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Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control -- hard to find just when you want it most,Whether you're trying to lose weight, stop smoking,get to the gym regularly, win a promotion or pay off some debts, developing your sense of willpower is an important part of changing any behavior.
We all know that breaking a bad habit or establishing a new, healthy one can be difficult, but persistence pays off,Researchers at the University of Washington found that 63 percent of those who made New Year's resolutions were still keeping their resolution two months later.It's not going to be easy, but there are ways to increase your willpower, stay resolved and achieve your golas.
First Things First
Don't try to restructure your finances,win a promotion and lost weight all on the same morning.Establish one clear, specific goal and formulate a realistic strategy for achieving it.Extra willpower somethimes requires extra energy,so don't stretch yourself too thin.Focus on one goal at a time.
Start Slow
Momentum builds gradually,and whatever your goal,don't expect to achieve it overnight.Real success takes time.If you are trying to tick a caffeine habit, start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, instead of vowing never to drink coffee again. Congratulate yourself on the small achievements that will pave the way toward a larger one.These successes help your will power grow.
Support NetWork
Bolster your willpower by tapping into a support network.Ask friends,family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help.If you credit card bills have skyrocketed, for instance, let friends know that you are cutting back on expenses.Suggest having a potluck dinner instead of meeting at an expensive restaurant.Find a support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meetings.You can get valuable advice,understanding and information --- all of which increase commitment and willpower.
Changing Your Environment
If possible,alter your environment to reduce temptation or encourage positive behavior.Want to get in shape? Keep an extra set of workout clothes in your office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quitting smoking? Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be tempted to light up.
More Than Willpower
Sometimes changing your behavior requires more than willpower.If you are struggling with an addiction or want to make a significant lifestyle change,seek the guidance and support of a professional.An expert may be able to peovide intensive support and followup or prescribe medication to reduce physical symptoms.For example,without help only 5 percent of smokers can quit but that number rises to 30 percent when people seek both drug therapy and counseling.
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本书详细介绍了如何应用这些法则来培养和加强意志力。 - **实践步骤**:虽然具体内容未详细提及,但可以推测这些步骤可能包括设定具体目标、制定行动计划、持续监测进度以及调整策略等。 #### 三、修订版的意义 -...
《意志力训练---用哈德克训练法则提升个人意志力》一书,由美国心理学家弗兰科·哈德克所著,为我们揭示了如何通过科学的方法来增强意志力。 哈德克训练法则的核心理念是,意志力并非固定不变的能力,而是可以通过...
如果家长不协助孩子增强意志力,可能会进一步削弱他们的学习动力,形成依赖、逃避困难的习惯,不利于个人成长。 【培养意志力的方法】 1. **理解和支持**:家长应理解孩子的感受,给予必要的支持,而非单纯的责备...
1. 长跑、远足等体育活动的热爱,反映了测试者是否愿意接受体能挑战,以增强体质和毅力,这是衡量意志力的一个方面。 2. 计划执行的完成度体现了自我管理能力和自律性,如果经常因为主观原因无法完成,可能表明意志...
预先规划是另一个增强意志力的有效方法。对可能遇到的困难提前准备,制定应对策略,可以降低决策时的压力。给自己设定关键字或短语作为提醒,可以在意志力薄弱时激励自己保持正轨。 同时,避免分散意志力是必要的。...
逐步提高难度,让孩子体验进步的过程,从而增强意志力。 5. **从小事做起**:日常生活中的小事是锻炼意志力的好机会。父母可以通过规划日常活动,引导孩子在小事中培养毅力,如按时起床、完成作业等。 6. **及时...
为了帮助学生更清楚地了解自身的意志力状态,班会设计了自评环节,让学生通过不同的评分规则对自己的意志力水平进行评估。这个过程让学生意识到,在日常生活和学习中,保持持之以恒的态度是多么重要。 班会随后提出...
通过这些方式,学生可以理解意志力的重要性,同时学会如何培养和增强自己的意志力。 8. **教学目标**:不仅让学生理解意志力的概念,还要让他们在情感、态度和价值观上认识到意志力对个人成功的影响,从而有决心和...
在增强自我控制和自我调节能力方面,学生需要学习如何通过合理安排时间、控制冲动等手段,有效管理自己的行为。此外,对于难以坚持到底的情况,需要学会调整方法和策略,以确保目标的完成。 当堂测验部分,设计了...
青少年学生往往在这些方面有所欠缺,但通过实践和训练,可以逐渐增强意志力。 在现实生活中,我们也经常能见到意志力的力量。例如,一个学生面对学习压力时,能够坚持每天早起复习,这就是自觉性和坚韧性的一种体现...
其次,课程提倡设定具体可行的目标,并且在日常生活中不断管理自我,以此来加强意志力。此外,课程还强调了在艰苦环境中锻炼意志的重要性,通过挑战自我,增强应对逆境的能力。 课程中引入了富兰克林的时间管理和...
4. 青少年的意志力培养:青少年时期的意志力训练对于其成长至关重要,通过上述方法,可以帮助青少年形成良好的习惯,增强自我管理能力,为未来的学业和职业生涯奠定坚实基础。 5. 心理学研究启示:心理学研究表明,...
这门课程旨在帮助学生理解意志力的重要性,并学习如何在生活中锻炼和增强自己的意志。 描述中提到的“面对困境和挫折,要有积极态度,具备优良意志品质”,这是强调在面对困难时,态度和意志力起着关键作用。古语...