Singleton is common for every coder. It provide only instance of class.
class SimpleLogger
# Lots of code deleted...
@@instance =
def self.instance
return @@instance
private_class_method :new
In ruby we can use Singleton Module, it is lazy instantiation
require 'singleton'
class SimpleLogger
include Singleton
# Lots of code deleted...
And we can use to implement eager instantiation
class SimpleLogger
# Lots of code deleted...
@@instance =
# Lots of code deleted...
There are some other way to implement the singleton pattern:
$logger =
Logger =
The deficiencies are as below:
First, if you use a global variable or a constant for this purpose, there is no way to delay the creation of the singleton object until you need it. The global variable or constant is there from the moment we first set it.
Second, neither of these techniques does anything to prevent someone from creating a second or third instance of your supposedly singleton class.
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