
Design Patterns:Singleton in Java code






	static public Singleton instance() {
		if (null == _instance) {
			_instance = new Singleton();
		return _instance;

	static private Singleton _instance = null;






PatternSingleton:          singleton类

PatternSingletonTest: singleton类的测试


 * A utility class of which at most one instance can exist per VM.
 * Use Singleton.instance() to access this instance.
 * From: http://radio.weblogs.com/0122027
 * /stories/2003/10/20/implementingTheSingletonPatternInJava.html

public class PatternSingleton {

	 * A handle to the unique Singleton instance.
	static private PatternSingleton _instance = null;
	private int count;

	 * The constructor could be made private to prevent others from
	 * instantiating this class. But this would also make it impossible to
	 * create instances of PatternSingleton subclasses.
	protected PatternSingleton() {

	 * @return The unique instance of this class.
	static public PatternSingleton instance() {
		if (null == _instance) {
			_instance = new PatternSingleton();
		return _instance;

	// . ...additional methods omitted...
	public int getCount(){
		return count;

	public void setCount(int cou){
	public void addCount(){


public class PatternSingletonTest {

	public static void main(String args[]){
		PatternSingleton test = PatternSingleton.instance();
		printCount(test,"Original instance ");
		printCount(test,"Original instance add");
		printCount(test,"Original instance set");
		//another instance
		PatternSingleton test1 = PatternSingleton.instance();
		printCount(test1,"Another  instance");
		printCount(test,"Another  instance set");
		printCount(test,"Original instance set");
	public static void printCount(PatternSingleton test,String str1){
		String str=str1+"\tThe count is :"+test.getCount();












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