
Windows 7 权威指南 (O'Reilly最新出版)


Windows 7 权威指南 (O'Reilly最新出版)

Windows 7: The Definitive Guide
The Essential Resource for Professionals and Power Users

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This book provides everything you need to manage and maintain Windows 7. You'll learn all of the features and enhancements in complete detail, along with specifics for configuring the operating system to put you in full control. Bestselling author and Windows expert William Stanek doesn't just show you the steps you need to follow, he also tells you how features work, why they work, and how you can customize them to meet your needs. Learn how to squeeze every bit of power out of Windows 7 to take full advantage of its features and programs.

  • Set up, customize, and tune Windows 7-Optimize its appearance and performance, install and manage software, customize your hardware, and install printers, scanners, and faxes

  • Manage your files and data-Search your computer more efficiently, secure your data, share and collaborate, and get the most out of optional programs such as Windows Live Mail

  • Master your digital media-Create media libraries, manage digital pictures and videos, make DVDs, and create movies

  • Get connected and start networking-Set up a home or small-office network, conquer Internet Explorer, and master on-the-go networking

  • Protect your computer-Keep your family safe while on the Internet, navigate the computer security maze, and configure Windows 7's protection features

  • Manage and support Windows 7 systems-Configure user accounts, disks and drives, troubleshoot and handle routine maintenance, and resolve advanced support and recovery issues

  • Learn advanced tips & techniques-Manage the Windows boot environment, explore Group Policy, and much more


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