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Updated Jan 30, 2013 by dbzhang...@gmail.com
All the developers of Qt should have been familiar with normal usage of MOC.
How to use moc(1)
Consider that we have a Qt project, which contains a subclass of QObject, and the definition of the class is in a header file.
// myclass.h
class MyClass : public QObject
When qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in header file, it will call moc for us.
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
As moc_myclass.cpp is a compile unit, so qmake will run compiler to compile it, then link the moc_myclass.o(bj) to other part. All of them are transparent for users.
g++ moc_myclass.cpp -o moc_myclass.o
How to use moc(2)
What will happen if the definition of the class located in one .cpp source file?
// main.cpp
class MyClass : public QObject
int main(int argc, char**argv)
When qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in source file, it will call moc for us too.
moc main.cpp -o main.moc
Then what's the difference?
main.moc is not a compile unit any, as it will dependent on the definition of class MyClass.So it can not include the file "main.cpp".
# This will fail ....
g++ main.moc -o main_moc.o
How to solve this?
//Add following line to main.cpp file, after the definition of MyClass
#include "main.moc"
How to use moc(3)
If you have read the source code of qextserialport, you will find that
QextSerialPort defined in the header file qextserialport.h
But qextserialport.cpp contains following line
#include "moc_qextserialport.cpp"
So, when qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in header file, it will call moc for us.
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
But, why we include "moc_qextserialport.cpp" manully?
In order to move private data member and private slots to non-public files, d-pointer and Q_PRIVATE_SLOT are used.
So the generated moc_qextserialport.cpp is dependent on non-public files will make it can not be compiled as a compile unit.
# This doesn't work any more ;-)
g++ moc_qextserialport.cpp -o moc_qextserialport.o
why both moc_xxx.cpp and xxx.moc exist?
In same cases, both myclass.h and myclass.cpp may have Q_OBJECT
// myclass.h
class MyClass : public QObject
// myclass.cpp
class MyClassHelper : public QObject
In such cases, moc will generated two files for us
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
moc myclass.cpp -o myclass.moc
Updated Jan 30, 2013 by dbzhang...@gmail.com
All the developers of Qt should have been familiar with normal usage of MOC.
How to use moc(1)
Consider that we have a Qt project, which contains a subclass of QObject, and the definition of the class is in a header file.
// myclass.h
class MyClass : public QObject
When qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in header file, it will call moc for us.
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
As moc_myclass.cpp is a compile unit, so qmake will run compiler to compile it, then link the moc_myclass.o(bj) to other part. All of them are transparent for users.
g++ moc_myclass.cpp -o moc_myclass.o
How to use moc(2)
What will happen if the definition of the class located in one .cpp source file?
// main.cpp
class MyClass : public QObject
int main(int argc, char**argv)
When qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in source file, it will call moc for us too.
moc main.cpp -o main.moc
Then what's the difference?
main.moc is not a compile unit any, as it will dependent on the definition of class MyClass.So it can not include the file "main.cpp".
# This will fail ....
g++ main.moc -o main_moc.o
How to solve this?
//Add following line to main.cpp file, after the definition of MyClass
#include "main.moc"
How to use moc(3)
If you have read the source code of qextserialport, you will find that
QextSerialPort defined in the header file qextserialport.h
But qextserialport.cpp contains following line
#include "moc_qextserialport.cpp"
So, when qmake is running, once it find macro Q_OBJECT in header file, it will call moc for us.
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
But, why we include "moc_qextserialport.cpp" manully?
In order to move private data member and private slots to non-public files, d-pointer and Q_PRIVATE_SLOT are used.
So the generated moc_qextserialport.cpp is dependent on non-public files will make it can not be compiled as a compile unit.
# This doesn't work any more ;-)
g++ moc_qextserialport.cpp -o moc_qextserialport.o
why both moc_xxx.cpp and xxx.moc exist?
