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Mysql: LBS实现查找附近的人 (两经纬度之间的距离) -
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jquery在线预览PDF文件,打开PDF文件 -
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css透明度的设置 (兼容所有浏览器) -
推荐用StratoIO打印控件,浏览器和系统的兼容性都很好,而 ...
Ctrl + A | Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on |
Ctrl + E | Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on |
Ctrl + L | Clears the Screen |
Command + K | Clears the Screen |
Ctrl + U | Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. |
Ctrl + H | Same as backspace |
Ctrl + R | Let’s you search through previously used commands |
Ctrl + C | Kill whatever you are running |
Ctrl + D | Exit the current shell |
Ctrl + Z | Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it. |
Ctrl + W | Delete the word before the cursor |
Ctrl + K | Clear the line after the cursor |
Ctrl + T | Swap the last two characters before the cursor |
Esc + T | Swap the last two words before the cursor |
Alt + F | Move cursor forward one word on the current line |
Alt + B | Move cursor backward one word on the current line |
Tab | Auto-complete files and folder names |
cd | Home directory |
cd [folder] | Change directory |
cd ~ | Home directory, e.g. ‘cd ~/folder/’ |
cd / | Root of drive |
ls | Short listing |
ls -l | Long listing |
ls -a | Listing incl. hidden files |
ls -lh | Long listing with Human readable file sizes |
ls -R | Entire content of folder recursively |
sudo [command] | Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO) |
open [file] | Opens a file ( as if you double clicked it ) |
top | Displays active processes. Press q to quit |
nano [file] | Opens the Terminal it’s editor |
pico [file] | Opens the Terminal it’s editor |
q | Exit |
clear | Clear screen |
history n | Shows the stuff typed – add a number to limit the last n items |
ctrl-r | Interactively search through previously typed commands |
![value] | Execute the last command typed that starts with ‘value’ |
!! | Execute the last command typed |
touch [file] | Create new file |
pwd | Full path to working directory |
.. | Parent/enclosing directory, e.g. |
‘ls -l ..’ = Long listing of parent directory | |
‘cd ../../’ = Move 2 levels up | |
. | Current folder |
cat | Concatenate to screen |
rm [file] | Remove a file, e.g. rm [file] [file] |
rm -i [file] | Remove with confirmation |
rm -r [dir] | Remove a directory and contents |
rm -f [file] | Force removal without confirmation |
rm -i [file] | Will display prompt before |
cp [file] [newfile] | Copy file to file |
cp [file] [dir] | Copy file to directory |
mv [file] [new filename] | Move/Rename, e.g. mv -v [file] [dir] |
mkdir [dir] | Create new directory |
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] | Create nested directories |
rmdir [dir] | Remove directory ( only operates on empty directories ) |
rm -R [dir] | Remove directory and contents |
PIPES – Allows to combine multiple commands that generate output
more | Output content delivered in screensize chunks |
> [file] | Push output to file, keep in mind it will get overwritten |
>> [file] | Append output to existing file |
< | Tell command to read content from a fi |
[command] -h | Offers help |
[command] —help | Offers help |
[command] help | Offers help |
reset | Resets the terminal display |
man [command] | Show the help for ‘command’ |
whatis [command] | Gives a one-line description of ‘command’ |
Last edited by 0nn0, a year ago
grab the full resolution (2500×1600) version here .
Shutdown your Mac using a terminal command
The shutdown command comes in handy if you want to shutdown or reboot your Mac at a specific time. Here are some of the examples. You should be a super user to use these commands.
Some examples.
Shutdown immediately:
Restart immediately:
Shutdown at 9 pm:
Shutdown in 5 minutes:
Restart immediately
Shutdown immediately
If you are not an admin user non of the above commands are going to help. If that’s the case try the following commands.
Shutdown immediately:
Restart immediately:
Linux / Unix: curl Command Download File Example
know how to use wget command
to grab files. But, how do you download file using curl command line
under Linux / Mac OS X / BSD or Unix like operating systems?
GNU wget is a free utility for non-interactive download
of files from the Web. curl is another tool to transfer data from or to
a server, using one of the supported protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS,
designed to work without user interaction. curl offers many features
such as:
- Proxy support.
- User authentication.
- FTP upload.
- HTTP post.
- SSL connections.
- Cookies.
