<iframe src="javascript:''" id='__gwt_historyFrame' style='position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; border: 0'></iframe> <a href="javascript:myhistory.newItem('a')">a</a> <a href="javascript:myhistory.newItem('b')">b</a> <script> var myhistory={ historyFrame:null, callback:[], addCallback:function(callback){ myhistory.callback[myhistory.callback.length] = callback; }, init:function (){ myhistory.historyFrame = document.getElementById('__gwt_historyFrame'); var token = ''; // Get the initial token from the url's hash component. var href = window.location.href; var hashLoc = href.lastIndexOf("#"); var token= (hashLoc > 0) ? href.substring(hashLoc+1) : ""; myhistory.setToken(token); var tokenElement; if (myhistory.historyFrame.contentWindow) { var doc = myhistory.historyFrame.contentWindow.document; tokenElement = doc.getElementById('__gwt_historyToken'); } if(tokenElement){ myhistory.setToken(tokenElement.innerText); }else{ myhistory.navigateFrame(token); } }, __gwt_onHistoryLoad : function(token) { if(token){ var hash = myhistory.encodeFragment(token); window.location.hash=hash; myhistory.newItemOnEvent(token); } }, newItemOnEvent:function(token){ for(var i = 0 ; i<myhistory.callback.length;i++){ var call = myhistory.callback[i]; call(token); } }, decodeFragment:function(fragment){ // decodeURI() does *not* decode the '#' character. return decodeURI(fragment.replace("%23", "#")); }, encodeFragment:function(fragment){ // encodeURI() does *not* encode the '#' character. return encodeURI(fragment).replace("#", "%23"); }, setToken:function(token){ window.__gwt_historyToken = token; }, getToken:function(){ return window.__gwt_historyToken; }, newItem:function(historyToken){ var historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken; if (historyToken!=(myhistory.getToken())) { myhistory.setToken(historyToken); myhistory.nativeUpdate(historyToken); //if (issueEvent) { // fireHistoryChangedImpl(historyToken); //} } }, navigateFrame:function(token){ var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText=token; var escaped = div.innerHTML; var doc = myhistory.historyFrame.contentWindow.document;; doc.write('<html><body onload="if(parent.myhistory.__gwt_onHistoryLoad)parent.myhistory.__gwt_onHistoryLoad(__gwt_historyToken.innerText)"><div id="__gwt_historyToken">' + escaped + '</div></body></html>'); doc.close(); }, nativeUpdate:function(token){ var hash = myhistory.encodeFragment(token); window.location.hash=hash; myhistory.navigateFrame(token); } } myhistory.addCallback(function mycall(token){ alert("hahah="+token);}); myhistory.init(); </script>
/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Native implementation associated with * {@link}. * User classes should not use this class directly. * * <p> * This base version uses the HTML5 standard window.onhashchange event to * determine when the URL hash identifier changes. * </p> */ public class HistoryImpl implements HasValueChangeHandlers<String>, HasHandlers { static boolean updateHashOnIE6 = true; /** * Sets whether the IE6 history implementation will update the URL hash when * creating a new item. This should be used only for applications with large * DOM structures that are suffering from performance problems when creating * a new history item on IE6 and 7. */ public static void setUpdateHashOnIE6(boolean updateHash) { HistoryImpl.updateHashOnIE6 = updateHash; } public static native String getToken() /*-{ return $wnd.__gwt_historyToken || ""; }-*/; protected static native void setToken(String token) /*-{ $wnd.