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The operator new and delete operator can overloaded to achieve some customed memory management strategy, suppose we have a Sscreen object, and we want to allocate a chunk of memory instead of allocate each at a time when call the new operator to improve memory usage effeciency. Here is what we can do .
suppose we have the following members.
/** * file * Screen_Alloc.h * * description: * This is the code that shows you how to overload the allocation */ class Screen { public: void * operator new(size_t ); void operator delete(void *, size_t); private: Screen * next; static Screen *freeStore; static const int screenChunk; protected: };
We uses a static member to hold the free list pointer, and the screenChunk side control how much bunks we are going to allocate in one go.
and below is the implementation code.
/** * file * Screen_Alloc.cpp * * description: * This is the code that shows you how to overload the allocation */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Screen_Alloc.h" // static member are initialized within program text files, no header files Screen * Screen::freeStore = 0; const int Screen::screenChunk = 24; void *Screen::operator new(size_t size) { Screen *p; if (freeStore == 0) { size_t chunk = screenChunk * size; // the size is populated by the compiler and is the size of Screen freeStore = p = reinterpret_cast<Screen *>(new char[chunk]); // now thread the memory allocated for (; p != &freeStore[screenChunk - 1]; ++p) { p->next = p + 1; } p-> next = 0; p = freeStore; freeStore = freeStore->next; return p; } } /** * the delete expression * delete ptr * is equivalent to * Screen::~Screen(ptr); * Screen::operator delete(ptr, sizeof(*ptr); */ void Screen::operator delete (void *p, size_t) { // inser the 'deleted' object back // into the free list (static_cast<Screen *> (p) )-> next = freeStore; freeStore = static_cast<Screen*>(p); }
Array operator new[] and operator delete[]
when you override the default operator new and operator delete,you may/may not defined the array operator [] and the array delete operator []...
void * operator new[](size_t); void operator delete[](void *, size_t);
to invoke the new[] operator you do this
Screen* screenptr = new Screen[10];
what it does, first allocate the size enough to hold the array, and for each of the element, it calles the default constructor to initialize the objct, and when this is all done, return the pointer to the caller.
to call the delete[] operator you can do this:
delete[] screenptr;// screenptr point to the Screen array
what it does is
first call the destructors iteratively, and then deallocate the memory of the array;
A common mistake is to call
delete screenptr;
it may deallocate the correct number of memory , but only the first objec't destructor will likely be called.
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在C++编程中,自定义`operator new`和`operator delete`是实现特定内存管理策略的重要手段。它们允许程序员根据需求调整内存分配和释放的行为。本文将深入探讨这两个操作符的自定义规则、使用场景以及潜在的陷阱。 ...
在这个压缩包“cassandra-operator,apache-cassandra的kubernetes算子.zip”中,包含的是Cassandra-Operator的源代码,可能还有相关的文档和示例配置,其主要文件夹名为“cassandra-operator-master”。 1. **...
本文详细介绍了 C++ 中的 new,包括 new operator、operator new、placement new 三种形态的内容,并且详细解释了每一种形态的行为和用法,同时也提到了 delete 的相关知识点,希望对读者有所帮助。
在C++编程中,`new`操作符和`operator new`是两个密切相关但不完全相同的概念,它们在内存管理和对象创建方面各自承担着特定的角色。 `new`操作符是C++语言内置的关键字,用于在堆上动态分配内存并创建对象。当执行...
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What separates this title from the rest of the pack is that it jumps right in with samples that take advantage of the Standard C++ of today–from streams to built-in container classes, such as vectors...
“redis-operator-master”目录包含了项目的源代码和相关文档,供开发者研究和定制。其中,主要的代码文件包括: 1. `api/`: 定义了`RedisCluster`资源的结构和相关操作。 2. `controllers/`: 包含了Redis运算符的...