1. Override the class PortletCategoryKeys (in ext-impl\src\com\liferay\portal\util\PortletCategoryKeys.java)
package com.liferay.portal.util;
/** * @author apoorva.prakash
public class PortletCategoryKeys {
public static final String CONTENT = "content" ;
public static final String MY = "my" ;
public static final String PORTAL = "portal" ;
public static final String SERVER = "server" ;
public static final String MYCATEGORY = "mycategory" ;
public static final String[] ALL = {MY, CONTENT, MYCATEGORY , PORTAL, SERVER};
} |
Put the category in ALL array in the order you wish to appear your category.
2. Now add portlet in this category using the following entry in liferay-portlet-ext.xml file
< portlet >
< portlet-name >portlet_id</ portlet-name >
< control-panel-entry-category >mycategory</ control-panel-entry-category >
< control-panel-entry-weight >1</ control-panel-entry-weight >
</ portlet >
here portlet_id is the id of the portlet that you wish to add in our custom category. Specify the name of the category in <control-panel-entry-category> entry and sequence of portlet appearance in determined through <control-panel-entry-weight>. The higher the weight, upper will be the portlet(weight can also be in floating number).
3. In portlet.xml file, add role reference
<security-role-ref> <role-name>role-name</role-name> </security-role-ref>
4. in liferay-portlet.xml add role mapper
<role-mapper> <role-name>role-name</role-name> <role-link>actual-role-name</role-link> </role-mapper>
5. Now an important point, we must enter the category name entry in language-ext.properties file in ext-impl/src/content, so that our category can be recognized, otherwise you'll get category name as "category.mycategory"
category.mycategory=My New Category |
That's all I did, hope will work for you too.
6. In resources/resource-actions/default.xml write permission
<supports> <action-key>ACCESS_IN_CONTROL_PANEL</action-key> <action-key>VIEW</action-key> </supports>
7. point to this file in resources/portlet.properties
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