package controllers;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import models.Problem;
import models.Tag;
import models.User;
import play.mvc.*;
public class Application extends Controller {
private static final int PAGESIZE = 20;
private static final String SUMMARY = "summary";
private static final String AUTHOR = "author";
private static final String TYPE = "type";
static void setConnectedUser() {
if(Security.isConnected()) {
renderArgs.put("user", Security.connected());
renderArgs.put("tagsCloud", Tag.getCloud());
renderArgs.put("usersCloud", User.all().fetch());
* 首页
public static void index() {
search("", SUMMARY, 1);
* 问题detail显示
* @param id
public static void show(Long id) {
Problem problem = Problem.findById(id);
* 新的问题提交
public static void newPost() {
List<user> users = User.findAll();
List<tag> tags = Tag.findAll();
render(users, tags);
* 增加问题
* @param id
public static void addPost(String summary, String code, String solution, String note, Long userId) {
User user = User.findById(userId);
Problem problem = new Problem(summary, code, solution, note, user).save();
* 搜索
* @param key
public static void search(String key, String type, int page) {
List<problem> problems = new ArrayList<problem>();
int total = 0;
if(SUMMARY.equals(type)) {
problems = Problem.find("summary like ? order by postedAt desc", "%" + key.toLowerCase() + "%").from((page - 1) * PAGESIZE).fetch(PAGESIZE);
total = Problem.find("summary like ?", "%" + key.toLowerCase() + "%").fetch().size();
} else if(AUTHOR.equals(type)){
problems = Problem.find("select p from Problem p, User u where like ? and p.user = u order by postedAt desc" , "%" + key + "%").from((page - 1) * PAGESIZE).fetch(PAGESIZE);
total = Problem.find("select p from Problem p, User u where like ? and p.user = u" , "%" + key + "%").fetch().size();
} else if(TYPE.equals(type)){
problems = Problem.find(
"select distinct p from Problem p join p.tags as t where like ? order by postedAt desc", "%" + key.toLowerCase() + "%").from((page - 1) * PAGESIZE).fetch(PAGESIZE);
total = Problem.find("select distinct p from Problem p join p.tags as t where like ?", "%" + key.toLowerCase() + "%").fetch().size();
int pageCount = (total + PAGESIZE - 1) / PAGESIZE;
render("Application/index.html", problems, page, total, pageCount, key, type);
* 列出标签下所有的问题
* @param tag
public static void listTagged(String tag) {
List<problem> problems = Problem.findTaggedWith(tag);
render(tag, problems);
public static void form(Long id) {
List<tag> allTags = Tag.all().fetch();
if(id != null) {
Problem problem = Problem.findById(id);
render(problem, allTags);
public static void save(Long id, String summary, String code, String solution, String note, List<string> tags) {
Problem problem;
validation.isTrue(Security.connected() != null).message("请登录后再新增问题!记得保存当前页面内容");
if(id == null) {
User author = User.find("byName", Security.connected()).first();
problem = new Problem(summary, code, solution, note, author);
} else {
// Retrieve post
problem = Problem.findById(id);
// Edit
problem.summary = summary;
problem.code = code;
problem.solution = solution;
problem.note = note;
// Set tags list
if(tags != null && tags.size() > 0) {
for(String tag : tags) {
if(tag.trim().length() > 0) {
// Validate
if(Validation.hasErrors()) {
render("@form", problem);
// Save;
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