/** * * @example: 如下调用: xvDate({ 'targetId':'date1',//时间写入对象的id 'triggerId':['date1','dateBtn1'],//触发事件的对象id 'alignId':'datesWrap1',//日历对齐对象 'format':'-',//时间格式 默认'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' 'min':'2014-09-20 10:00:00',//最大时间 'max':'2014-10-30 10:00:00'//最小时间 }); 参数说明: targetId :日期写入对象的id,不能为空 triggerId :触发事件的对象id,如果不设置则默认为targetId alignId : 日历盒子的对齐基准,如果不设置则默认为targetId hms : 时分秒是否开启,默认值为'on'则表示开启时分秒(2014-09-20 10:00:00),'off'则表示关闭时分秒模式(2014-09-20) format :为日期格式 默认值为'-' (2014-09-20),'/'则表示(2014/09/20) min :最小时间限制,min 的时间格式和前面的时间格式保持一直 max :最大时间限制,max 的时间格式和前面的时间格式保持一直 zIndex :最大时间限制,日历盒子的层级,默认9999 如果需要使用模块化在需要依赖的模块用引入即可 如:define('mod1',[],function(require, exports, module){ var xvDate = require("xvDate"); }) */ /** * Dates * author : xv * description : '日期控件' * date : 2014-9-20 * version : 1.0 */ ; (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function') { define('xvDate', [], function (require, exports, module) { var xvDate = {}; factory(xvDate); module.exports = xvDate.xvDate; }) } else { factory(window); } })(function (win) { var Calendar = {}; win.xvDate = function (opts) { var triggerId = opts.triggerId || opts.targetId; if (typeof triggerId === 'object' && triggerId.length) { var triggerEls = []; for (var i = 0; i < triggerId.length; i++) { triggerEls.push(Calendar.getId(triggerId[i])); Calendar.enable(triggerEls[i], triggerEls, opts); } } else { triggerEls = Calendar.getId(triggerId); Calendar.enable(triggerEls, triggerEls, opts); } }; Calendar.fn = Calendar.prototype = { init: function (opts) { var isToday = false; this.creatView(opts); this.initTimes(isToday); }, gb: {}, creatView: function (settings) { var opts = settings || {}, _this = this, iptDatesId = opts.targetId || 'dates', iptDates = Calendar.getId(iptDatesId), docOpts; _this.gb.algin = opts.alignId ? Calendar.getId(opts.alignId) : iptDates; _this.gb.format = opts.format || '-'; _this.gb.hms = (opts.hms === 'off' ? null : true); _this.gb.zIndex = opts.zIndex || 9999; _this.gb.trigger = opts.trigger; _this.limitTime(opts.min, 'minTime'); _this.limitTime(opts.max, 'maxTime'); if (!_this.gb.datesBox) { var datesBox = _this.gb.datesBox = _this.creatEle("div"); _this.gb.datesBox.id = 'xv_Dates_box'; _this.gb.target = iptDates; _this.gb.datesBox.className = 'dates_box'; _this.gb.datesBox.style.display = 'block'; _this.gb.datesBox.style.zIndex = _this.gb.zIndex; _this.append(_this.gb.datesBox); datesBox.innerHTML = "<div class='dates_box_top'>" + "<div class='dates_yy dates_choose'>" + "<span class='prev_choose choose_btn' id='xv_Yy_prev'><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<span class='ipt_wrap' id='xv_Year_wrap'><input class='dlt_status' style='width:32px;margin-left:4px;' id='xv_Ipt_year' type='text'><small>年</small><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<span class='next_choose choose_btn' id='xv_Yy_next'><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<div class='dates_yy_list' id='xv_Dates_yy_list' style='display:none'>" + function () { var str = ''; for (var i = 1970; i < 2100; i++) { str += '<span dateValue = ' + i + '>' + i + '</span>'; } return str; }() + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='dates_mm dates_choose'>" + "<span class='prev_choose choose_btn' id='xv_Mm_prev'><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<span class='ipt_wrap' id='xv_Moth_wrap'><input class='dlt_status' style='width:16px;margin-left:10px;' id='xv_Ipt_month' type='text'><small>月</small><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<span class='next_choose