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If appropriate, you should best use built-in exceptions if the meansing is obvious. however, you do have the need to define your own set of exception. The custom exception that you defined may/may not have extra fields/information, because an exception type itself is meaningful enough in certain situation.
Suppose you do, let see an simple exception defintion, which does not have any extra information, here is the definition.
[Serializable] public class CustomException: Exception { public CustomException() { } public CustomException(string message) { } public CustomException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } public CustomException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } }
Severl points worth mentioning:
- There are several overloads, normally you would define a void, a string message only, and a string message with an inner message - in total three overloads.
- If your exception needs to communicate with others (cross machine/process) boundary, you may want to provide one that has the Serialization and StreamingContext to marshall the exception.
- if you decide to have Serialization and StreamingContext, you might want to make your Exception serialzable
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eslint-define-config 为.eslintrc.js文件提供defineConfig函数。 安装 # add eslint and eslint-define-config to project’s dev dependencies npm install --dev eslint eslint-define-config # or yarn add --...
qp-define-master压缩包中的源码可能包含以下内容: - `qp-define.js` 或 `qp-define.min.js`:qp-define库的主文件,用于引入到项目中。 - `example` 或 `demo` 目录:包含使用qp-define的示例代码,帮助初学者...
在本讨论中,我们将深入探讨"017-define-func-2-args.rar_The Test"这个主题,它涉及到图形处理单元(GPU)中的关键特性——模板测试和快速Z清除。 首先,我们要理解什么是模板测试。在计算机图形学中,模板测试是...
babel-plugin-transform-define 类似于Webpack的babel编译时间代码替换 快速开始 $ npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-define .babelrc { " plugins " : [ [ " transform-define " , { " process....
开源项目-Rican7-define.zip,Introducing "define" - A command-line dictionary (thesaurus) app, with access to multiple sources, written in Go.
requirejs-angular-define, 一个友好的AngularJS集成到RequireJS的应用程序中 ngDefine 这个项目无缝地将 AngularJS 集成到基于的。概述使用收费的ngDefine 可以利用 RequireJS 将 AngularJS模块打包成可重用组件。...
在本主题“Linq-To-Sql-Part_2-Define-Data-Model-Class”中,我们将深入探讨如何利用LINQ to SQL构建数据模型类,它是连接应用程序与数据库的关键部分。 1. **LINQ to SQL介绍**:LINQ to SQL是.NET Framework中的...
npm install axy-define-asm 命令行实用程序 axy-define-asm 。 位于目录bin 。 例子: axy-define-asm --source=js --outDir=outJS 没有参数,只有选项: --addExt=ext Add an extension to assembly -a, --...
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巴别塔插件定义模式创建在构建时替换各种表达式的常量安装npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-define-patterns用法// babel.config.json{ "plugins" : [ [ "define-patterns" , { "replacements" : { "process.env...
gulp-define-vm-modulegulp-define-vm-module 此插件可以将browserify合并规则的源代码合成为CMD风格的模块化文件.define('moduleName', function(require, exports, module){var mod = (browserify script);...
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18. **预处理器指令**:如`#if`、`#define`、`#region`等,用于代码条件编译和组织。 19. **匿名方法与Lambda表达式**:简化短小的回调函数或表达式,源码中可能包含大量使用。 20. **动态类型与DLR**:`dynamic`...
node-requirejs-define 为节点实现define功能,以允许在服务器上重用为客户端创建的相同 AMD 模块,而无需维护第二个副本。 ##安装 npm install node-requirejs-define ##用法 ###定义一个模块 // c.js ...
Types in C# define the kind of data that variables can hold. Understanding how to declare and use different types effectively is essential for building robust applications. C# supports various types, ...
babel-plugin-rename-define 重命名define()安装$ npm ... transform ( "code" , { plugins : [ { transformer : require ( "babel-plugin-rename-define" ) ( "new-define-name" ) , position : "after" } ]} ) ;
《Fluent UDF手册-DEFINE宏》是针对流体动力学模拟软件Fluent用户自定义函数(UDF)开发的一份重要参考资料。该手册详细介绍了如何利用Fluent提供的DEFINE宏来扩展和定制软件功能,以满足特定的计算需求。下面将深入...