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- TCP Window Full & TCP Zero Window
TCP Window Full & TCP Zero Window
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Hi SYNbit,
Thank's for the return. Yes, it's clear, but i have some questions:
1- When the server restart the application, the "problem tcp zerowindows" is solved;
2- This client connect with others server's and we don't receive any TCP ZeroWindow;
3- According to the picture, the window of the client is overlap by the window of the server. On steps 1, 2 and 3, the client send a 140b data and has a window of 360, leaving only 220bytes, but in the next send, the window is 260 and not 220, so the client took the window size from the server. It's that or am I wrong? Thank you very much again.
1) It is the responsibility of the application to fetch data from the TCP receive buffers. Since the buffer decreases to 0 and (assuming from your information) does not get back to a normal value, it is the application that is at fault here. It does not fetch data from the TCP receive buffer. So it's logical that the "zero window" condition vanishes as the application is restarted. However, the exact cause of the lockup does not go away that way.
2) As it's an application problem, communication to other servers will not be affected. Unless the same application runs on other systems without problems. Then you need to look for the specifics on the faulty server. If not, then you need to troubleshoot the application.
3) I don't think the picture is any good, for one thing, the ACK's of the server don't seem to free buffer space on the client, which of course it should be doing.
Plinio, it's important to separate the send versus receive window sizes. Remember, you cannot see the send window size in the packet traces. Only the RECEIVE window sizes are visible in the packet trace files. Things to keep in mind are: 1) Typically SEND and RECEIVE window sizes are set equally. So whatever your RCV window size is, that's the SEND window size as well. 2) The WIN field in the packet trace is ALWAYS the RECEIVE window size. It has nothing to do with what it can send.
3) TCP is a two way communication. So often it helps if you analyze the flow in one direction.
4) The RCV window size tells the SENDER what the RECEIVER can take. In other words, RCV window is the throttling mechanism used by the RECEIVER. 5) The SEND window is the throttling mechanism for the sender. If it runs out of the SEND window size, it has to stop (regardless of the receiver's RCV window size).
6) The SENDER has to stop if the RECEIVER advertises a zero window.
When the application removes the data from the TCP stack, the stack will advertise the new window size as appropriate. There are some rules about when it can advertise this, but don't worry about that for now.