A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of book as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.
a good book may be among the best of friends. it is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. it is the most patient and cheerful of companions. it does no turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. it always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and conforting and consoling us in age.
men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each for a book. the book is a truer and higher bond of union. men can think, feel,and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. they live in him together and he, in them.
a good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts.thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and conforters.
books posses an essence of immortality.they are by far the most lasting products of human effort.temples and statues decay, but books survive.time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author's minds,ages ago. what was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page.the only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.
books introduce us into the best society, they bringus into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. we hear what they said and did; we see them as if they were really alive;we sympathize with them, enjoy with them,grieve with them;their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if er were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.
在《Companionship of Books》这篇美文中,作者强调了书籍作为朋友的重要性。正如人与人之间的友谊,书籍也能陪伴我们度过人生的各个阶段。一本好书就如同一位老友,无论顺境还是逆境,它始终在那儿,给予我们安慰和...
### 英语演讲原音——Companionship of Books #### 概述 本文选取了著名英国作家塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯的作品片段《书籍的陪伴》(Companionship of Books),旨在通过英语原声朗读的方式帮助学习者提高英语听力及口语...
根据给定的信息,“新东方美文背诵30篇”主要收录了30篇英文经典美文,并...此外,其他文章如《Companionship of Books》《If I Rest, I Rust》等也各有其独特之处,能够帮助读者拓宽视野,培养积极向上的生活态度。
《Companionship of Books》强调书籍对人生的重要陪伴;《If I Rest, I Rust》鼓励读者不断进取,避免停滞不前;《Ambition》探讨了抱负对人生的意义;《What I have Lived for》则阐述了生活的价值所在。 这些文章...
### 三、Companionship of Books以书为伴(节选) #### 潜在知识点 1. **阅读的价值**:通过与书相伴,人们可以不断学习新知,拓宽视野,提升自我。 2. **书籍作为朋友**:将书籍视为朋友,它们不仅能陪伴我们度过...
"Companionship of Books"讲述了书籍作为人生伴侣的价值,鼓励人们通过阅读丰富内心世界。 "如果我休息,我就会生锈"这篇文章则强调了积极进取、永不满足的精神;"Ambition"讨论了抱负对个人成长的重要性;"What I ...
"Companionship of Books"则阐述了书籍在我们生活中的重要角色,是知识的伙伴,陪伴我们成长。 这些文章不仅有助于提高英语阅读水平,还能够激发思考,培养良好的价值观和人生观。"On Meeting the Celebrated"讨论...
3. 以书为伴(Companionship of Books):强调书籍在人生中的重要性,它们是智慧的源泉,陪伴我们成长,给予我们力量。 4. 如果我休息,我就会生锈(If I Rest, I Rust):告诫人们要保持进取心,不断学习和进步,...
"Companionship of Books"和"If I Rest, I Rust"探讨了书籍的陪伴和持续学习的重要性,它们告诉我们,不断求知可以防止心灵生锈,保持思想的敏锐。 "Success"和"The Road to Success"则引导我们思考成功的含义,...
3. **Companionship of Books**(以书为伴):书籍是人生的伙伴,通过阅读,我们可以增长见识,提升自我。 4. **If I Rest, I Rust**(如果我休息,我就会生锈):此篇强调不断进取的重要性,提醒我们不能停止学习...
3. **Companionship of Books** - 书籍是人生的伴侣,通过阅读,我们可以跨越时空,获得知识和智慧,滋养心灵。 4. **If I Rest, I Rust** - 这篇文章鼓励人们持续学习和进步,因为停止努力就意味着开始退步。 5. ...
再次, Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选)篇强调了读书的重要性和读书对我们精神和知识的影响력이对我们的人生道路产生了重要影响。 而 If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈篇则强调了生命的意义和...