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Let's first see a code example that has !! operator turned on
var store = { id : 1 , cache : {}, add : function(fn) { if (!fn.id) { fn.id = store.id++; return !!(store.cache[fn.id] = fn); } } }; function ninja() {} assert (store.add(ninja), "Function was safely added."); assert(store.add(ninja), "But it was only added once.");
you may wonder what is the operator of !!...
the explanation of the !! operator is such, "!! construct is a simple way of turning any JavaScript expression into its boolean equivalent, for example !!"hello" === true and !!0 === false. "
In the above example, we converted a function ( which will always be true ) into its boolean equivalent: true.
javascript - trick to cross browser DOM ready event
2012-08-24 08:23 942the "ready" event ... -
javascript - trick to simulate mouseenter and mouseleave
2012-08-23 08:31 2262Previously we discussed javasc ... -
javascript - trick to simulate the change event
2012-08-22 08:51 1686In the previous discussion a ... -
javascript - trick to simulate bubbling submit event
2012-08-22 08:03 917In the previous discussion abou ... -
javascript - trick to implement bubbling submit event
2012-08-23 07:55 718Following up to the javascrip ... -
javascript - trick to detect bubbling supportability
2012-08-20 22:22 992Event delegation is oe of the b ... -
javascript - trigger event and custom events
2012-08-20 21:58 2093In the previous post - javascri ... -
javascript - trick to handlers management
2012-08-20 08:19 1045We have discussed "javascr ... -
javascript - trick to centralized store
2012-08-20 07:52 834For a number of reasons it's ... -
javascript - trick to fix the event object
2012-08-20 07:47 893Many browsers, especially In ... -
javascript - tricks to deal with colors
2012-08-15 08:34 784There are a couple of ways to r ... -
javascript - trick to manipulate the opacity
2012-08-15 08:26 776All other browsre may have supp ... -
javascript - trick to test visibility of an element
2012-08-15 08:15 533though there is a visible prope ... -
javascript - trick to get and set height and width
2012-08-15 08:05 565when looking at properties t ... -
javascript - trick to set/get attributes that expects px values
2012-08-16 11:00 527When setting a number into a ... -
javascript - trick to get and set CSS style
2012-08-16 11:00 761while it will not be so much tr ... -
javascript - trick to normalize href for IE
2012-08-16 10:59 555IE is again the only browser th ... -
javascript - trick IE form and its expando attribute
2012-08-16 10:59 1056there is a known issue that if ... -
javascript expando and attributes
2012-08-14 08:15 1054expando is something like this ... -
javascript - trick to getText and setText
2012-08-14 07:40 1161it is not as simple as you thin ...
java写dll接口源码(介绍)Java 本机接口编程,通过示例 注意:我现在正在考虑向本教程添加内容。 如果您有建议或新增内容,请不要犹豫。 目录 前言 注意:我在 2017 年初写了这篇文章,因为需要将图像序列化任务从 ...
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AppUpdater:red_exclamation_mark:用一行代码检查更新是否可用更新可用的更新不可用要求AppUpdater用Swift 4.2 Compa编写。UpdateUpdate:red_exclamation_mark:用一行代码检查更新是否可用更新不可用的要求...
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:exclamation_mark: 这是我使用javascript,html和CSS制作的迷你简单游戏! 如何运行游戏 :exclamation_mark: 只需使用您选择的浏览器打开index.html。 如何玩游戏 :exclamation_mark: 在游戏中时,使用鼠标右键...
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复杂度报告 :red_exclamation_mark: :anguished_face: :red_exclamation_mark: :anguished_face: :red_exclamation_mark: :anguished_face: :red_exclamation_mark: :anguished_face: :red_exclamation_mark: :...
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Unicode :: SequenceName 返回Unicode代码点序列的名称(如果存在)。 Unicode版本: 13.0 (2020年3月) 表情符号版本: 13.1 ... of ":double_exclamation_mark:︎" # => "DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK (text style)
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剪刀石头布 这是一个用HTML5,CSS3和Javascript制作的简单的剪刀石头布游戏 :hammer: 内置: ... :white_exclamation_mark: 致谢 基于odin项目开发的网站。 :memo: 执照 该项目是麻省理工学院许可的。