今天看了codeproject上面的一片文章,感觉不错。作者主要是用form authentication 实现了基于角色的认证。功能还算可以,基本可以代替MS 的Membership了,但是没有membership那么庞大。做一个基本的应用是够用了。
The Classes Overview
There are 4 classes: User
, Role
, SitePrincipal
and SiteIdentity
. I would like to overview the classes' methods and properties here:
The User class
User() |
Default parameter less constructor to create a new user |
User(int userID) |
This constructor gets a userID and looks up the user details from the database |
User(string email) |
This constructor gets an email and looks up the user details from the database |
GetUsers() |
This method returns a DataSet of all the users available in the database |
GetRoles() |
This method returns a DataSet of roles assigned to the current user |
GetUserRoles(int userID) |
This static method grabs the userID and returns a roles ArrayList assigned to that user |
AddToRole(int roleID) |
This method assigns a role to the current user |
RemoveFromRole(int roleID) |
This method removes current user from the role that has been passed by the roleID . |
Add() |
Adds a new user to the database |
Update() |
Updates current user information |
Delete() |
Deletes current user |
UserID |
Gets/Sets user's id number |
FullName |
Gets/Sets user's full name |
Email |
Gets/Sets user's email |
Password |
Gets/Sets user's password |
Biography |
Gets/Sets user's biography |
DateAdded |
Gets/Sets user's registering date |
The Role class
Role() |
Default parameter less constructor to create a new role |
Role(int roleID) |
This constructor gets a roleID and looks up the role details from the database |
GetRoles() |
This method returns a DataSet of all roles available in the database |
Add() |
Adds a new role to the database |
Update() |
Updates current role information |
Delete() |
Deletes current role |
RoleID |
Gets/Sets role ID number |
RoleName |
Gets/Sets role name |
The SitePrincipal class (implements the IIPrincipal Interface)
SitePrincipal(int userID) |
This constructor gets a userID and looks up details from the database |
SitePrincipal(string email) |
This constructor gets an email and looks up details from the database |
IsInRole() |
(IIPrincipal.IsInRole() ) Indicates whether a current principal is in a specific role |
ValidateLogin() |
Adds a new user to the database |
Identity |
(IIPrincipal.Identity ) Gets/Sets the identity of the current principal |
Roles |
Gets the roles of the current principal |
The SiteIdentity class (implements the IIdentity Interface)
SiteIdentity(int userID) |
This constructor gets a userID and looks up the user details from the database |
SiteIdentity(string email) |
This constructor gets an email and looks up the user details from the database |
AuthenticationType |
(IIdentity.AuthenticationType ) Always returns "Custom Authentication " |
IsAuthenticated |
(IIdentity.IsAuthenticated ) Always returns true |
Name |
(IIdentity.Name ) Gets the name of the current user |
Email |
Gets the email of the current user |
Password |
Gets the password of the current user |
UserID |
Gets the user ID number of the current user |
Enabling Forms Authentication
为了实现ASP.NET Forms 认证, web.config 文件配置如下:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="RolesBasedAthentication"
表单认证一旦被指定,每次用户请求一个页面,表单就要检查浏览器的cookie值。如果找到了,user identify就会以FormsIdentity类的形式保存在cookie中,这个类包含了认证用户的如下信息:
- returns the value Forms
- returns a boolean value indicating where the user was authenticated
- Indicates the name of an authenticated user
Creating the Login Page
private void Submit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// call the ValidateLogin static method to
// check if the email and password are correct
// if correct the method will return a new user else return null
SitePrincipal newUser =
SitePrincipal.ValidateLogin(Email.Text, Password.Text);
if (newUser == null)
ErrorMessage.Text = "Login failed for " + Email.Text;
ErrorMessage.Visible = true;
// assign the new user to the current context user
Context.User = newUser;
// set the cookie that contains the email address
// the true value means the cookie will be set persisted
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( Email.Text, true );
// redirect the user to the home page
Authenticating User On Every Request
public class PageBase: System.Web.UI.Page
public PageBase()
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.PageBase_Load);
private void PageBase_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
if (!(Context.User is SitePrincipal))
SitePrincipal newUser =
new SitePrincipal( Context.User.Identity.Name );
Context.User = newUser;
if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
string name = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).FullName;
string email = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).Email;
string password = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).Password;
string userID = ((SiteIdentity)Context.User.Identity).UserID;
if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
if (!((SitePrincipal)Context.User).IsInRole("Site Admin"))
The Demo Application
- 可以自定义未授权和未认证的处理方式,比如重定向到特定页面或者返回JSON响应。 综上所述,这个Spring Security的例子展示了如何结合数据库动态配置用户信息,实现认证和授权功能。通过理解并实践这些概念,...
