TCP windows are used for flow control between the peers on a connection. With
each ACK packet, a host will send a "window size" field. This field says how
many bytes of data that host can receive before it's full. The sender is not
supposed to send more than that amount of data.
The window might get full if the client isn't receiving data fast enough. In
other words, the TCP buffers can fill up while the application is off doing
something other than reading from it's socket. When that happens, the client
would send an ACK packet with the "window full" bit set. At that point, the
server is supposed to stop sending data. Any packets sent to a machine with a
full window will not be acknowledged. (This will cause a badly behaved
sender to retransmit. A well-behaved sender will just buffer the outgoing data.
If the buffer on the sending side fills up too, then the sending app will block
when it tries to write more data to the socket!)
This is a TCP stall. It can happen for a lot of reasons, but ultimately it
just means the sender is transmitting faster than the receiver is reading.
Once the app on the receiving end gets back around to reading from the
socket, it will drain some of the buffered data, which frees up some space. The
receiver will then send a "window update" packet to tell the sender how much
data it can transmit. The sender starts transmitting it's buffered data and
traffic should flow normally.
Of course, you can get repeated stalls if the receiver is consistently
I've worded this as if the sender and receiver are different, but in reality,
both peers are exchanging window updates with every ACK packet, and either side
can have it's window fill up.
The overall message is that you don't need to send window update packets
directly. It would actually be a bad idea to spoof one up.
Regarding the exception you're seeing... it's not likely to be either caused
or prevented by the window update packet. However, if the client is not reading
fast enough, you might be losing data. In your server, you should check the
return value from your Socket.write() calls. It could be less than the number of
bytes you're trying to write. This happens if the sender's transmit buffer gets
full, which can happen during a TCP stall. You might be losing bytes.
For example, if you're trying to write 8192 bytes with each call to write,
but one of the calls returns 5691, then you need to send the remaining 2501
bytes on the next call. Otherwise, the client won't see the remainder of that 8K
block and your file will be shorter on the client side than on the server
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