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THis article is based on the study of the page http://wpftutorial.net/Jumplists.html
and it demonstrate the use of a cool feature that is called Jumplist which is avaialbe in Windows 7.
here is the code
Windows 7 provides a new taskbar feature for applications called jumplists. They appear, when you right-click on a application icon in the taskbar. By default you see a list of recent files opened and two entries to launch and detach the application.
.NET 4.0 provides a managed API that allows you to easily manipulate the entries in the jumplist.
How to add a Task to the Jumplist
A jumplist is nothing more than a categorizes list of links to files that can be launched by the user. The links are calledJumpTasks
. They can be parametrized with a title, description, icon, filepath and command line arguments.
In the following sample I create a new JumpList
and add a task to the list that launches the sample application, but with a command line argument. If the application is launched with an argument, it shows a MessageBox instead.
public partial class App : Application { protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { if (e.Args.Count() > 0) { MessageBox.Show("You have the latest version."); Shutdown(); } JumpTask task = new JumpTask { Title = "Check for Updates", Arguments = "/update", Description = "Cheks for Software Updates", CustomCategory = "Actions", IconResourcePath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase, ApplicationPath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase }; JumpList jumpList = new JumpList(); jumpList.JumpItems.Add(task); jumpList.ShowFrequentCategory = false; jumpList.ShowRecentCategory = false; JumpList.SetJumpList(Application.Current, jumpList); } }
With the above code, if you run the app, you will be able to see the following.
And if you click on the "CHeck for Updates", you will be able to see the MessageBox shown with the message "You have latest version"
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