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Nothing ever invented can give you a bigger life than a book
Once upon a time in the dead of winter in the Dakota Terrotory, Theodore Roosevelt took off in a makeshift boat down the Little Missouri River. After several days, he caught up and got the draw on them with his trusty Winchester rifle, at which point they surrendered.Then Roosevelt set off to haul the thieves cross-country to justice. They headed across the snow-covered wastes of the Badlands to the jail Dickinson,and Rooservelt walked the entire 60 kilometers or so ao astonishing feat.But what makes it especially memorable is that during that time he managed to read Anna Karenina.
I often think of that when I hear people say they haven't time to read.Reportedly, the average American does have time to watch TV,about four hours a day.The average person, I'm told, reads at a rate of 250 words per minute.So, based on these statistics, he or she could, in a week, read the complete poems of T.S.Eliot, two Thornton Wilder plays, the complete poems of Maya Angelou, Faulkner's The Sound and the fury,F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, and the Book of Paslms.
But a week is a long time by today's standards,when information is available at the touch of a finger.We're being sold the idea that information is learning, and we're being sold a bill of goods.Knowing the area of the state of Connecticut or the jumping capacity of a flea may be useful, but it isn't learning of itself.The greatest of all avenues to learning - to wisdom,adventure, pleasure, insight, to understanding ourselves and our world and our place in it is in reading books.
Read for life, all your life. Nothing ever invented provides such sustenance, such infinite reward for time spent, as a good book.Read to your heart's content.Let one book lead to another.They nearly aleays do.
Take up a great author and read everything he or she has wirtten.Read about places you've never been.Read books that changed history: Tom Paine's Common Sense, the sutobiography of Frederick Douglass, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.
Read those books you know you're supposed to have read and imagine as dreary. A classic may be defined as a book that stays long in print, and a book stays long in print only because it's exceptional.Why exclude the exceptional from your experience? And when you read a book you love a book you feel has enlarged the experience of being alive, abook that "lights the fire" then spread the word.
To carry a book with you wherever you go is old advice and good advice.John Adams urged his son John Quincy to carry a volume of poetry. "You will never be alone."he said,"with a poet in your pocket."
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1. Read my lips:教师无声地做出单词或句子的口型,学生通过观察口型猜测并大声说出来,适合所有年级。 2. Paper scissors stone:传统游戏改编,使用要练习的单词替换口令,学生在说出单词的同时做出手势,胜利者...
在日常对话和正式场合,习惯用语如"lip"和"keep a stiff upper lip"、"read my lips"可以增加语言的生动性和表达力,同时也展现了说话者的文化素养和情感掌控能力。 6. **历史背景与社会影响** 布什总统的"read ...
标题中的“2013-TEC-LIPS.rar”似乎是指一个在2013年技术交流会议(可能为TEC)上讨论的关于LIPS(可能是“局部智能粒子搜索”,Local Intelligent Particle Search)的压缩文件。这个描述提到的是一个全局优化算法...
SCSS_LIPS.zip是一个压缩包,包含了多个与智能优化算法相关的文件,主要涉及SCSS(Self-adaptive Compound Strategy with Shrinking Space)算法和LIPS(Learning-based Improved Particle Swarm Optimization)算法...
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移动Linux之争,主要聚焦在LiPS(Linux Phone Standards Forum)这一组织所推动的移动Linux标准上。LiPS致力于提升基于Linux的移动电话生态系统内部的互操作性,通过制定规范,让软件供应商、手机制造商和移动运营商...
### 松散的 LIPS 沉船:在战舰中提问与语言知情程序采样 #### 概述 本文探讨了一个有趣而重要的问题:人类如何有效地生成信息性问题,尤其是在资源有限的情况下。作者们通过一种名为“语言知情程序采样”...
【标题】: LiPS论坛发布规范推动Linux操作系统在移动领域的应用 【描述】: LiPS论坛发布了Linux手机操作系统的规范1.0版本,旨在促进Linux软件平台供应商、OEM厂商和运营商之间的互操作性。 【标签】: Linux操作...
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lips是一组为逆向文字编程设计的快速实用的工具,即从源代码生成文档。 本文档由lips生成。 安装 $ make install 它只是将lips/*复制到/usr/local/bin 。 如果您不需要所有这些,请随意选择您需要的那些。 例子 源...
LiPS论坛(Linux Phone Standards)的成立,正是为了应对这一趋势,促进基于Linux技术的终端设备的标准化和互通性。该论坛是一个国际化的非营利组织,专注于推动Linux服务和应用程序编程接口(APIs)的标准化,以支持...
LiPS(Linux Phone Standards Forum)论坛的成立,标志着Linux在手机操作系统领域的一次重大变革,它旨在推动Linux在电话终端的标准化进程,从而引发从PC到手机的开放源码革命。 LiPS论坛的创立是基于电信行业的...
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在编程和算法题中,经常会遇到各种数据类型转换和数值操作。以下是一些常见的知识点: 1. **数据类型转换**: - `int` 转 `string`:可以使用 `std::to_string()` 函数。 - `string` 转 `int`:可以使用 `std::...
- **lips.conf(LiPS配置文件)**:解释了LiPS配置文件的作用及其内容。 - **cp –dpR**:说明了如何使用该命令复制目录结构。 - **如何判断一个程序依赖哪些文件**:提供了查找程序依赖项的方法。 - **带库文件复制...
LIPS:LiDAR-Inertial 3D Plane SLAM”将在IROS 2018上发表。 包装说明 lips_comm :此软件包具有模拟器应发布的自定义消息文件。 lips_matlab :包含MATLAB脚本以生成在3D环境中移动的模拟LiDAR传感器。 lips_...
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