TheServerSide.com网站公布了The Middleware Company最新的J2EE vs. .NET性能比较报告。在这份报告中,最引人注目的一点是:.NET平台上的Web Service应用性能比J2EE平台上高了200%。另外两个评测项目(Web应用、24小时可靠性),双方差距不大。在使用Oracle 9i作为数据库后端时,J2EE的性能略占上风。
The Middleware Company has released a J2EE and .NET Performance case study, the latest study (an MDA productivity study was released a few weeks ago) based on their Application Server Baseline Spec. Except for the web services test, the two platforms came out mostly equal in performance.
How did TMC get to the results? Starting in February, TMC invited experts to define a spec that case studies would implement. TMC then
published the spec and opened it for public review in May.
Last week, the
Productivity Study Results were unveiled and now the
Performance Study Results have been published.
TMC invited all of the vendors whose products are in the study to be involved in the tests. Some of them accepted. Some did not.
The study goes into a
lot of detail on what was tuned and how it was done. This information is invaluable as it shows how to tune this application in J2EE (and .NET).
The following sections have the most relevant details related to tuning J2EE:
- Tuning the Java Virtual Machine
- Tuning the app server's runtime settings
- Tuning the application's deployment characteristics
- Experiences with EJB Container Managed Persistence 2.0
The study also explains why appservers and .NET can behave differently in the PetStore application scenario. For more details, see the sections: "J2EE appserver X much better than J2EE appserver Y - an anomaly?" and, "Technical theories on why app server X out performed app server Y"
The case study is divided into three testing areas:
Web Application Test: This tested performance hosting a typical Web application with steadily increasing user loads. This test used two different databases: Oracle 9i and Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
24 Hour Reliability Test: This tested the sustainable performance and reliability of platforms over a 24-hour period as transaction-heavy clients are run against the Web application under a constant, peak-throughout user load. This test used different databases for each code base based upon performance data of the application server. The J2EE code bases used Oracle 9i. The .NET code base used Microsoft SQL Server.
Web Services Test: This tested the performance of the application server hosting a Web service accessible over SOAP 1.1.
Results: View the results of the study paper: View "Why this study is different to the one in October 2002" View the Case Study home page: View the Application Server Platform Baseline Specification. View interviews with TMC with:
Salil Deshpande the baseline spec, the expert group, and the concept of 'case studies' as opposed to benchmarks.
Will Edwards discussing the tech choices in the various tiers, comparing the TMC mPetstore to the JPetstore, and talking about why EJBs were used.
View coverage and complaints from the original PetStore:
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4. 5. 6. 四、其他技术问题: 1. 目前国内比较流行的技术组合:spring + hibernate技术,还有webservice + XML技术。 2. J2EE相关技术:EJB、SEVILET、...
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JavaWorld是一个专注于Java的独立媒体网站,定期发布深度文章、评测和教程,涵盖了Java的各个方面,包括移动开发、企业应用和Web服务等。 #### 9. DevX Java Zone( DevX的Java专区是一...
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