- File transfer resume and more.
curl download file
The syntax is as follows to grab (download) files from remote http/ftp server:
curl -o output.file http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file .tar .gz
curl -O http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file .tar .gz
curl --remote-name http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file .tar .gz
You can download a web page and store in a local file as follows:
curl -o nixcraft.html http://www.cyberciti.biz/low.html
You can grab or download multiple files as follows:
curl -O http://www.cyberciti.biz/low.html -O http://bash.cyberciti.biz/dl/581 .sh .zip
curl download file from an ssh server
You can grab file securely using from an SSH server using SFTP:
curl -u username sftp://server1.cyberciti.biz/path/to/file
OR (note ~ means your $HOME)
curl -u vivek sftp://home1.cyberciti.biz/~/docs/resume.pdf
You can grab a file from an SSH server using SCP using a private key to authenticate. The syntax is:
curl -u username: --key ~/.ssh /id_rsa --pubkey ~/.ssh /id_rsa.pub scp ://home1.cyberciti.biz/~/Videos/rhn_register.ogv
- -u username - Specify the user name (and optional password) to use for server authentication.
- -u username:password - Specify the user name (and optional password) to use for server authentication.
- --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa - SSL or SSH private key file name. Allows you to provide your private key in this separate file.
- --pubkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub - SSH Public key file name. Allows you to provide your public key in this separate file.
- scp://home1.cyberciti.biz/~/Videos/rhn_register.ogv - Use scp protocol and download file from my home server called home1.cyberciti.biz.
Curl: Download a file using username and password
The syntax is as follows to grab a file using ftp username and password:
curl ftp://username:passwd@ftp1.cyberciti.biz:21/path/to/backup.tar.gz
curl -u UserName:PassWord ftp ://ftp1.cyberciti.biz:21 /backups/07 /07 /2012 /mysql.blog.sql.tar .gz
Secure ftp user (ftp with ssl) can pass the --ftp-ssl option to curl command:
curl --ftp-ssl -u UserName:PassWord ftp ://ftp1.cyberciti.biz:21 /backups/07 /07 /2012 /mysql.blog.sql.tar .gz
HTTP authentication
HTTP user can use the following syntax:
curl http://username:passwd @server1.cyberciti.biz/file /path/data.tar .gz
curl -u Username:Password http://server1.cyberciti.biz/file /path/data.tar .gz
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"CheatSheet for Mac"就是一款专为Mac用户设计的快捷键查看工具,它能够帮助用户快速了解并记忆系统及应用中的快捷键组合,提升操作效率。这款软件的版本号是1.0.1,且提供免费下载,使得更多用户得以轻松享受便捷的...
标题中的“cheatsheet for mac”指的是Mac操作系统中的一种实用工具,它可以帮助用户快速了解并记忆各种应用程序的快捷键。快捷键是提高工作效率的关键,尤其是在使用计算机时,熟练掌握快捷键能够大大提升工作速度...
《CheatSheet_1.2.9 for MacOS:掌握Mac系统的高效快捷键操作》 在数字化办公的时代,熟练掌握计算机快捷键是提升工作效率的关键。针对Mac操作系统,有一款名为"CheatSheet"的实用工具,其版本1.2.9特别为Mac用户...
CheatSheet for Mac是专门用来查看应用程序快捷键的工具,安装好cheatsheet软件后,在软件界面长按Command键即可快速查看快捷键列表,非常的便捷,想要了解更多关于软件的快捷键,那就赶紧试试cheatsheet for mac吧...
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CheatSheet for mac是Mac os平台上的一款非常不错的帮助用户快速产看自己设置的快捷键,CheatSheet for mac能显示出几乎所有软件程序的快捷键列表,而列表中的功能,除了可以用快捷键操作,也是可以点的。...
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一旦解压,生成的“CheatSheet.app”文件,就像是为Mac用户量身定制的工具箱,它将Mac操作系统的众多快捷键集于一身,使得用户能够高效地通过快捷键完成各种复杂操作。 从描述中我们可以得知,CheatSheet的设计初衷...
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《CheatSheet_1.3.1:提升软件使用效率的快捷键指南》 在数字化时代,高效使用各种软件已经成为日常工作中不可或缺的技能。而掌握软件的快捷键,无疑是提升工作效率的一大法宝。CheatSheet_1.3.1,这款实用工具,...
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这份"vim_cheat_sheet_for_programmers.xlsx"文件很可能是以表格形式进一步详细列出这些知识点,方便用户查阅和打印。通过学习和实践这个cheat sheet,初学者可以迅速提升vim操作效率,逐步成为一名vim高手。记住,...
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