A person is a book. Reading a person is more difficult than reading a book written in other languages. I read the Book of Person seriously to such an extent than I can't understand it event though I have lived through more half of my life.
On a sunny and clear day, somebody is willing to lend his umberella to you, whereas on a rainy day, he stealthily goes away with his umbrella.
If you read him, don't complain about him, because he doesn't want to be caught in the rain in addition to the face that the umbrella belongs to him, neither does he want to share responsibiltiy of others, what else can you say? You had better get ready on umbrella by yourself.
When you are influential, somebody always fusses around you, whereas when you are dismissed or don't have powers, he stays far aways from you.
If you read him, you should understand him,because in the past he complimented you in order to get something that he needed, whereas now that you don't have powers, he doesn't have to intonate whatever hymns for you. Now you need calm down and think whether you are a credulous person who believe in other people.
When somebody confides in you, his words are spoken out of his mouth just like a clear,sweet and flowing river, whereas beneath the riverbed lurks a dirty undercurrent.
If you read him, you shouldn't harbour hatred for him, because anyone in the disguise of a hypocritical person, who cheats others,really leads a very difficult life behind others' backs or to their faces, sometimes he may be punished by the same kind of hypocrisy if anything goes wrong. You should express sympathy for his lifestyle and wait for the return of his humanity and for his introspection.
When you work hard to sow seeds, somebody just stands by,not willing to shed any sweat, whereas when you have teh harvest,he desires to share your fruits without any look for shame out of every reason.
If you read him, you shoudn't show disgust for him, because if somebody is willing to share the sweet harvest with you, you should welcome it,whatever intentions he harbors.You make a little sacrifice,yet helping hom satisfy his desire of achievements. Little by little. you will make him learn a bit of self-respect and self-love
Somebody emphasizes exterior embellishments and his dressing shows a kind of luxury,whereas his interior is full of emptiness and ignorance.This cultural form is always unconsciously expressed in his words and actions.
If you read him, you shouldn't despise him, because he doesn't know that clothes are made by tailors, which are just a symbol of money, whereas one's real life value lies in his knowledge,moralitiy and temperament. As for a gigman, you should timely compare your behaviors with his.
Reading others is actually reading yourself. Reading truth, good,and beauty is in line with reading hypocrisy beneath being sanctimonious, ugliness beneath beauty, crafts beneath smiles....
Most of all, reading a person is reading what kind of person he is.
Reading a person is for you to become a real person.
All in all, when you read a person ,you should be tolerant and generous, thus reading something beneficial to you and futher reading nobility, delight and happniess.
Although I have not read through the Book of Persons, yet I will try to read it in every sense.
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