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上周技术关注:Web Development Trends for 2006

  • [网络技术; 预测] Web Development Trends for 2006 #
    Some of the overall areas of focus are integration (as always) and front-end technologies that have highly visible impacts on end user experience. People won't pay for a service or rely on it if it doesn't have a robust back-end infrastructure, but they'll be happy to pay for it if the front-end is attractive and at least seems usable.Here, then, is a random assortment of new web development trends to be ready for in 2006.
  • [开发工具; 网站设计] 网站初期设计的好工具 - DENIM #
  • [Java] Java 开发环境的过去、现在和将来(初稿,略有改动) #
    1995年3月23日,San Jose Mercury News登出一篇题为'Why Sun thinks Hot Java will give you a lift'的文章,在那篇文章里预言Java技术将是下一个重大事件,这个预言现在看来并不仅仅是商家的宣传伎俩,虽然文章是当时Sun的公关经理 Lisa Poulson安排撰写的。从世人知道Java那一刻起到现在,算起来已经过去整整十年,回顾过去的十年值得总结的东西可以有许多,但在这里笔者只想就Java 开发环境谈些个人的想法与朋友们交流一下。
  • [搜索技术] WebLucene #
    WebLucene: Lucene search engine XML interface, provided sax based indexing, indexing sequence based result sorting and xml output with highlight support.The CJKTokenizer support Chinese Japanese and Korean with Westen language simulately.
  • [IM; 开源] GoogleTalkBot #
    Google Talk 使用了开源协议 Jabber , 所以立即的有相应的增强工具出现了, 不用GTalk 进行什么修改,我们自个儿就可以进行群聊了!!!哈哈哈!!!
  • [数据库技术] 再谈树形数据的RDBMS的存储 #
    总得来说,NSM还是个非常不错的设计.用这种树形结构来存储怪癖图本来是一个误导,只是注意到blogger 们在怪癖点名时候有意识尽量避免重复提起已经被点名的blogger,同时大家也没有说我跟某某是一个电 话的交情,我跟某某是得花2W块的交情,拿这个模型勉强可以凑合一下,真正的社会网络用这种这种方法, 连Dijkstra都会笑话的,扯远了,打住.
  • [数据库技术] 奇蠢无比的数据库设计一例 #
  • [ajax] Top 10 Ajax Applications #
    Following are my picks for the 10 best Ajax applications. Selection criteria: (1) an appropriate combination of simplicity and rich functionality, (2) somehow compelling (hard to define, but I know it when I see it), (3) the more interactive, the better, and (4) free. Also, in this exercise, I’m focused on startups, so I’m not including anything from Google (maps, Suggest), Microsoft (Kahuna), or Yahoo (Flickr).
  • [.NET开发; cms; 开源] Kentico CMS - Open Content Management System for ASP.NET #
    Kentico CMS is a full-featured content management system for dynamic web sites. It’s completely web-based and provides you with many useful features: Fully customizable ASP.NET page templates Tree hierarchy of pages, documents and files Editable regions and structured document templates with custom fields Workflow and approval Versioning and archiving Content scheduling and expiration Document-level permissions Multilingual support Full-text search 27 built-in smart controls, such as menu, grid, master-detail view, etc. ... and much more.
  • [web2.0; api] Web 2.0 API Reference #
    This list tries to include all APIs that may be considered 'Web 2.0 APIs', but likely doesn't, so please feel free to recommend others.
  • [互联网; Google; amazon; 预测] Google大預言 #
  • [ajax; IM] ajax im #
    ajax im ('asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger') is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses the XMLHTTPRequest object in JavaScript to send and receive commands to and from the server. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this 'web application' to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript.
  • [blog; Technorati; tag] Technorati为你找到感兴趣的优秀Blog #
    Blog Finder是利用用户对自己的Blog标注的Tag,将Blog收录到相应的分类中去,每个Blog最多可以标注20个Tag。如果你想要找某个领域的Blog,就可以输入相应的关键词,Technorati默认会根据反向链接的数量排列出该领域的Blog,用户也可以选择按照最新更新情况以及字母顺序进行排名。在Web2.0这个tag的搜索中发现zheng的刻录事排在第四位,Plod、从不知也都榜上有名。不过这个Blog Finder对中文搜索的支持略有小问题,比如在IE中搜索“互联网”就会出错,而在Firefox中却没有问题。另外,如果每个分类都能够支持组合搜索,比如我想搜索同时标注有Web2.0与Wiki的Blog,而且都能够提供RSS输出支持那就更好了。
  • [web2.0; office] 知道的几个Web Office #
    很显然,office会在将来受到来自web office的挑战,我就不喜欢office那么庞大,那么多没用的功能,日常生活中,难道不是指需要那么一点点么,这些,web office就能做得很好了。
  • [web2.0] Web 2.0 Office #
    Those are just some of the web-based Office apps that have popped up recently.
  • [互联网; 新思维] 推荐Writely:文档在线编辑和分享 #
    它可以让用户在线创建文档,或者直接上载Word文档在线编辑,可以在线保存,也可以保存为word格式的文档,或者打包zip下载。能用它来做什么呢?writely举了几个例子:Meeting notes, team calendars, technical specs,其实还可以更多,不是么。我相信将来真的不需要office这么庞大的家伙,只要一个浏览器就可以了。




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