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Activate Your Learning Ability

  Here are a few simple suggestions to help you improve your learning abilities.

  We are a nation overloaded with information.So many new things are thrown at us that we need to learn and remember that it becomes overwhelming. In our fast paced world here are a few tips that will help us accelerate out learning skills.

  We normally think of learning as studying books but we can train our minds to learn as we go about our every day lives.For example we can watch a video on furniture refinishing while doing household chores or exercising. The subconsciouse takes in oodles of information even while we focus on another project.

  Keep a notebook and write down what you want to remember. If it is something you must remember for school or your job, write it down ten times. Writing the world helps and writing a sentence using the word reinforces the process. You can take it further and write posted notes and stick them on the bathroom mirror, kitchen cabinets, and other convenient places where they will catch you eye. The same goes for birthdays and other important dates.

  If there is a word that is especially difficult for you, try making a little poem or phrase using the word. I had difficulty remembering the pronunciation of the word "carotid" some time ago and I pictured an old broken down car and the phrase, "car rotted," I have had no trouble with the word since. These seemingly small things are the reinforcements you need you give you a hand hold.

  To improve your word vocabulary make a tape of you reading words and their definitions. You can play it back while walking, working out at the gym, driving, or doing chores around the house. It's a good way to build mental fitness while building physical fitness.

  Daily meditation and daily exercise will improve you learning a bilities and your concentration.

Try not to obsess over your studies but keep a clear mind and be confident of you success. That's half the game plan right there.



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