P/Invoke as in the following quote provides basically the way to calls into the unmanaged DLLs. the quote is as follow.
DllImport has many a attribute, but fortunately you can visit all those attribute from the following page: Using P/Invoke to call Unmanaged APIs from your Managed Classes, attribute include
- Name
- EntryPoint
- SetLastError
- CharSet
- ExactSpelling
- BestFitMapping
- Calling Convention
- Perserve Signature
- ThrowOnUnmappedChar
As for marshalling,
as it is quoted:
As this is maybe very important for the common types to marshal across platform..
BOOL, BOOLEAN | Boolean or Int32 |
BSTR | String |
BYTE | Byte |
CHAR | Char |
DOUBLE | Double |
DWORD/LPDWORD | Int32 or UInt32 |
FLOAT | Single |
HANDLE (and all other handle types, such as HFONT and HMENU) | IntPtr, UintPtr, or HandleRef |
HRESULT | Int32 or UInt32 |
INT | Int32 |
LANGID | Int16 or UInt16 |
LCID | Int32 or UInt32 |
LONG | Int32 |
LPARAM | IntPtr, UintPtr, or Object |
LPCSTR | String |
LPCTSTR | String |
LPCWSTR | String |
LPSTR | String or StringBuilder* |
LPTSTR | String or StringBuilder |
LPWSTR | String or StringBuilder |
LPVOID | IntPtr, UintPtr, or Object |
LRESULT | IntPtr |
SAFEARRAY | .NET array type |
SHORT | Int16 |
TCHAR | Char |
UCHAR | SByte |
UINT | Int32 or UInt32 |
ULONG | Int32 or UInt32 |
VARIANT | Object |
VARIANT_BOOL | Boolean |
WCHAR | Char |
WORD | Int16 or UInt16 |
WPARAM | IntPtr, UintPtr, or Object |
StructLayout Attribute
Because we have to marshal types between native and managed code, we have to take care to handle the StructLayout which controls how they end up in the memory (imagine a native function which pass a struct out with special layout from what is expected from managed side or the reverse/inverse.)
So what is structLayout is about?
The following will control the how a StructLayout is
- Layout - one of the following kinds
- LayoutKind.Sequential
- LayoutKind.Union
- LayoutKind.Explicit
- Pack
- Charset
- Size
Besisde the explicit PInvoke, there is some implicit invoke - a more accurate way of saying is "C++ Interop (Implicit PInvoke) - whch is said to have better support in
managed and unmanaged code to exist in the same application/even same file - from unmanaged to managed ones
Better type safety, less tedious to implement, more forgiving if the unmanaged API is modified, makes performance enhancement possible which is not possible with explicit PInvoke.
Using P/Invoke to call Unmanaged APIs from your Managed Classes
P/Invoke Interop Assistant是一个非常实用的工具,它专门用于帮助C#或VB.NET开发者将C或C++的函数和数据类型转换为.NET Framework兼容的形式。这个工具的主要目的是解决跨语言互操作性问题,即所谓的“平台调用”...
P/Invoke Interop Assistant,它支持托管代码和非托管代码之间的方法签名的转换,而且直接生成相关的C#或者是VB的方法调用代码。这个签名的转换,不只是适用于Windows的方法签名,只要给定一个C头文件,就可以转换...
3. 生成P/Invoke代码:根据解析结果,自动生成相应的C#或VB.NET代码,包括必需的DllImport特性,函数签名,以及可能的Marshaling代码。 4. 复制并粘贴到项目中:开发者将生成的代码复制到.NET项目中,即可直接调用...
《精通.NET互操作:p/invoke, c++ interop和COM interop》这本书深入探讨了.NET框架中的三种主要互操作技术,即平台调用(P/Invoke)、C++互操作(C++ Interop,也称为StructLayoutAttribute)以及组件对象模型...
《P/Invoke.NET工具详解:实现托管代码与非托管代码的无缝交互》 在软件开发过程中,有时我们需要在.NET Framework的托管代码环境中调用非托管的C/C++库或者WinAPI函数,这时就需要借助P/Invoke(Platform Invoke)...
标题中的“使用P/Invoke来开发用于与串行设备通讯的.NET基类”指的是在.NET环境中,使用C#编程语言,通过平台调用服务(P/Invoke)来直接调用Win32 API,以实现与RS232串行设备的通信。这种方式避免了依赖过时的...
2. **P/Invoke声明**:在C#代码中,我们需要使用`DllImport`特性来声明并加载非托管库。例如: ```csharp [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] static extern SafeFileHandle CreateFile( string ...
《CLR via C#》非托管代码互操作性提到的P/Invoke Interop Assistant开发工具,包含源代码,是从网站:http://clrinterop.codeplex.com/ 上下载的,作为备份
标题 "PInvoke Interop Assistant.rar" 暗示了这是一个关于C#与C++之间互操作(Interop)的工具包,特别关注P/Invoke技术。P/Invoke是.NET框架提供的一种机制,允许托管代码(C#)调用非托管代码(通常为C或C++编写...
PInvoke Interop Assistant是一款强大的工具,它为程序员提供了一个便捷的方式,将C/C++的原生代码转换为C#或VB.NET的平台调用(P/Invoke)代码。在.NET框架中,P/Invoke是允许托管代码(如C#或VB.NET)与非托管代码...
然而,有些特定的操作可能需要访问操作系统底层的功能,例如获取或设置系统当前的CultureInfo,这时就需要用到P/Invoke(Platform Invoke)技术。 P/Invoke是.NET Framework提供的一种机制,允许托管代码调用非托管...
Ivoke-WCMDump 什么是Credential Manager ...从Credential Manager导出Windows凭据的Powershell脚本 https://github.com/peewpw/Invoke-WCMDump PS>Import-Module .\Invoke-WCMDump.ps1 ...Invoke-WCMDump
P/Invoke是.NET Framework提供的一种机制,允许C#和其他.NET语言调用本机Windows API或其他非托管代码。在C#中,通常通过`[DllImport]`特性来声明外部函数,并指定DLL库和函数签名。P/Invoke是.NET与C/C++代码交互...
在IT行业中,互操作性是至关重要的,尤其是在不同的技术栈之间,如经典的COM(Component Object Model)和现代的.NET框架。...理解并熟练掌握P/Invoke技术,对于开发跨平台、跨技术栈的应用程序至关重要。
Microsoft 推出的 P/Invoke Interop Assistant#C/C++ API 转 C# 工具 找资源不易,限定5个积分
接收任何HTTP请求, JENKINS_URL/generic-webhook-trigger/invoke 提取值 从带有或POST内容 从query参数 从headers 使用这些值作为变量触发构建 仅当提供的正则表达式与提取的变量匹配时,才有可选功能来触发作业...
J/Invoke enables Java developers to easily invoke native methods (such as the Win32 API or C-based Windows DLLs and Unix dynamic libraries) with pure Java code. Unlike error-prone JNI programming ...