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the first code for ruby

呵呵, 总的来说还行吧



    First, you'll learn the best practices for writing Ruby code that's easy not only on the CPU, but also on memory, and that doesn't trigger the dreaded garbage collector. You'll find out that garbage ...

    Ruby Performance Optimization, Why Ruby is Slow, and How to Fix It

    First, you’ll learn the best practices for writing Ruby code that’s easy not only on the CPU, but also on memory, and that doesn’t trigger the dreaded garbage collector. You’ll find out that ...

    Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide 4th Edition

    In general, Ruby programmers tend to favor the the command line for running their code, and they tend to use text editors rather than IDEs. * Ruby runs on Windows, Linux, and Macs.


    The new edition of this book provides the same excellent introduction to Ruby as the previous editions plus updates for the newest version of Ruby 2.3. This book can also be used as a textbook or ...

    Rails for .NET Developers (Facets of Ruby)

    We start with a gentle introduction to the object-oriented Ruby language with examples and direct comparisons to C#, so you'll quickly feel at home writing Ruby code for the first time. We then get ...

    Ruby Performance Optimization(Pragmatic,2015)

    First, you’ll learn the best practices for writing Ruby code that’s easy not only on the CPU, but also on memory, and that doesn’t trigger the dreaded garbage collector. You’ll find out that ...

    Programming Ruby

    Would you like to go from first idea to working code much, much faster? Do you currently spend more time satisfying the compiler instead of your clients or end users? Are you frustrated with demanding...

    Test Driven Development in Ruby:

    The concepts are first explained, then a coding demo illustrates how to apply the theory in practice. At the end of each chapter an exercise is given to reinforce the material. Complete with working ...


    The first chapter is a tutorial on the basic concepts of Go, introduced through programs for file I/O and text processing, simple graphics, and web clients and servers. Early chapters cover the ...

    Programming Interview Problems and Algorithms in Ruby

    The topics include Cycle and Intersection Detection in Linked Lists, Finding the First Node of a Cycle, Generation of Permutations and Combinations with and without Repetition, Reconstruction of ...

    where code and content meet

    that address the content-related aspects of custom software development for advanced websites or web platforms. So what are patterns? Patterns represent good practice and suggest solutions that have ...

    Dart in Action

    For the first time, I learned how to exploit the modern browser, and I dove into the many HTML5 features. The modern web evolves very quickly and reaches so many people that it’s an exciting place ...


    Coming from a background in PHP and having worked with Ruby on Rails for a few years as well, I think the authors did a good job covering the basics and putting together some interesting projects for...

    ActiveState Komodo IDE Setup + Keygen

    - Debugging for Ruby 2.1 And Beyond: Due to the library that Komodo was depending on for Ruby debugging no longer working in Ruby version 2.1 and beyond we have not been able to properly support ...


    This model is a good fit for mathematical programming, where it is unnatural for the first argument to "own" an operation as in traditional object-oriented dispatch. Operators are just functions with...

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