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In Previous discussion, we have seen the code Convert from System.Drawing.Icon to System.Media.ImageSource and vice versa
System.Windows.Drawing.Image is the base class of and System.Drawing.Bitmap, so that you can expect that the method for System.Drawing.Bitmap also applies for the System.Drawing.Image..
NOTE: the System.Drawing.Icon has no relationship with System.Drawing.Bitmap or System.Drawing.Image, there exist some conversion to Icon and vice versa, but don't expect the same approach can work with System.Drawing.Icon smoothly.
This introduce yet another way to convert from System.Drawing.Image to System.Windows.Media.ImageSource.
public static System.Windows.Media.ImageSource ConvertDrawingImage2MediaImageSource(System.Drawing.Image image) { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var bitmap = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); bitmap.StreamSource = ms; bitmap.EndInit(); return bitmap; } }
wpf - example to enhance ComboBox for AutoComplete
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Investigate and troubleshoot possible memory leak issue of .NET application
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C# – CoerceValueCallback合并、替换元数据值
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WPF – Virtualization – VirutalizationStackPanel and ItemsPanelTemplate
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wpf – ListView交替背景色
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c# - Use PInvoke to create simple win32 Application
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c# - Linq's Select method as the Map function
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c# - Tips of Linq expression Any to determine if a collection is Empty
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myth buster - typeof accepting array of types not acceptable
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windows - trying to create WIN32 application with PInvoke
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wpf - BehaviorBase and one use examples
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WPF - Setting foreground color of Entire window
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WPF - Enhanced TabControl - TabControlEx aka Prerendering TabControl
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wpf - ControlTemplate and AddLogicChild/RemoveLogicalChild
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c# - P/Invoke, DllImport, Marshal Structures and Type conversions
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c# - A study on the NativeWindow - encapsulate window handle and procedure
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WCF - Notify server when client connects
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首先,我们要理解C#中的`System.Drawing`命名空间,它是.NET Framework的一部分,提供了处理2D图形、图像和颜色的基本功能。然而,`System.Drawing`并没有直接支持PSD文件的解析。为了解析PSD文件,我们需要借助第三...
在Unity中,我们通常使用C#作为主要的编程语言,而`System.Drawing`是.NET框架的一个部分,主要用于处理图形、图像和文本。在Unity3D中使用`System.Drawing`库,可以实现一些在原生Unity API之外的图像处理功能。 `...
在Windows环境下,Unity可以利用这个库来处理图像,特别是在C#脚本中,通过System.Drawing命名空间,开发者可以直接操作位图、创建图形对象并进行绘制。 然而,对于Mac用户来说,情况就有所不同了。由于Unity在Mac ...
请注意,由于`System.Drawing.dll`是为Windows系统设计的,因此在其他操作系统上(如iOS、Android或Linux)可能无法直接使用。对于跨平台的项目,可能需要寻找替代方案,如Unity的内置2D系统或第三方库。 总之,`...
System.Drawing.Design 微软.net 框架源码下载 System.Drawing.Design 微软.net 框架源码下载 System.Drawing.Design 微软.net 框架源码下载
由直线、曲线创建图形,using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;的应用例子,C#源代码 Point[] points = { new Point(40, 60), new Point(50, 70), new Point(30, 90)}; GraphicsPath path =...
C#System.Drawing.Color的颜色对照表 有图有说明 转载自 http://www.cnblogs.com/xpvincent/archive/2012/12/17/2821665.html
System.Drawing是微软.NET框架中的一个核心库,主要提供了一组丰富的图形编程接口,使得开发者能够进行图像处理、绘制图形、创建图表以及与Windows GDI+(Graphics Device Interface Plus)进行交互。这个库广泛应用...
2. 引用System.Drawing命名空间:在C#脚本中,你需要包含`using System.Drawing;`来访问该库中的类和接口,如Bitmap、Graphics、Color等。 3. 使用System.Drawing功能:例如,你可以创建一个Bitmap对象来加载或新建...
imageBrush.ImageSource = (ImageSource)imageSourceConverter.ConvertFrom(stream); // 应用到UI元素 button.Background = imageBrush; ``` 在这个过程中,`ImageSourceConverter`是关键,它允许我们将各种数据...
Image image = Image.FromFile("path_to_image.jpg"); // 将图片转换为MemoryStream,以便于Aspose.Words处理 MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(); image.Save(imageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging....
C#的System.Drawing.dll 可在Unity中使用的版本