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这个是有BUG的,数字小体现不出来,数字大了就不对了,但是Ja ...
java十进制转换N进制并反转换的工具类 -
然后是相关配置:/etc/sysconfig/iptables ...
Linux中iptables设置详细 -
Thread.sleep()和Thread.currentThread().sleep()区别 -
match == false
Spring Security 3.1 中功能强大的加密工具 PasswordEncoder -
renzhengzhi 写道drager 写道用jsoup后解 ...
jsoup select 选择器
Currently no official 64bit versions of Apache and PHP exists for Microsoft Windows. Only MySQL supports officially 64bit Windows. If you have a 64bit version of Windows (2003/XP/Vista) and want to keep your system pure 64bit here is the solution! In this guide I will show you how to install and set up Apache 2.2 x 64 web servers, PHP 5.2 x64 and MySQL 5.0/5.1 x64 on Windows 2003/XP/ Vista 64bit using unofficial binaries. Although this setup has been tested successfully on Windows Vista 64bit Home Premium, I am not responsible for any damages may occur to your computer by this guide. Proceed at your own risk.
Download needed software
Download unofficial binaries for Apache x64 from blackdot.be:
Current version (November 2008): httpd-2.2.10-win64.zip
Download PHP x64 from fusionxlan.com:
Current version (September 2008): 5.2.5
Download latest official MySQL 64bit binaries for Windows:
Install Apache 64bit
Create a folder inside your C drive and named it something like apache64. Unzip the contents of the Apache zip package you previously downloaded to folder: C:/apache64.
Edit Apache configuration file C:/apache64/conf/httpd.conf and change paths to match your system.
ServerRoot "C:/apache64"
ServerName localhost:80
DocumentRoot "C:/apache64/htdocs"
<Directory "C:/apache64/htdocs">
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/apache64/cgi-bin/"
If you want to set up virtual hosts uncomment (remove the "#" symbol) the line bellow and edit the hosts.conf file respectively. Setting up virtual hosts on Windows.
#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Uncomment the following line to load extension mod_rewite needed by Elxis SEO PRO. Also uncomment any other lines you wish to load the corresponding Apache extensions.
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
Open the Windows command prompt (Start -> Run/Search -> cmd) and navigate to folder C:/apache64 (CD C:\apache64). Execute the following commands:
bin\httpd.exe -k install
bin\httpd.exe -k start
Your Apache should work. Open bin folder and double click the ApacheMonitor.exefile. An icon will be displayed in your Windows taskbar. From there you can start/stop/restart Apache easily. We set the Document root to C:/apache64/htdocs, so this is the folder where you should put your web files (Elxis CMS for example). Open your browser and go to http://localhost/ to ensure Apache runs.
Install PHP 64bit
Create a folder inside your C drive and named it "php". Unzip the contents of the PHP zip package you previously downloaded and copy the contents of the "php-5.2.5 (x64)" (or what ever version you downloaded) to folder: C:/php. We will install PHP as an Apache module. Open your Apache configuration file (C:/apache64/conf/httpd.conf) to tell apache to load the PHP module. Under the existing LoadModule directives add the following:
LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Also add these lines to tell Apache where PHP is located:
# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php"
Copy the following files to your Widnows system folder (C:/Windows/system32):
Copy php.ini-dist to the same folder and rename it as php.ini. Open this file to edit PHP configuration parameters.
extension_dir = "C:/php/ext/"
allow_url_fopen = Off
Load at least the following PHP extesnions by removing the "#" symbol in front of each line:
extension=php_oci8.dll (if you have Oracle database installed)
extension=php_pgsql.dll (if you have postgre database installed)
Set sendmail from e-mail address:
sendmail_from = me@example.com
Some settings for MySQL:
mysql.default_port = 3306
mysql.default_host = localhost
Set the session save path to a writable (by anyone) folder in your computer. You can set this to any existing path you wish (For example C:/tmp).
session.save_path = "C:/tmp"
Restart Apache to test if your PHP is working properly.
Install MySQL 64bit
This is the easiest part of the overall procedure as we have downloaded an official 64bit msi package from MySQL. Just double click it to run the installer. Install MySQL as a service.
Nikos Timiopoulos reported us on February 14, 2009, that he had problems get connected to phpmyadmin. The solution for him was to copy libmysql.dll in C:/Windows/ directory. An alternative, and much more reccommended solution, is to use MySQL GUI tools (Query browser and Administrator).
