持中文),它能够让你简单快速的建立一个博客或是网站。 Bludit是完全开放源码的,它采用JSON格式来存储文章和页面,则不需要安装或配置数据库。只...
【标题】基于PHP的狂雨小说CMS内容管理系统是一款专为构建轻量级小说网站而设计的开源源码。它利用了PHP语言的强大功能和灵活性,为开发者提供了快速搭建小说网站的解决方案。 【描述】该系统核心特点在于轻量级...
【标题】"基于PHP的MMCMS 轻量级CMS系统" PHP是一种广泛使用的开源脚本语言,尤其在Web开发领域中占据主导地位。MMCMS是基于PHP开发的一款轻量级内容管理系统,它旨在提供一个高效、易用且功能丰富的平台,用于快速...