综上所述,Spring Cloud下的OAuth2认证授权实现涉及多个组件和流程的协调,包括授权服务器、资源服务器、客户端注册、授权流程、令牌管理和安全配置。理解并熟练掌握这些知识点对于构建安全的微服务架构至关重要。...
# 基于Spring Boot和Spring Security的OAuth2认证与授权系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Spring Boot和Spring Security框架的OAuth2认证与授权系统,旨在提供一个安全、可靠的用户认证和授权解决方案。系统支持...
本项目是一个基于Spring Boot和Spring Cloud框架的认证授权系统,主要用于实现用户认证、授权、角色管理等功能。系统集成了Spring Security、OAuth2、JWT、Redis、MySQL等技术,提供了完整的认证授权解决方案。 ## ...
这几天小明又有烦恼了,之前给小红的接口没有做认证授权,直接裸奔在线上,被马老板发现后狠狠的骂了一顿,赶紧让小明把授权加上。赶紧Baidu一下,发现大家都在用JWT认证授权,这个倒是挺适合自己的。 什么是Token ...
在Form认证的基础上,MVC支持基于角色的授权,允许对用户进行更细粒度的权限控制。通过`[Authorize(Roles = "Role1, Role2")]`特性,可以限制只有指定角色的用户才能访问特定的控制器或操作方法。此外,还可以使用`...
在.NET MVC框架中,身份认证和授权是两个关键的安全机制,用于确保只有授权的用户能够访问应用程序的特定资源。这两个概念在Web应用开发中扮演着至关重要的角色,尤其是在处理敏感数据或提供私有服务时。 身份认证...
# 基于Spring Security和Spring Boot的认证与授权系统 ## 项目简介 本项目是一个基于Spring Boot和Spring Security框架的认证与授权系统,旨在提供一个安全可靠的用户认证和权限管理解决方案。项目涵盖了多种认证...
Shiro 认证授权框架是 Java 中一种流行的认证授权解决方案,提供了完整的认证和授权机制,能够满足大多数应用程序的安全需求。Shiro 框架的核心思想是将认证和授权分离,认证负责验证用户身份的合法性,而授权则负责...
- **集成认证中心**:处理用户的登录验证,执行身份认证,并负责授权和管理。它还具备监控预警功能,能及时发现异常登录行为,同时提供应用代理服务,帮助用户平滑地接入各种应用。 - **信任域内资源整合系统**:...
这是一个实现基于角色的访问控制的身份验证和授权库,它将被插入到 Spring Security Framework 中。 特征 基于角色的授权。 可以使用 SPEL 表达式进行配置。 本地身份验证提供程序。 密码使用 HMAC-SHA256 编码。 ...
基于角色的权限控制(Role-Based Access Control,简称RBAC)是一种有效的访问控制策略,它将权限与角色关联,用户通过角色获取相应的权限。在大型系统中,这种模型能够有效地简化权限管理和分配,尤其是在用户数量...
在.NET框架中,C#提供了一种强大的身份验证和授权机制,称为“基于角色的验证”(Role-Based Authentication)。这个机制允许开发人员根据用户的角色来控制对应用程序资源的访问,从而实现更精细的安全管理。本篇...