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  I am often touched by something in life and feel that life is so great and glorious.Yesterday morning,I was having breakfast in our school canteen. All of sudden, I was deeply moved by a scene that a mother was pushing a wheelchair in which sat her daughter into the canteen.She bought breakfast and enjoyed it with her daughter.The  mother was over 40 years old and supposed to be a teacher in my school,while her daughter was about 13 years old.The girl became handicapped in two legs and had to sit in the wheelchair all the time.He mother was having a pleasant char with her, smiles blooming in her face.

   Seeing this, I felt comlicated in heart. Surprise,affection and sympathy...all sorts of feelings were crushing each other in my heart.A widely known sentence struck my mind that only when you lose something will you know to cherish it. Actually we have known its meaning,but few will practise it in our lives.Seeing the little girl in the wheelchair and her numb legs,and then looking back at myself and people around in good condition,Idare not imagine what color our life would become if we lost our legs.When we can move our limbs freely and go wherever we want and do whatever we want, we do not realize it is literally the greatest blessing God bestows upon us.On the contrary,we take everything as granted.When favor is taken as granted,our desire will be expanding endlessly,our sense of frustration will become stronger and stronger and we will lose more and more.We often feel discouraged once we meet a little setback in life.We think we can barely overcome it,but few of us will come to know that whatever befalls on us,so long as we are in good shape, it is alrealy a blessing! Living is the greatest hope for us!

  Bi Shumin, a famous writer once said a typical sentence that is still deeply rooted in my mind: you feel unfortunate because you did not suffer a greater misfortune.For example,When you have healthy limbs,you do not treat it as something happy.Instead,you bother to deal with all trivials and feel metally tough.But to a girl sitting in the wheelchair,all gains and losses become dim to her.What she only wished is to stand up again and losses become dim to her.What she only wishes is to stand up again.Nowadays, many people are groaning about the unjustice of destiny by questioning why they are poor while others rich,why they are in poor career while others rich and why they are ugly while others beautiful..... But if one day God says to you, "I will give you ten million dollars, the greatest beauty in the world and a position of CEO for a prominent enterprise on the condition that you give your legs to the girl. Do you want to make the deal?" I think you will reject the deal on the sport.Even though you could count the years to live, you were not willing to exchange your legs for wealth and status, not to mention that you are still in your prime time. When you realize "standing up" becomes a luxury, you will find how much blessing and favor God has bestowed upon you! And you will never complain about your present life!

  Therefore,I cannot understand those who commit suicide.There is a good saying that "When you do not fear death,what else do you fear?" suicide can solve nothing but leaves more pain to the alive.Suicides,to some extent,are the most selfish people who set themselves free but leave all agony to others.Hence,to my mind, the girl in the wheelchair is the strongest,for she did not abandon life due to the great setback but struggles to live,fighting with her fate.I think her mother must feel conforted considerably.If you want to practise filial piety, first of all you should cherish yourself and keep your body in good health.Only by then can you make your parent live happily.Otherwise, if you are weak and often fall sick physically or mentally, no matter how much money you give your parents,they will not feel truly happy.

  Hence,we do not need to envy any other person,for our existence is actually a pride! We tend to compare ourselves with others is life, appearance and status. Comparison is right,through which we can be fueled enough to pursue our dream. But when it turns into no power but jealousy and complaints, it is indeed a poison,which will mislead you in the wrong way and make you lose all. Our comparison often goes in a wrong direction.Finally,I would like to quote a sentence written by a famous writer, Jia Ping'ao to conclude the whole article:we should compare with those poorer than us in material life, but with those richer than us in spiritual life.Then we can seek our real happiness!

1 楼 michael2165023 2010-06-25  
I have the same sense with you.Living in the world sometimes becomes a luxury thing when a accident happened.





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