choose_btn' id='xv_Mm_next'><i class='sign'></i></span>" + "<div class='dates_mm_list' id='xv_Dates_mm_list' style='display:none'>" + function () { var str = ''; for (var i = 1; i < 13; i++) { if (i < 10) { str += '<span dateValue =' + i + '>0' + i + '月</span>'; } else { str += '<span dateValue =' + i + '>' + i + '月</span>'; } } return str; }() + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + this.viewTb() + "<div class='dates_bottom'>" + "<ul id='dates_hms' class='dates_hms' style='display:block' >" + "<li class='time_tag'>时间</li>" + "<li><input type='text' id='xv_Hours' class='dlt_status'><span>:</span></li>" + "<li><input type='text' id='xv_Minutes' class='dlt_status'><span>:</span></li>" + "<li><input type='text' id='xv_Seconds' class='dlt_status'><span> </span></li>" + "</ul>" + "<div class='dates_btn'>" + "<a id='xv_Dates_clear'>清空</a>" + "<a id='xv_Dates_today'>今天</a>" + "<a id='xv_Dates_ok'>确认</a>" + "</div>" + "</div>"; _this.handleTime(); _this.gb.datesHms = Calendar.getId('dates_hms'); _this.setPosition(_this.gb.algin, _this.gb.datesBox, {left: 0, top: 0}); _this.setPosition(_this.gb.algin, _this.gb.datesBox); docOpts = {that: _this}; Calendar.addEvent(document, 'click', _this.docArea, docOpts); } else { if (_this.gb.target !== iptDates && !_this.ishd(_this.gb.datesBox)) { Calendar.removeEvent(document, 'click', _this.docArea); _this.shde(_this.gb.datesBox, 2); } else { _this.shde(_this.gb.datesBox); } _this.gb.target = iptDates; _this.setPosition(_this.gb.algin, _this.gb.datesBox, {left: 0, top: 0}); _this.setPosition(_this.gb.algin, _this.gb.datesBox); docOpts = {that: _this}; Calendar.removeEvent(document, 'click', _this.docArea); Calendar.addEvent(document, 'click', _this.docArea, docOpts); _this.gb.datesBox.style.zIndex = _this.gb.zIndex; } var datesHms = this.gb.datesHms; if (!datesHms) { this.shde(datesHms, 1); } else { this.shde(datesHms, 2); } var triggerId = opts.triggerId || opts.targetId; if (typeof triggerId === 'object' && triggerId.length) { _this.gb.trigger = []; for (var i = 0; i < triggerId.length; i++) { _this.gb.trigger.push(Calendar.getId(triggerId[i])); } } else { _this.gb.trigger = Calendar.getId(triggerId); } }, docArea: function (e) { var cuElt = e.srcElement || e.target; var that = e.datas.that; var cond = !that.ishd(that.gb.datesBox) && !that.contain(that.gb.datesBox, cuElt) && cuElt !== that.gb.target && !that.isExistObj(that.gb.trigger, cuElt); if (cond) { that.shde(that.gb.datesBox, 1); } }, limitTime: function (time, timeType) { var times = this.checkTime(time); if (times) { this.gb[timeType] = this.datesSplit(times); } else { this.gb[timeType] = null; } }, datesSplit: function (time) { if (time) { datesTimeArr = time.split(' '), datesArr = datesTimeArr[0].split(/[-\/]/), timesArr = (this.gb.hms && datesTimeArr[1]) ? datesTimeArr[1].split(':') : null; return { 'year': datesArr[0], 'month': datesArr[1], 'date': datesArr[2], 'hours': timesArr ? timesArr[0] : 0, 'minutes': timesArr ? timesArr[1] : 0, 'seconds': timesArr ? timesArr[2] : 0 }; } else { return time; } }, handleTime: function () { var _this = this; _this.gb.td = Calendar.getId("dates_table").getElementsByTagName("td"); var els = _this.gb.els = { 'yearWrap': Calendar.getId("xv_Year_wrap"), 'monthWrap': Calendar.getId("xv_Moth_wrap"), 'yyList': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_yy_list"), 'mmList': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_mm_list"), 'yyConList': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_yy_list").getElementsByTagName("span"), 