
Scala and Java inner class


The path dependent types




In scala, you can have abstract types, which will be instantiated/specialized in subclasses. such as follow.




class Outter {
  class Inner { 


and in the repl, you type



val o1 = new  Outer
val o2 = new Outer

new o1.Inner
resl1: o1.Inner = Outter$Inner@ldf6ed6

the resulting inner object will contain a reference to its outer object, the object references from o1.  Because the type Outer#Inner does not name any specific instance of outer, you can't create an instance of it




scala > new Outer#Inner
<Console> 7 : error : outer is not a legal prefix for a constructor 
             new Outer#Inner




so that means that in scala because the type can be an abstract member of an abstract class, Object.InnerType has a concrete type, while the static class notation, Outer.Iner may/may not have the necessary type information.


the Outer#Inner notation is much like the java Outer.Inner notation, let's take a close look at how the java nested class works.


The magic Outer.this   symbol





since it is a rule that the inner class can access the outer class's instance. but this requires a bit, since it is highly possible that the inner may have a member which has the same field as the outer class.


how to disambiguate the inner class and the outer class? here is an example.






public class InnerClassTest {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new OutterClass().doIt();

class OutterClass {
	private String m_outterClassMember = null;
	public OutterClass() {
		m_outterClassMember = "Hello world";
	public void doIt() {
		new InnerClass().sayHello();
	public void enclosingClassMethod(String arg) {
	class InnerClass {
		public void sayHello() {





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