In same cases, both myclass.h and myclass.cpp may have Q_OBJECT
// myclass.h
class MyClass : public QObject
// myclass.cpp
class MyClassHelper : public QObject
In such cases, moc will generated two files for us
moc myclass.h -o moc_myclass.cpp
moc myclass.cpp -o myclass.moc
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MOC3061 是一种过零触发双硅输出光耦,由 MOTOROLA 公司生产,广泛应用于触发晶闸管。该器件具有价格低廉、触发电路简单可靠的特点。 内部结构及主要性能参数: MOC3061 采用双列直插 6 脚封装。其主要性能参数为:...
MOC是一种解决偏微分方程,特别是流体动力学中如连续性方程、动量方程和能量方程的方法。在喷嘴设计中,这一技术用于精确地模拟流体流动,特别是在高速或超音速流动条件下,如火箭发动机或喷气飞机的喷嘴设计。 MOC...
"MOC"通常代表"Method of Characteristics",这是一种解决偏微分方程,特别是流体力学中的超音速流动问题的数值方法。Moc4455可能是这个特定实现的版本号或者项目标识。 在描述中,"使用特征方法进行流过喷管的超...
文件“moc.m”是使用MATLAB编写的MOC算法实现代码,通过这个代码,我们可以进一步理解MOC方法在泡沫驱替模拟中的具体操作和计算流程。通过运行和分析代码,不仅可以验证理论的理解,还可以为实际油藏模拟提供参考。 ...
### Qt MOC 处理器 UML 图解析 ...以上内容详细描述了 Qt MOC 处理器 UML 图中涉及的主要元素和它们的属性与方法。这些元素和结构共同构成了 Qt MOC 的内部架构,有助于开发者深入了解 MOC 如何处理和生成元数据。
1. **动态链接库(DLL)嵌入**:`DsoFramer`允许开发者将DLL功能集成到他们的应用程序中,提供了一种方便的方式来使用外部代码,减少内存占用,提高代码重用。 2. **COM对象交互**:`DsoFramer`支持COM对象,这意味...
特征线法,也称为MOC(Method of Characteristics),是一种在流体力学中广泛使用的数值方法,主要用于求解一维非稳态流动问题,包括管道中的压力和流量问题。本主题聚焦于如何应用特征线法来解决包含动态摩阻的管道...
在本项目中,我们探讨了如何使用特性方法(Method of Characteristics, MOC)来设计一个二维平面的最小长度钟形喷嘴。Matlab作为一种强大的数值计算工具,被用来实现这一复杂的设计过程。以下是对该主题的详细解释:...
MOC方法是一种广泛应用于核反应堆设计、安全分析及性能评估的数值计算技术,它通过随机漫步模拟中子在材料中的传输过程。 首先,CPU-GPU异构并行计算的基本原理是将计算任务分配到两种不同类型的处理器上。CPU擅长...
这个名为"moc.v1.0.rc1.2009.05.03.src.zip"的压缩包,包含了用于Ogre引擎的碰撞检测工具,旨在简化开发者的操作,提供了一种高效的小型引擎组件。 该压缩包中的核心文件是"CollisionTools.cpp"和"CollisionTools.h...
【标题】"Microsoft MOC 2555 - Windows Applications Using C#" 这门课程主要聚焦于使用C#编程语言开发Windows应用程序。MOC(Microsoft Official Curriculum)是微软官方提供的培训课程,旨在帮助开发者深入理解...
正确的方法是将MOC3061放置在G极与T2之间,这样当控制信号使G极与T2之间产生电压差时,可控硅才会导通。 MOC3061推荐的电路图显示,G极是从T1引出,光耦合器位于G极与T2之间。理解这一点至关重要,因为它揭示了G极...
#### 一、MOC3374A Hands-On Lab:初次了解与开始使用Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 **标题解析:** - **MOC3374A**: Microsoft Official Curriculum(MOC)3374A,指的是微软官方课程中的一个编号为...