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Integrating Struts 2 + JSF + Facelets

  • jsf

Integrating Struts 2 + JSF + Facelets What if you didn't have to choose between a request-based framework and a component-based framework? What if you could use them together and use request-based for some pages and component-based for others? This is the functionality that the Struts 2 JSF Plugin provides.

To be fair, the JSF-Spring project says it does the same thing for Spring MVC + JSF, but there doesn't appear to be any documentation.

I did some prototyping of Struts 2 + JSF and discovered that it does indeed work. I also discovered that there's no documentation on integrating it with Facelets. Luckily, it's pretty easy to do - hence my reason for writing this entry. You might ask why I want to use Facelets when JSF 1.2 supports JSP fairly well? My reason is because JSP 2.1 hijacks #{}, which Struts 2's OGNL uses for some expressions. Because of this, I want to be able to run on a JSP 2.0 container until a workaround comes along. Sun's JSF 1.2 RI can run on a JSP 2.0 container, while MyFaces 2.1 cannot (at least in my experience).

There's two ways to get Struts 2 + JSF + Facelets working:

  • Create a WEB-INF/faces-config.xml file and override the default view-handler:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <faces-config xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
  • The 2nd way is to use Ajax4JSF and declare the view-handler in your web.xml (allowing you to get rid of faces-config.xml):
NOTE: You have to use 2nd method if you want to use Ajax4JSF. It won't read the view-handler from faces-config.xml.

If you're using SiteMesh, you may have to add another <parser> element to your sitemesh.xml to get Facelets pages decorated:

<parser content-type="application/xhtml+xml"

Thanks to Laurie Harper for his assistance figuring this stuff out.

Now you might ask - why would you want to do this? For one, Struts 2 has a better navigation model (IMO) than JSF. Also, if developers want to use JSF and think it's a better way for a certain module - let them go to it! Posted in Java at Jul 26 2007, 12:13:59 PM MDT 7 Comments <!---->


It was required last October. I didn't read it anywhere, I learned it from experience. Maybe it's changed with newer versions of Ajax4JSF and Facelets.

Posted by Matt Raible on July 26, 2007 at 01:47 PM MDT #

Lupus - it should be a matter of registering FacesServlet in your web.xml and configuring the Struts 2 JSF Plugin appropriately. Have you looked at the showcase example? That's how I figured it out.

I'll make sure and add a Struts 2 + JSF installer for AppFuse Light 1.8. I expect to release AL 1.8 and AppFuse 2.0 this month (crosses fingers).

Posted by Matt Raible on August 02, 2007 at 02:39 PM MDT #



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