'mmConList': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_mm_list").getElementsByTagName("span"), 'yyPrev': Calendar.getId("xv_Yy_prev"), 'yyNext': Calendar.getId("xv_Yy_next"), 'mmPrev': Calendar.getId("xv_Mm_prev"), 'mmNext': Calendar.getId("xv_Mm_next"), 'datesClear': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_clear"), 'datesToday': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_today"), 'datesOk': Calendar.getId("xv_Dates_ok"), 'iptYear': Calendar.getId("xv_Ipt_year"), 'iptMonth': Calendar.getId("xv_Ipt_month"), 'iptHours': Calendar.getId("xv_Hours"), 'iptMinutes': Calendar.getId("xv_Minutes"), 'iptSeconds': Calendar.getId("xv_Seconds") }; //时分秒的编辑操作处理 var timesArr = [els.iptYear, els.iptMonth, els.iptHours, els.iptMinutes, els.iptSeconds]; for (var i = 0; i < timesArr.length; i++) {//时分秒获取焦点的操作 Calendar.addEvent(timesArr[i], 'click', _this.focusStatus); } Calendar.addEvent(els.iptYear, 'blur', function () {//年自定义编辑输入处理 var str = '^((19[0-9]{2})|(2[0-9]{3}))$', that = this, year = _this.checkFocus(str, that, _this.gb.time.year); if (year) { _this.gb.time.year = year; _this.insertDate(); } }); Calendar.addEvent(els.iptMonth, 'blur', function () {//月自定义编辑输入处理 var str = '^((0[1-9])|(1[0-2])|[1-9])$', that = this, month = _this.checkFocus(str, that, _this.formatTime(_this.gb.time.month)); if (month) { _this.gb.time.month = month; _this.insertDate(); } }); Calendar.addEvent(els.iptHours, 'blur', function () {//小时自定义编辑输入处理 var str = '^(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])|[0-9])$'; var that = this; _this.gb.time.hours = _this.checkFocus(str, that, '00'); }); Calendar.addEvent(els.iptMinutes, 'blur', function () {//分钟自定义编辑输入处理 var str = '^(([0-5][0-9])|[0-9])$'; var that = this; _this.gb.time.minutes = _this.checkFocus(str, that, '00'); }); Calendar.addEvent(els.iptSeconds, 'blur', function () {//秒自定义编辑输入处理 var str = '^(([0-5][0-9])|[0-9])$'; var that = this; _this.gb.time.seconds = _this.checkFocus(str, that, '00'); }); //时间面板的控制按钮 Calendar.addEvent(els.datesClear, 'click', function () {//清空当前时间 _this.gb.target.value = ''; }); Calendar.addEvent(els.datesOk, 'click', function () { var type = _this.gb.hms ? 'hms' : 'ymd'; var datesT = _this.gb.time; if (_this.compareTime(datesT.year, datesT.month, datesT.date, type)) { _this.getOkTime(); } }); Calendar.addEvent(els.datesToday, 'click', function () {//获取当天时间 var isToday = true; _this.initTimes(isToday); }); //处理列表年月box Calendar.addEvent(els.yearWrap, 'click', _this.yearLst, {els: els, that: _this}); Calendar.addEvent(_this.gb.datesBox, 'click', _this.ymLst, {els: els, that: _this}); //点击列表年月切换 _this.ymClick(els.yyConList, els.yyList, 'year'); _this.ymClick(els.mmConList, els.mmList, 'month'); Calendar.addEvent(els.monthWrap, 'click', function () { if (els.mmList.style.display === 'none') { if (document.activeElement !== els.iptMonth) { els.mmList.style.display = 'block'; } } else { els.mmList.style.display = 'none'; } }); //点击月份按钮切换 var btnList = { mmPrev: [-1, 'month'], mmNext: [1, 'month'], yyPrev: [-1, 'year'], yyNext: [-1, 'year'] }; for (i in btnList) { Calendar.addEvent(els[i], 'click', _this.datesBtn, { that: _this, direction: btnList[i][0], type: btnList[i][1] }); } for (i = 0; i < _this.gb.td.length; i++) {//日期点击切换 Calendar.addEvent(_this.gb.td[i], 'click', _this.getDate, { that: _this }) } }, getDate:function(e){ var date = this.innerHTML, _this = e.datas.that, month = parseInt(this.getAttribute('m'), 10), year; if (_this.gb.time.month === 1 && month === 12) { year = _this.gb.time.year - 1; } else if (_this.gb.time.month === 12 && month === 1) { year = _this.gb.time.year + 1; } else { year = _this.gb.time.year; } if (_this.compareTime(year, month, date)) { _this.gb.time.year = year; _this.gb.time.month = month; _this.gb.time.date = date; _this.insertDate(); _this.getOkTime(); } }, yearLst: function (e) {//年下拉列表的处理(每次默认日期显示在可视区域) var els = e.datas.els, _this = e.datas.that; if (els.yyList.style.display === 'none') { if (document.activeElement !