标题:Office – 管理Master-Subdocument
Title: Office - Master-Subdocument management
Master Document: by its definition, is a “Container” for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). You can use a master document to set up and manage a multipart document, such as book with several chapters.
Master Document: 在office的逻辑定义是这样的:”by its definition, is a “Container” for a set of separate files (or subdocuments). You can use a master document to set up and manage a multipart document, such as book with several chapters.”
The benefit of Master-subdocument style of management is that it can help you organize pieces while keep the pieces independent on their own.
You can convert an existing document to a Master document, by creating a new Subdocument – a separate file will be created for the selected heading styles. Or you can insert an existing document as a subdocument of the current master document.
可以转化一个存在的document为master document.通过creating a new Subdocument-在选择的heading styles上一个独立的文件将被创建。或者你可以把一个存在的document做为subdocument 插入到master document.
It is recommended that you manage the sub-document, such as renaming of a subdocument from the master document to keep it consistent.
推荐在master document里面管理subdocument.以保持一致性。
It is also recommended that you put the master-subdocument it a well-defined directory structure.
Create a master document and subdocuments: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/word-help/create-a-master-document-and-subdocuments-HP005187002.aspx
Rename a subdocument: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/word-help/rename-a-subdocument-HP005186848.aspx
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