
c# - how to debug into Microsoft Symbols

  • C#

More often than not you may be intereted to debug the .net framework code, this post teaches you how to enable the debug symbol servers.



there is a reference site in this location: 


Use the Microsoft Symbol Server to obtain Debug Symbol Files



To enabel debbugging the microsoft symbols, you have to do the following. 



Tools > Options > Debugging > General

   Enable .NET Framework Source Stepping

   Enable Source Server Support 

     Print Source Server Diagnostic message to the output window.


Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols

   Add http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols, give it a name such as "Microsoft Symbols Servers"

   Set the cache symbol directory


Click OK when you are done.



another source of public symbols usages is as follow. Set up your system to use Microsoft's public Symbol Server;



However, not every method is debuggable, if you have enabled the source server diagnostics messages, you will probably see this message from the output panel:


Step into: Stepping over method without symbols 'System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry'




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