== els.iptYear) { els.yyList.style.display = 'block'; for (var i = 0; i < els.yyConList.length; i++) { if ((els.yyConList[i].getAttribute('dateValue')) === _this.gb.time.year) { var dTop = els.yyConList[i].offsetTop; if (dTop > 170) { els.yyList.scrollTop = dTop; } } } } } else { els.yyList.style.display = 'none'; } }, ymLst: function (e) { var cuElt = e.srcElement || e.target, els = e.datas.els, _this = e.datas.that; if ((!_this.contain(els.yearWrap, cuElt)) && (!_this.ishd(els.yyList))) { els.yyList.style.display = 'none'; } if ((!_this.contain(els.monthWrap, cuElt)) && (!_this.ishd(els.mmList))) { els.mmList.style.display = 'none'; } }, focusStatus: function () { if (this.focus) { this.select(); this.className = ''; } }, combineTime: function (time, type) { var times; if (!time) { return false; } var yy = time.year.toString(), mm = this.formatTime(time.month.toString()), dd = this.formatTime(time.date.toString()), h = this.formatTime(time.hours.toString()), m = this.formatTime(time.minutes.toString()), s = this.formatTime(time.seconds.toString()); switch (type) { case 'hms': times = yy + mm + dd + h + m + s; break; case 'ymd': times = yy + mm + dd; break; case 'ym': times = yy + mm; break; case 'y': times = yy; break; default : times = yy + mm + dd; } return parseInt(times, 10); }, compareTime: function (year, month, date, type) { var _this = this, dT = _this.gb.time, curTime = _this.combineTime({ 'year': year, 'month': month, 'date': date, 'hours': dT.hours, 'minutes': dT.seconds, 'seconds': dT.minutes }, type), minT = _this.combineTime(_this.gb.minTime, type) || '', maxT = _this.combineTime(_this.gb.maxTime, type) || ''; if (minT && !maxT) { return curTime < minT ? null : true; } if (!minT && maxT) { return curTime > maxT ? null : true; } if (minT && maxT) { return (curTime > maxT) || (curTime < minT) ? null : true; } return true; }, initTimes: function (isToday) { var iptDates = this.gb.target, datesTime = this.checkTime(iptDates.value), curDay, year, month, hours, minutes, seconds, minTime, dates; if (datesTime) { datesTime = this.datesSplit(datesTime); } if (isToday) { dates = new Date(); curDay = dates.getDate(); year = dates.getFullYear(); month = dates.getMonth() + 1; hours = dates.getHours(); minutes = dates.getMinutes(); seconds = dates.getSeconds(); } else if (!isToday && datesTime) { curDay = datesTime.date; year = datesTime.year; month = datesTime.month; hours = datesTime.hours; minutes = datesTime.minutes; seconds = datesTime.seconds; } else if (!isToday && !this.gb.minTime && !this.gb.maxTime && !datesTime) { dates = new Date(); curDay = dates.getDate(); year = dates.getFullYear(); month = dates.getMonth() + 1; hours = 0; minutes = 0; seconds = 0; } else if (!datesTime && (this.gb.minTime || this.gb.maxTime)) { minTime = this.gb.minTime || this.gb.maxTime; curDay = minTime.date; year = minTime.year; month = minTime.month; hours = minTime.hours; minutes = minTime.minutes; seconds = minTime.seconds; } this.gb.time = { 'year': year, 'month': month, 'date': curDay, 'hours': hours, 'minutes': minutes, 'seconds': seconds }; this.insertDate(); }, viewTb: function () { var week = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'], tr = [], num = 0; var table = this.creatEle("table"), thead = this.creatEle("thead"), tbody = this.creatEle("tbody"); table.className = "dates_table"; table.id = "dates_table"; for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) { var th = this.creatEle('th'); this.append(th, thead); th.innerHTML = week[i - 1]; } for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) { tr[i] = this.creatEle('tr'); this.append(tr[i], tbody); for (var j = 1; j < 8; j++) { var ctTd = this.creatEle("td"); ctTd.setAttribute('index', num++); this.append(ctTd, tr[i]); } } this.append(thead, table); this.append(tbody, table); return table.outerHTML; }, insertDate: function () { var els = this.gb.els, datesTime = this.gb.time, yyConList = els.yyConList, mmConList = els.mmConList, iptYear = els.iptYear, iptMonth = els.iptMonth, iptHours = els.iptHours, iptMinutes = els.iptMinutes, iptSeconds = els.iptSeconds, year = datesTime.year, month = parseInt(datesTime.month, 10), date = datesTime.date, hours = datesTime.hours, minutes = datesTime.minutes, seconds = datesTime.seconds, td = this.gb.td, mVal, yVal; var dates = new Date(); dates.setFullYear(year, month - 1); dates.setDate(1); var day = dates.getDay(); var curMonthDays = this.getDays(year, month - 1); this.dateStatus(mmConList, month, 'current'); this.dateStatus(yyConList, year, 'current'); //日期列表 for (var i = 0; i < curMonthDays; i++) { td[day + i].innerHTML = i + 1; td[day + i].className = ''; if (i + 1 === date) { td[day + i].className = 'current_day'; } else if (date > curMonthDays) { td[day + curMonthDays - 1].className = 'current_day'; this.gb.time.date = curMonthDays; } td[day + i].setAttribute('m', month); td[day + i].setAttribute('y', year); } for (i = 0; i < day; i++) { td[day - i - 1].className = "other_day"; td[day - i - 1].innerHTML = this.getDays(year, month - 2) - i; if (!(month - 1 > 0)) { mVal = 12; yVal = year - 1; } else { mVal = month - 1; yVal = year; } td[day - i - 1].setAttribute('m', mVal); td[day - i - 1].setAttribute('y', yVal); } for (i = 0; i < td.length - day - curMonthDays; i++) { td[day + curMonthDays + i].className = "other_day"; td[day + curMonthDays + i].innerHTML = i + 1; if (month + 1 > 12) { mVal = 1; yVal = year + 1; } else { mVal = month + 1; yVal = year; } td[day + curMonthDays + i].setAttribute('m', mVal); td[day + curMonthDays + i].setAttribute('y', yVal); } var minT = this.combineTime(this.gb.minTime) || ''; var maxT = this.combineTime(this.gb.maxTime) || ''; var curTime = { 'year': year, 'month': month, 'date': date, 'hours': this.gb.time.hours, 'minutes': this.gb.time.minutes, 'seconds': seconds }; if (minT) { for (i = 0; i < td.length; i++) {//日期列表处理 curTime.year = td[i].getAttribute('y'); curTime.date = td[i].innerHTML; curTime.month = td[i].getAttribute('m'); if (this.combineTime(curTime) < minT) { td[i].className = "disable_day"; } } for (i = 0; i < yyConList.length; i++) { if (yyConList[i].getAttribute('dateValue') < this.gb.minTime.year) { yyConList[i].className = "disable_day"; } } for (i = 0; i < mmConList.length; i++) {//月份列表处理 if (datesTime.year + this.formatTime(mmConList[i].getAttribute('dateValue')) < this.combineTime(this.gb.minTime, 'ym')) { mmConList[i].className = "disable_day"; } } } if (maxT) { for (i = 0; i < td.length; i++) {//日期列表处理 curTime.year = td[i].getAttribute('y'); curTime.date = td[i].innerHTML; curTime.month = td[i].getAttribute('m'); if (this.combineTime(curTime) > maxT) { td[i].className = "disable_day"; } } for (i = 0; i < yyConList.length; i++) {//年列表处理 if (yyConList[i].getAttribute('dateValue') > this.gb.maxTime.year) { yyConList[i].className = "disable_day"; } } for (i = 0; i < mmConList.length; i++) {//月份列表处理 if (datesTime.year + this.formatTime(mmConList[i].getAttribute('dateValue')) > this.combineTime(this.gb.maxTime, 'ym')) { mmConList[i].className = "disable_day"; } } } iptYear.value = year; iptMonth.value = this.formatTime(month); iptHours.value = this.formatTime(hours); iptMinutes.value = this.formatTime(minutes); iptSeconds.value = this.formatTime(seconds); }, ymClick: function (listObj, parent, type) { var _this = this, year, month, date; for (var i = 0; i < listObj.length; i++) {//月份点击切换 listObj[i].onclick = changeM; } function changeM() { if (type === 'month') { month = this.getAttribute('dateValue'); year = _this.gb.time.year; date = _this.gb.time.date; } else if (type === 'year') { year = this.getAttribute('dateValue'); month = _this.gb.time.month; date = _this.gb.time.date; } if (_this.compareTime(year, month, date)) { _this.gb.time.year = year; _this.gb.time.month = month; _this.gb.time.date = date; _this.removeStatus(listObj); this.className = 'current'; parent.style.display = 'none'; _this.insertDate(); } } }, ishd: function (obj) { return obj.style.display === 'none' ? true : null; }, shde: function (obj, controller) { if (!controller) { obj.style.display = (obj.style.display === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'); } else if (controller === 1) { obj.style.display = 'none'; } else if (controller === 2) { obj.style.display = 'block'; } }, isExistObj: function (arr, els) { if (typeof arr === 'object' && arr.length) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === els) { return true; } } } else if (arr === els) { return true; } return false; }, checkFocus: function (str, that, replaceStr, type) { that.className = 'dlt_status'; var val = that.value; var reg = new RegExp(str); if (!(reg.test(val))) { that.value = replaceStr; } else { this.gb.time[type] = this.formatTime(val); that.value = this.gb.time[type]; } return that.value; }, datesBtn: function (e) { var _this = e.datas.that, year = _this.gb.time.year, month = _this.gb.time.month, yy = parseInt(year, 10), mm = parseInt(month, 10), dd = _this.gb.time.date, type = e.datas.type, direction = e.datas.direction; if (type === 'month') { if (mm === 1 && (direction < 0)) { month = 12; year = yy + direction; } else if (mm === 12 && (direction > 0)) { month = 1; year = yy + 1; } else { month = mm + direction; } var lastDay = _this.getDays(year, month - 1); if (dd > lastDay) { dd = lastDay; } } else if (type === "year") { year = yy + direction; } _this.gb.time.year = year; _this.gb.time.month = month; _this.gb.time.date = dd; _this.insertDate(); }, removeStatus: function (obj) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { obj[i].className = ''; } }, dateStatus: function (obj, matchValue, style) {//样式实时切换 for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { obj[i].className = ''; if (obj[i].getAttribute('dateValue') === matchValue) { obj[i].className = style; } } }, getOkTime: function () { var tmpArr = {}, fmt = this.gb.format, Hms, hms; for (var i in this.gb.time) { tmpArr[i] = this.formatTime(this.gb.time[i]); } hms = ' ' + tmpArr.hours + ':' + tmpArr.minutes + ':' + tmpArr.seconds; Hms = this.gb.hms ? hms : ''; this.gb.target.value = tmpArr.year + fmt + tmpArr.month + fmt + tmpArr.date + Hms; this.shde(this.gb.datesBox); }, checkTime: function (datesTime) { var fmt = '[-\/]', timesFat = this.gb.hms ? '(\\s){1}((0?