Magento seems to include the “Login” link by default. However, Magento does not seem to show a link to Logout after one logs in.
If you have been searching tirelessly for a solution to your Magento
logout woes, have no worries your search is at an end! We’ve already
searched and found. We’ve included the code you will need to add a
Logout link to Magento. This code actually
only displays the pertinent link – so if a user is already logged in
they will only see a Logout link and if a user is not Logged in then
they will see a Login link.
Here is the code:
<?php if (! Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()): ?>
<a href="<?php echo Mage::helper('customer')->getLoginUrl(); ?>"><?php echo $this->__('Login') ?></a>
<?php else: ?>
<a href="<?php echo Mage::helper('customer')->getLogoutUrl(); ?>"><?php echo $this->__('Logout') ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
So there you have it, a way to add a Logout link to Magento!
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如何给产品描述里的关键字、字词批量添加链接?我想大家一直在的这样的插件。说实话,我也找了很久,也没有找到。可是由于需要,不得不自己开发一个这样的插件。并支持到Magento1.6.2 说明请查看:...
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### Magento 全面指南知识点概览 #### 一、引言 《Magento全面指南》是电子商务平台Magento的权威参考书籍,由Adam McCombs与Robert Banh共同编写。本书不仅适用于初学者,对于有一定经验的开发者和技术人员也同样...
You’ll start by getting a general understanding of what Magento is, why and how you should use it, and whether it is possible and feasible to migrate from an old web store to Magento 2. As you work ...
Chapter 6, Creating a Magento 2 Theme, discusses the Magento 2 blank theme and how to use the fallback to create seasonal variations. It also explains how the new theme is set up and where files are ...
同时,也删除了一些过时的表格,如**catalog_product_bundle_option_link**(产品捆绑选项链接),以优化数据库结构和性能。 综上所述,Magento的数据结构复杂而精细,涵盖了从商品管理、客户关系维护、订单处理到...
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在`app/design/frontend/{Package}/{Theme}/layout/local.xml`中,添加一个新的菜单项,链接到你定义的控制器和动作。 8. **清理缓存**:完成上述步骤后,别忘了清理Magento的布局和Block缓存,以便系统能识别新的...
Magento是开源的电子商务平台,广泛用于在线商店的建设。SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)是用于发送电子邮件的标准协议。在Magento中,SMTP插件扮演着关键角色,它允许商家通过更安全、可靠的SMTP服务器发送...
Get a hands-on introduction to custom shipping and payment methods ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Branko Ajzele [出版机构] Packt Publishing [出版日期] 2013年09月25日 [图书页数] 128页 [图书语言] 英语...