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Java Community Process
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Java Community Process or JCP, established in 1998, is a formalized process that allows interested parties to get involved in the definition of future versions and features of the Java platform.
The JCP involves the use of Java Specification Requests (JSRs) — the formal documents that describe proposed specifications and technologies for adding to the Java platform. Formal public reviews of JSRs take place before a JSR becomes final and the JCP Executive Committee votes on it. A final JSR provides a reference implementation that is a free implementation of the technology in source code form and a Technology Compatibility Kit to verify the API specification.
A JSR describes the JCP itself. As of 2006[update], JSR 215 describes the current version (2.6) of the JCP.
[edit] List of JSRs
There are over 300 JSRs. Some of the more visible JSRs include:
[edit] Notes
- ^ JSR 3 originally specified the JMX 1.0 release. Two subsequent "final" releases have provided JMX 1.1 and JMX 1.2. JMX 2.0 is specified by JSR 255.
- ^ JSR 52 originally specified the JSTL 1.0 release. A subsequent maintenance release provided JSTL 1.1.
- ^ JSR 56 originally specified the JNLP 1.0 release. A subsequent "final" release[1] provided JNLP 1.5, which was primarily a maintenance release. As of February, 2006, the JNLP 6.0 maintenance release has been completed but not finalized.
- ^ JSR 63 originally specified the JAXP 1.1 release. A subsequent maintenance release of JSR 63 provided the JAXP 1.2 specification.[2] JAXP 1.3 is specified by JSR 206.
- ^ JSR 127 originally specified the JSF 1.0 release. A subsequent maintenance release provided the JSF 1.1 specification.[3]JSF 1.2 is specified by JSR 252.
- ^ JSR 154 originally specified the Java Servlet 2.4 release. As of February, 2006 a maintenance draft of the 2.5 servlet specification is under review, scheduled to close on March 20, 2006.
- ^ JSR 913 originally specified JCP 2.0. It was subsequently amended by various changes to voting rules to produce version 2.1 and then further changed by licensing rules, policy, and processes to get to version 2.5. JCP 2.6 is defined by JSR 215.[4]
- ^ JSR 924 originally specified changes to the JVM to support changes in J2SE 5.0. As of 2006[update] a maintenance update to support changes proposed by JSR 202 is underway.
[edit] External links
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Java Specification Request 170(JSR 170)是Java社区进程(JCP)发布的一个重要标准,它定义了“内容存储库API for Java Technology”,也被称为Java Content Repository (JCR) API。这个API为Java应用程序提供了...
Java技术规范是由Java技术规范请求(Java Specification Request, JSR)过程产生的。JSR-337是Java SE 8的官方技术规范请求编号,规范中会详细描述和Java SE 8相关的新特性,例如lambda表达式、新的日期时间API、流...
提到的JSR-340代表了Java Specification Request 340,即为Java Servlet 3.1规范的请求编号。文档的版本是3.1,状态为最终发布(Final Release),并且由Oracle America, Inc.作为规范的负责人(Specification Lead...
JRuleEngine 是 Java 规则引擎,基于 Java 规范请求 94,1.1 版。 请参阅 JSR-94 发行版中包含的“Java 规则引擎 API - JSR-94”文档(文件 jsr94_spec.pdf):该文档解释了如何使用基于这些规范的库,例如这个。 ...
4. JSR(Java Specification Request):JSR是Java社区流程中的一个提案,用于定义Java技术规范。它包含了对新API、工具或修改现有技术规范的详细提案和计划。每个JSR都是一个由专家小组领导的项目,专家小组成员...
或在对应的Java Specification Request (JSR)被撤回时终止。 - **自动终止:** 如果您违反了任何条款,则本许可将立即终止,无需Sun的通知。 ### Java Servlet API Specification内容概览 #### Servlet简介 ...
JSR-379即Java Specification Request 379,是Java社区过程(Java Community Process)中为Java SE 9发布而提出的一项规范请求。公开预览版(Public Review)意味着该规范在正式发布之前,已经可以供开发者下载和...
1. **JSR180_v1.1.0.pdf**:这可能是Java Specification Request (JSR) 180的版本1.1.0文档。JSR是Java Community Process (JCP)中定义新Java技术或更新现有技术的标准流程。JSR 180专门针对SIP API for Java ME,...
这通常涉及到设备特定的JSR(Java Specification Request),例如JSR-135(Java Bindings for the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Digital Camera Content Type),这个JSR定义了如何在Java应用中控制摄像头。...
文件提及了多种与Java相关的技术和标准,例如Java Applet、Java Specification Request(JSR)、Java Message Service(JMS)、Java Management Extensions(JMX)和Java Card等。这些技术和标准扩展了Java的功能,...
JSR(Java Specification Request)是Java社区进程(JCP)中的一项标准,用来提议添加新的API或服务到Java平台。任何人都可以提交JSR,以推动Java平台的发展。JSR223则是特定的一个规范,它定义了如何使其他脚本语言...
Java Specification Request (JSR) 113定义了Java Media Framework (JMF)的扩展,增强了媒体捕获功能,使得开发者能够从麦克风或其他输入设备捕获音频数据。 三、JSR 236: Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 虽然...
为了解决这些问题,JSR 133(Java Specification Request 133)被提出,目的是增强Java内存模型的正确性和一致性。 JSR 133对volatile和final关键字的语义进行了显著的改进。在旧的内存模型中,volatile字段保证了...
Java技术规格必须以Java Specification Request (JSR)的形式提交审察,因此第2题的答案是B、JSR。Java源代码的扩展名为`.java`,编译后的文件扩展名为`.class`,故第3题答案为C、*.java 、 *.class。 对于Java...
JSR82,全称为Java Specification Request 82,是Java Community Process (JCP)为在Java环境中实现蓝牙无线技术制定的一套标准。它允许开发者创建跨平台的蓝牙应用程序,极大地扩展了Java在移动设备和物联网(IoT)...
Java API通过JSR-82(Java Specification Request 82)提供对蓝牙的支持,这是一套接口和类,用于实现蓝牙设备的发现、连接、服务查询和数据传输。 1. **蓝牙设备发现**:在Java中,我们首先需要创建`RemoteDevice`...
本书重点介绍了Java Specification Request 82(JSR 82)标准,这是一个为Java平台定义了蓝牙API的规范。通过本书的学习,读者可以深入了解如何利用Java技术来开发蓝牙应用程序,并掌握在各种设备上实现蓝牙通信的...
JSR-82,即Java Specification Request 82,是Java Community Process (JCP) 定义的一套用于开发蓝牙应用的接口和类库,使得开发者能够在Java环境中创建支持蓝牙无线技术的程序。这些APIs提供了与蓝牙设备发现、连接...
JSR-133即Java Specification Request 133,是由Java Community Process(JCP)提出的一项技术规范提案,旨在改进Java内存模型和线程规范。该规范主要由JSR-133专家小组负责制定,并最终成为Java 5.0版本的一部分。...