[0-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-3])):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])' : '', datesTimes = datesTime ? (datesTime.replace(/^(\s*)|(\s*)$/g, '').replace(/(\s)+/g, ' ')) : '', datesPat = new RegExp("^((19[0-9]{2})|(2[0-9]{3}))" + fmt + "((0?[1-9])|(1[0-2]))" + fmt + "((0?[1-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9])|(3[0-1]))" + timesFat + "$"); if (datesPat.test(datesTimes)) { return datesTimes; } else { return false; } }, formatTime: function (time) { return /^(\d){1}$/.test(time) ? '0' + time : time; }, getDays: function (year, month) { var febDays; if (month < 0) { month = 11; year = year - 1; } else if (month > 11) { month = 0; year = year + 1; } if ((month + 1) === 2) { if ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0) { febDays = 29; } else { febDays = 28; } } var arrM = [31, febDays, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; return arrM[month]; }, creatEle: function (context, parent) { var docEle = parent || document; return docEle.createElement(context); }, append: function (context, parent) { var docEle = parent || document.body; return docEle.appendChild(context); }, setPosition: function (target, dateBox, position) { if (position && typeof position === 'object') { dateBox.style.left = 0; dateBox.style.top = 0; return false; } var iptP = this.getOffset(target), iptLeft = iptP.left, iptTop = iptP.top, dtH = dateBox.offsetHeight, tgtH = target.offsetHeight, scrtH = this.resetSizeAttr('scrollTop'), bdH = this.resetSizeAttr('offsetHeight'); var distTop = iptTop - scrtH; if (bdH - distTop > dtH) { dateBox.style.top = iptTop + tgtH - 1 + 'px'; } else { dateBox.style.top = iptTop - dtH + 1 + 'px'; } dateBox.style.left = iptLeft + 'px'; }, resetSizeAttr: function (attr, els) { var elt = els || document.body; return elt[attr] || (document.documentElement && document.documentElement[attr]); }, getOffset: function (obj, objPosition) { var objP = objPosition || {left: 0, top: 0}; if (obj) { objP.left += obj.offsetLeft; objP.top += obj.offsetTop; if (obj.offsetParent) { obj = obj.offsetParent; arguments.callee(obj, objP); } } return objP; }, contain: function (parent, child) {//为了解决mouseover/mouseout 的时间重叠,所以判断是否包含 return (document.all ? (parent.contains(child)) : (((parent.compareDocumentPosition(child) === 20) || (parent === child)) ? true : null)); } }; Calendar.enable = function (obj, trigger, opts) { Calendar.addEvent(obj, 'click', function () { if (!win.xvDate.Dates) { win.xvDate.Dates = new Calendar.fn.init(opts, trigger); } else { win.xvDate.Dates.init(opts, trigger); } }); }; Calendar.getId = function (id, parent) { var doc = parent ? parent : document; return doc.getElementById(id); }; Calendar.addEvent = function (obj, type, fn, opts) { obj['evt' + type + fn] = obj['evt' + type + fn] || null; if (!obj['evt' + type + fn]) { obj['evt' + type + fn] = function (event) { event = event || window.event; event.datas = opts || {}; fn.call(obj, event); }; } if (obj.addEventListener) {//W3C obj.addEventListener(type, obj['evt' + type + fn], false); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('on' + type, obj['evt' + type + fn]); } }; Calendar.removeEvent = function (obj, type, fn) {//删除事件这个在上面的基础上就比较容易点了 if (typeof obj.removeEventListener !== 'undefined') { obj.removeEventListener(type, obj['evt' + type + fn], false); } else if (typeof obj.detachEvent !== 'undefined') { if (fn && obj['evt' + type + fn]) { obj.detachEvent("on" + type, obj['evt' + type + fn]); } } }; Calendar.fn.init.prototype = Calendar.fn; });
在本场景中,我们关注的是一个特定的GUI组件,即“滑动日历选择控件”,它常用于PC和IPC(Industrial Personal Computer,工业个人计算机)上的用户界面,以帮助用户方便地选取日期。这个控件对于需要用户输入日期的...
