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ActivityGroup的子activity响应back事件的顺序问题 -
youku 的广告必须要屏蔽 -
youku 的广告必须要屏蔽 -
youku 的广告必须要屏蔽 -
- /**********************************************************
- * NameNode serves as both directory namespace manager and
- * "inode table" for the Hadoop DFS. There is a single NameNode
- * running in any DFS deployment. (Well, except when there
- * is a second backup/failover NameNode.)
- *
- * The NameNode controls two critical tables:
- * 1) filename->blocksequence (namespace)
- * 2) block->machinelist ("inodes")
- *
- * The first table is stored on disk and is very precious.
- * The second table is rebuilt every time the NameNode comes
- * up.
- *
- * 'NameNode' refers to both this class as well as the 'NameNode server'.
- * The 'FSNamesystem' class actually performs most of the filesystem
- * management. The majority of the 'NameNode' class itself is concerned
- * with exposing the IPC interface and the http server to the outside world,
- * plus some configuration management.
- *
- * NameNode implements the ClientProtocol interface, which allows
- * clients to ask for DFS services. ClientProtocol is not
- * designed for direct use by authors of DFS client code. End-users
- * should instead use the org.apache.nutch.hadoop.fs.FileSystem class.
- *
- * NameNode also implements the DatanodeProtocol interface, used by
- * DataNode programs that actually store DFS data blocks. These
- * methods are invoked repeatedly and automatically by all the
- * DataNodes in a DFS deployment.
- *
- * NameNode also implements the NamenodeProtocol interface, used by
- * secondary namenodes or rebalancing processes to get partial namenode's
- * state, for example partial blocksMap etc.
- **********************************************************/
主要的NameNode Server的工作都是交给FSNamesystem来完成的,这个类有4700多行,他自己只是参与IPC与jetty web的功能,所以Namenode的
主要功能都在 FSNamesystem这个类里实现的。
因为Namenode自身的重要性,所以他作为一个枢纽联系着client datanode secondNameNode,从设计哲学上说就变成了namenode这个类需要实现满足枢纽功能的三个接口,分别对应与client datanode secondName做交互,当你觉得namenode需要另外一种职责时可以定义新的接口,然后让namenode实现即可。
- /**********************************************************************
- * ClientProtocol is used by user code via
- * {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem} class to communicate
- * with the NameNode. User code can manipulate the directory namespace,
- * as well as open/close file streams, etc.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- /**
- * Create a new file entry in the namespace.
- * <p>
- * This will create an empty file specified by the source path.
- * The path should reflect a full path originated at the root.
- * The name-node does not have a notion of "current" directory for a client.
- * <p>
- * Once created, the file is visible and available for read to other clients.
- * Although, other clients cannot {@link #delete(String)}, re-create or
- * {@link #rename(String, String)} it until the file is completed
- * or explicitly as a result of lease expiration.
- * <p>
- * Blocks have a maximum size. Clients that intend to
- * create multi-block files must also use {@link #addBlock(String, String)}.
- *
- * @param src path of the file being created.
- * @param masked masked permission.
- * @param clientName name of the current client.
- * @param overwrite indicates whether the file should be
- * overwritten if it already exists.
- * @param replication block replication factor.
- * @param blockSize maximum block size.
- *
- * @throws AccessControlException if permission to create file is
- * denied by the system. As usually on the client side the exception will
- * be wrapped into {@link org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException}.
- * @throws QuotaExceededException if the file creation violates
- * any quota restriction
- * @throws IOException if other errors occur.
- */
- public void create(String src,
- FsPermission masked,
- String clientName,
- boolean overwrite,
- short replication,
- long blockSize
- )
删除文件的,对应的fs命令为rm -rm/-rmr
- /**
- * Delete the given file or directory from the file system.
- * <p>
- * same as delete but provides a way to avoid accidentally
- * deleting non empty directories programmatically.
- * @param src existing name
- * @param recursive if true deletes a non empty directory recursively,
- * else throws an exception.
- * @return true only if the existing file or directory was actually removed
- * from the file system.
- */
- public boolean delete(String src, boolean recursive)
- /* NameNode also implements the DatanodeProtocol interface, used by
- * DataNode programs that actually store DFS data blocks. These
- * methods are invoked repeatedly and automatically by all the
- * DataNodes in a DFS deployment.
- **********************************************************************/
- /**********************************************************************
- * Protocol that a DFS datanode uses to communicate with the NameNode.
- * It's used to upload current load information and block reports.
- *
- * The only way a NameNode can communicate with a DataNode is by
- * returning values from these functions.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- /** Register Datanode.
- *
- * @see org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode#dnRegistration
- * @see org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSNamesystem#registerDatanode(DatanodeRegistration)
- *
- * @return updated {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeRegistration}, which contains
- * new storageID if the datanode did not have one and
- * registration ID for further communication.
- */
- public DatanodeRegistration register(DatanodeRegistration registration)
- 当datanode启动时就调用这个。
- /** sendHeartbeat() tells the NameNode that the DataNode is still
- * alive and well. Includes some status info, too.
- * It also gives the NameNode a chance to return
- * an array of "DatanodeCommand" objects.
- * A DatanodeCommand tells the DataNode to invalidate local block(s),
- * or to copy them to other DataNodes, etc.
- */
- public DatanodeCommand[] sendHeartbeat(DatanodeRegistration registration,
- long capacity,
- long dfsUsed, long remaining,
- int xmitsInProgress,
- int xceiverCount)
- /**
- * blockReport() tells the NameNode about all the locally-stored blocks.