__gwt_historyToken = token; }-*/; private HandlerManager handlers = new HandlerManager(null); /** * Adds a {@link ValueChangeEvent} handler to be informed of changes to the * browser's history stack. * * @param handler the handler */ public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler( ValueChangeHandler<String> handler) { return handlers.addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.getType(), handler); } public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) { handlers.fireEvent(event); } /** * Fires the {@link ValueChangeEvent} to all handlers with the given tokens. */ public void fireHistoryChangedImpl(String newToken) {, newToken); } public HandlerManager getHandlers() { return handlers; } public native boolean init() /*-{ var token = ''; // Get the initial token from the url's hash component. var hash = $wnd.location.hash; if (hash.length > 0) { token =;)(hash.substring(1)); };)(token); var historyImpl = this; $wnd.onhashchange = function() { var token = '', hash = $wnd.location.hash; if (hash.length > 0) { token =;)(hash.substring(1)); };)(token); }; return true; }-*/; public final void newItem(String historyToken, boolean issueEvent) { historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken; if (!historyToken.equals(getToken())) { setToken(historyToken); nativeUpdate(historyToken); if (issueEvent) { fireHistoryChangedImpl(historyToken); } } } public final void newItemOnEvent(String historyToken) { historyToken = (historyToken == null) ? "" : historyToken; if (!historyToken.equals(getToken())) { setToken(historyToken); nativeUpdateOnEvent(historyToken); fireHistoryChanged(historyToken); } } protected native String decodeFragment(String encodedFragment) /*-{ // decodeURI() does *not* decode the '#' character. return decodeURI(encodedFragment.replace("%23", "#")); }-*/; protected native String encodeFragment(String fragment) /*-{ // encodeURI() does *not* encode the '#' character. return encodeURI(fragment).replace("#", "%23"); }-*/; /** * The standard updateHash implementation assigns to location.hash() with an * encoded history token. */ protected native void nativeUpdate(String historyToken) /*-{ $wnd.location.hash =;)(historyToken); }-*/; protected void nativeUpdateOnEvent(String historyToken) { // Do nothing, the hash is already updated. } private void fireHistoryChanged(String newToken) { UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); if (handler != null) { fireHistoryChangedAndCatch(newToken, handler); } else { fireHistoryChangedImpl(newToken); } } private void fireHistoryChangedAndCatch(String newToken, UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) { try { fireHistoryChangedImpl(newToken); } catch (Throwable e) { handler.onUncaughtException(e); } } }
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通过解压并检查这些文件,可以深入了解`org.jresearch.commons.gwt.utils.shared`库的实现细节,例如: 1. **源代码**:通常位于`src/main/java`目录下,包含了项目的核心逻辑,按照包结构组织。 2. **构建脚本**:...
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在GWT 2.8.2中,有几个关键的特性值得关注: 1. **编译优化**:GWT的编译器将Java代码转换为高效的JavaScript,使得浏览器能够运行。在2.8.2版本中,编译器进行了优化,提高了代码的压缩率和运行效率,减少了加载...
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开发者插件则是用于支持GWT开发环境的重要工具,它允许在浏览器中直接运行和调试GWT应用。 描述 "gwt developer plugin" 明确了我们讨论的是GWT的开发者插件,这是一个用于提升GWT项目开发效率的工具。通常,这个...
2. ****:这个文件可能是插件的核心组件,包含了对GWT核心特性的支持,如编译、调试、代码生成和性能优化等功能。它是cypal Studio功能实现的基础,为开发者提供了...
GWT Designer 7.x 是Google Web Toolkit的最佳可视化开发工具,所见即所得,即拖即用,使你能够非常容易地在可视化环境下开发AJAX应用程序。 GWT Designer 官方下载地址: ...
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接着,创建一个GWT模块(.gwt.xml文件),在其中定义应用的设置,包括使用的GWT版本、主题、本地化等。 5. **编写GWT代码**: 开始编写你的GWT应用。在Java源代码中,创建用户界面元素,如 panels、widgets,并...
- 选择`Kind`为`System URI`,然后在`Location`中输入GWT的DTD或XSD文件路径,通常位于`<GWT安装目录>/public.gwt.xml`。 - 确保`System ID`字段填写正确,这通常是GWT的DTD或XSD的URL,例如:`...
GWT的核心理念是通过Java编译器将Java代码转换为高性能的JavaScript,从而在浏览器环境中运行。这样,开发者可以利用强大的Java生态系统,同时避免直接与JavaScript的复杂性打交道。 **GWT的主要特点:** 1. **...