本主题将深入探讨如何自定义一个带有图片的Toast以及改造日历选择控件。 首先,我们来看“自定义Toast”。原生的Toast类在Android系统中提供了简单快速的方式来显示短暂的信息提示,但它默认样式较为单一,无法满足...
`swift-RCalendarPicker` 是一个专为Swift编程语言设计的日历选择控件,它提供了一个美观且易于使用的界面,使用户能够方便地浏览和选择日期。这个库特别适用于那些需要集成自定义日历功能的iOS应用。 首先,`...
My97 DatePicker 是一个非常流行的JavaScript日历插件,它功能强大,自定义选项丰富,支持多种语言,并且在各种浏览器上都有良好的兼容性。本文将详细介绍My97 DatePicker 的使用方法及其核心特性。 首先,我们来看...
只需要把该类文件添加到开发项目中,datagridview中就会自动出现日历的列类型选择。由于是cs 类文件适用于任何c#版本。
日历插件则是小程序中的一个重要组件,它的实现通常涉及到以下几个关键知识点: 1. **自定义组件**:在小程序中,开发者可以通过自定义组件来扩展其功能,这正是"极点日历"小组件的核心。自定义组件可以复用,提高...
本文将深入探讨“一个简单实用的JS/JQuery日历选择控件”的知识点,结合给出的标签“源码”和“工具”,我们可以推断这是一个关于自定义日历插件的教程或示例。 首先,日历选择控件是网页应用中常见的一种组件,...
### ASP.NET弹出式日历选择控件的实现 #### 背景介绍 在进行多个项目的开发过程中,经常会遇到需要使用日期选择器的情况。为了提高用户体验并解决页面刷新、多控件之间的数据传递等问题,设计一个弹出式的日历选择...
日历选择控件是网页中常见的用户界面元素,用于方便用户选取日期。本文将深入探讨如何利用JavaScript实现一个高度可定制的日历选择控件,并讨论相关的编程技术。 在JavaScript中创建日历选择控件,首先我们需要理解...
**jQuery简单的周日历选择插件** 在网页开发中,日期选择器是一个常见的交互元素,用于用户输入日期信息。jQuery库提供了丰富的插件,使得创建这样的功能变得简单易行。本教程将介绍一款专为周日历选择设计的jQuery...
1. **引入依赖**:在页面中引入jQuery库和日历插件的JavaScript及CSS文件。 2. **初始化插件**:在需要日期选择功能的元素上应用插件,如`<input type="text">`。 ```html $(document).ready(function(){ $('#...
8. **插件化和模块化**:在项目中,这个日历控件可能被设计成一个独立的模块或插件,便于与其他代码库集成,同时保持代码的组织和可维护性。 9. **国际化支持**:考虑到全球用户的需求,控件可能还支持日期格式的...
《深入理解jQuery双日历选择插件:double-date实践指南》 在当今的Web开发领域,jQuery库以其简洁易用的API和强大的功能,成为众多开发者首选的JavaScript库。而"double-date双日历选择插件jQuery代码"是jQuery生态...
之前在网上想找一个简单易用的周日历选择插件,发现这种前端周日历插件很少,而且很多文章写的周的算法都不是统一的,所以自己实现了一个基于jquery的周日历插件(还支持跳转到指定年份和周哦)。 插件中周的算法:...