1. How can I edit the project homepage (html files) of my project?
CVS/Subversion are used to edit, update and add content of project's
web pages on ontoware.org. Web pages are contained in the CVS's "www"
directory for each project, so to start making changes to your pages
you first need to check out your project from CVS. Using a command line
CVS client, you would do the following:
cvs -d :ext:developername
checkout www
or if you use Subversion
svn checkout svn+ssh://developername
After modifying files locally, you can commit these changes back to your project and they will show up on the site.
A cron job will automatically (every 30 minutes) pull the modified
pages several times a day over to the place where the publicly
accessible, to http://projectname.ontoware.org.
2. How can I create a namespace for my ontology (redirection service)?
To create a namespace for your ontology, log into ontoware, select the project from your personal page. Go
to the project's admin page which is available by clicking on the "Admin" tab. Select the "Redirect options" tab.
Insert here the source and destination addreses.
For example if you want that all requests will be redirected from
to a released file
fill the "Redirect from:" form with
and "Redirect to:" with
3. How to import source code into your SVN repository via SSH?
On your local machine, change to the directory whose files (and
subdirectories) you want to import. If you use a command line client,
svn -m "import comment" import svn+ssh://developername
or if you most likely use TortoiseSVN, then type:
4. How do I avoid having to type the password for SVN/CVS so often?
To avoid having to type your password every time for your CVS/SVN/SSH
developer account, you may upload your public key using the web based
account manager (My Page -> Account Maintenance -> Edit Keys) and
they will be placed on the CVS/SVN/Shell server in your
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
You will also need 4 pieces of software installed:
PuTTY utilities can be found here
PuTTY is used to create the session and store it in the registry.
PuTTYGen is used to take the private key of the pair we create on the Unix machine and converty it to the PuTTY format.
Pageant is used to store that key when we actually want ssh-agent functionality.
1) Use PuTTY Generator to generate and save your private/public keys.
2) Copy the public key and paste it into the "My Page -> Account
Maintenance -> Edit Keys" form. Wait for the next cron job (in the
worst case, 1 hour).
3) Run Pageant, add the private key.
Untill you close Pageant, or remove your key from it, you can operate
over the SSH connection without needing to enter your password
5. I want to check out my sources using TortoiseSVN but no password dialog appears.
If you are using TortoiseSVN version 1.5.* uninstall it and try to install 1.4.8
6. How do I configure Tortoise svn+ssh without having to type in my password everytime?
Download and install OpenSSH for Windows
Open the command prompt from "Start" -> "Run" -> "cmd"
Generate public/private keys using ssh-keygen
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f C:\key.dsa
Open the public key key.dsa.pub with notepad, copy it into the buffer.
Log in to ontoware.org
Go to http://ontoware.org/account/editsshkeys.php
Paste your public key.
Wait 30 minutes until it has been copied by cronjob to /.ssh/authorized_keys in your
ontoware home directory.
Run command prompt again, "Start" -> "Run" -> "cmd"
Check the connection, just try to log in to ontoware.org using the private key.
ssh -i C:\key.dsa username
If the system still requires a password, something went wrong.
Open Windows Explorer, do right mouse click on some folder inside.
You will see a menu item called TortoiseSVN, go to "Settings" -> "Network" ->
"ssh client", paste this string
ssh -i C:\key.dsa username
Now you can connect to the svn+ssh server by just using this URL inside TortoiseSVN:
当我们忘记SVN的账号密码时,可以通过以下方法找回: 1. **服务器端找回**: 如果你是SVN服务器的管理员,可以在服务器上找到用户数据库,如`authz`或`passwd`文件,查看或修改用户的密码。具体位置依赖于你的SVN...
再次确认新密码,以避免输入错误。 步骤4:完成新密码的输入后,点击“确认修改”按钮。系统会验证你的新密码是否符合设定的规则,并尝试进行修改。如果输入的信息正确,密码将会被成功修改,系统通常会显示一条...
例如,在使用svnserve时,我们可以在`passwd`文件(通常位于svn仓库目录的conf子目录下)中添加新用户。文件格式类似于: ``` [users] user1 = password1 user2 = password2 ``` 这样,user1和user2就是两个...
在使用 SVN 版本控制系统时,经常会遇到客户端用户名和密码存储的问题。为了保护用户的隐私和安全,需要时不时地清除客户端存储的用户名和密码。本文将详细介绍如何在 Windows 和 Linux 平台上清除 SVN 客户端的...
现在,用户可以通过访问`http://[ip]:[port]/svn`登录SVN仓库列表界面,并在首行找到“修改密码”的选项,点击后会出现一个表单,用户可以在此输入新密码并确认修改。 2. **密码加密与安全** SVN使用的是Apache ...
执行上述命令后,系统会提示输入密码。输入密码后,`passwd`文件中就会添加一条包含用户名和加密后的密码记录。 **注意事项**: - 需要注意的是,如果`passwd`文件不存在,`htpasswd`命令会自动创建一个新文件。 -...
在使用Subversion(简称svn)进行版本控制时,有时我们需要更改访问仓库的用户名和密码,例如因为人员变动或安全策略更新。本篇文章将详细介绍如何在不同的操作系统和客户端环境下,重新设置svn的用户名和密码。 ...
然而,对于SVN管理员来说,有效地管理和分配用户密码是一项繁琐的任务,尤其是在需要频繁更改或设置新密码时。这里提到的"linux svn密码生成工具"就是为了简化这一过程而设计的。 该工具的主要功能是生成多样化的...
当你忘记SVN密码时,可以按照以下步骤查看或找回: 1. 打开Windows的控制面板,找到“用户账户”或者“凭据管理器”。 2. 在“凭据管理器”中,找到“Windows凭据”类别。 3. 在列表中,查找与SVN相关的条目。它们...
用于修改SVN密码的工具,利用PHP方式实现密码修改,它适用于VisualSVN v3.9.x 64bit版本(实测3.9.1),在Win7 64bit和Windows server 2012/2008/2016系统中测试通过。使用方法,先点stop,再退出,然后文件内全部...