Unless I forgotten something :-) your system is ready. You have a pure 64bit WAMP system, congratulations! You can now copy Elxis at C:/apache64/htdocs and run the Elxis installation wizard. If you wish to set up virtual hosts follow this guide:Setting up virtual hosts on Windows.
mysql5.5 主从热备配置
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MYSQL 调优和使用必读
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Mysql 时间操作(当天,昨天,7天,30天,半年,全年,季度)
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2012-03-05 16:28 52131、 mysqld --verbose --help ...
【标题】"php+apache+mysql x64" 指的是在64位操作系统环境下,集成搭建PHP、Apache和MySQL服务器的环境配置。这个组合是Web开发中常见的LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)堆栈在Windows平台上的变体,即WAMP...
至此,Apache、PHP和MySQL已在32位Windows7环境中安装并配置完成,可以作为一个基本的LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)环境运行Web应用程序。为了确保安全性和性能,建议定期更新软件至最新版本,并进行必要的安全...
在64位Windows 7操作系统下,搭建一个完整的Web开发环境,包括Apache、PHP和MySQL以及PHPmyadmin,是一项常见的任务。以下是一个详细的步骤指南,帮助你了解如何配置这些组件。 首先,你需要下载所需的软件。由于...
该资源提供了详细的图解和一步步的安装指南,使得用户可以轻松地安装和配置 Apache、PHP 和 MySQL。 一、安装 Apache Apache 是一个流行的 Web 服务器软件,具有跨平台、开源、免费等特点。安装 Apache 需要下载 ...
32位Win7环境中PHP安装文件【Apache+PHP+MySQL】 ,ZIP集合Apache+php-5.3.27-Win32+ mysql-5.5.32-win32 ,让你一次安装全部,一步到位。。。。
标题中的“mysql-5.5.28-winx64”指的是MySQL数据库的5.5.28版本,这是专为Windows 64位操作系统设计的。MySQL是一种流行的关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS),由Oracle公司维护。5.5版本是MySQL历史上的一个重要里程碑...
在Windows 7 64位操作系统中,搭建一个完整的Apache、PHP和MySQL环境是开发Web应用程序的基础步骤。这里我们将详细探讨如何配置这个环境,以及如何处理缺失的MySQL安装包。 首先,Apache是世界上最流行的Web服务器...
安装文件: httpd-2.2.19-win64.rar mysql-5.5.33-winx64.msi php-5.3.6-Win32-VC9-x64.zip 详细安装步骤请参阅本人博客: http://blog.csdn.net/yousuosi/article/details/9859507
在Win7 64位操作系统下配置PHP+MySQL+Apache环境是搭建Web开发平台的重要步骤。本文将详细介绍这一过程,以便于开发者在Windows环境下快速构建本地开发环境。 首先,你需要准备以下三个核心组件: 1. **Apache**:...
在Windows 7操作系统环境下搭建Apache、MySQL和PHP(通常称为LAMP环境)是许多Web开发者进行本地开发工作的重要步骤。这个过程涉及到多个组件的下载、安装和配置,以实现一个功能完备的服务器环境。以下是对每个组件...
"Apache MySQL PHP 一键安装" 指的是在计算机上快速配置 LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)环境的过程,不过在这个情况下,我们似乎是在Windows操作系统中进行操作,因为压缩包中包含了Windows下的批处理文件和服务...
本文将详细介绍在Windows环境下,如何安装和配置Apache、MySQL、PHP以及phpMyAdmin。 首先,我们需要准备好相应的软件安装包。对于Apache,我们可以选择Apache 2.2版本的Windows安装包(httpd-2.2.16-win32-x86-no_...
标题 "64位apache+mysql+php5.5.10+memcache" 提供了我们正在处理一个针对64位Windows操作系统的软件套装,它包括Apache web服务器、MySQL数据库服务器、PHP 5.5.10脚本语言解释器以及Memcached缓存系统。...
### Win10系统下搭建Apache、MySQL和PHP环境详解 #### 概述 本文旨在指导读者如何在Windows 10操作系统环境下,成功搭建最新的Apache、MySQL及PHP开发环境。随着技术的发展,旧版教程中的步骤可能不再适用于当前的...
Win7 配置Apache+PHP+Mysql环境