- * The NameNode returns an array of Blocks that have become obsolete
- * and should be deleted. This function is meant to upload *all*
- * the locally-stored blocks. It's invoked upon startup and then
- * infrequently afterwards.
- * @param registration
- * @param blocks - the block list as an array of longs.
- * Each block is represented as 2 longs.
- * This is done instead of Block[] to reduce memory used by block reports.
- *
- * @return - the next command for DN to process.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public DatanodeCommand blockReport(DatanodeRegistration registration,
- long [] blocks)
- /* NameNode also implements the NamenodeProtocol interface, used by
- * secondary namenodes or rebalancing processes to get partial namenode's
- * state, for example partial blocksMap etc.
- */
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Protocol that a secondary NameNode uses to communicate with the NameNode.
- * It's used to get part of the name node state
- *****************************************************************************/
- /** Get a list of blocks belonged to <code>datanode</code>
- * whose total size is equal to <code>size</code>
- * @param datanode a data node
- * @param size requested size
- * @return a list of blocks & their locations
- * @throws RemoteException if size is less than or equal to 0 or
- datanode does not exist
- */
- public BlocksWithLocations getBlocks(DatanodeInfo datanode, long size)
- throws IOException;
- /**
- * Closes the current edit log and opens a new one. The
- * call fails if the file system is in SafeMode.
- * @throws IOException
- * @return a unique token to identify this transaction.
- */
- public CheckpointSignature rollEditLog() throws IOException;
- /**
- * Rolls the fsImage log. It removes the old fsImage, copies the
- * new image to fsImage, removes the old edits and renames edits.new
- * to edits. The call fails if any of the four files are missing.
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public void rollFsImage() throws IOException;
更多信息请查看 java进阶网 http://www.javady.com
hadoop FSNamesystem中的recentInvalidateSets
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这个过程涉及Secondary NameNode向NameNode发起HTTP请求,触发NameNode启动HTTP客户端到Secondary NameNode处下载FSImage文件,所需的所有信息都包含在NameNode的HTTP请求中。 #### 四、Secondary NameNode的数据...
## 项目的主要特性和功能 1. 服务注册与发现NameNode节点作为Eureka服务器,DataNode节点启动后会向NameNode注册,实现服务发现和负载均衡。 2. 文件管理用户通过与NameNode交互,实现文件的上传、查看和删除操作。...
NameNode的核心功能主要实现在`FSNamesystem`类中,而`NameNode.java`则主要负责对外提供服务接口以及内部组件的管理和协调。 #### 三、NameNode.java成员变量详解 1. **`public FSNamesystem namesystem;`** - ...
6. **PendingReplication Blocks线程(timethread)**:这个线程在`PendingReplicationBlocks`类中,用于检查等待复制的数据块。如果数据块长时间未被复制,会被移动到`timedOutItems`列表中,以供进一步处理。 7. **...
第一个DataNode会继续调用下一个DataNode,依次类推,直到管道建立完成。 6. **数据块传输**:客户端开始向第一个DataNode传输数据块。数据传输是以packet为单位进行的,默认情况下,一个packet的大小为64KB。第一...
源码中,`org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode` 和 `org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode` 包含了这两个角色的核心实现。 2. 文件块与副本策略:HDFS通过将文件切分成多个块并在多个节点上保存副本来提高...
3. **mapred-site.xml**: 在HA环境下,这个文件主要涉及YARN(Yet Another Resource Negotiator)与MapReduce的配置。`mapreduce.jobtracker.address`或`yarn.resourcemanager.address`定义了ResourceManager的地址...
#### 四、DFSClient的主要功能 DFSClient实现了许多文件管理功能,这些功能最终会调用NameNode对应的RPC方法来实现。例如: - **setReplication**:设置文件的副本数量。 - **rename**:重命名文件。 - **delete**...
“人工智能”可能是指在这个简易云盘实现中,可能会用到的一些AI技术,比如数据分类、推荐系统或自动备份策略,这些功能可以提升用户体验。然而,由于标题和描述没有明确提及,这部分可能是猜测。 【压缩包子文件的...
DataNode与NameNode之间的通信,以及客户端与NameNode的交互,都是通过这个模块完成的。 4. **io**: 这个包包含了一系列的可序列化对象,如Writable接口,它是Hadoop中数据交换的基础。所有的数据类型,包括自定义...
1. `FSDirectory`:这是NameNode中管理文件系统元数据的关键类,包含了文件和目录的创建、删除、重命名等操作。源码中可以看到如何处理这些操作以及如何更新元数据信息。 2. `BlockManager`:负责HDFS的数据块管理和...
15. **Secondary Namenode**:Secondary Namenode并不是备份Namenode的简单副本,它的主要功能是定期合并NameNode的元数据日志,以防止NameNode的元数据文件过大,从而提高系统稳定性。 以上知识点涵盖了Hadoop生态...
此外,NameNode会记录每个文件的数据块副本所在的DataNode列表,但并不会长期保存这些信息,而是通过DataNode的定期心跳报告来更新。 2. **DataNode**:作为HDFS的存储节点,负责存储实际的数据块,并响应客户端的...
- `dfs.nameservices`: 定义一个命名服务ID,例如"my-ha",这将包含两个NameNode实例。 - `dfs.ha.namenodes.my-ha`: 指定命名服务下的NameNode ID,如"nn1"和"nn2"。 - `dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir`: 配置...