What is it:
Web-MeetMe is a suite of PHP pages to allow for scheduling and managing conferences on an Asterisk PBX.
Add rooms and specify
- Moderator and user PINs
- Announce on/off
- Record on/off
- User listen only
- Start and End time
- Reoccurring
- Number of participants
- Mute/Unmute users
- Kick users
- Invite users (Will call the user from number in web form)
E-mail : areski (@alt) gmail (.dot) com
Web-MeetMe Forum
Web-MeetMe install on Fedora manual.
You can download the user manual from Asterisk IT at:
mysql apache php pearDB postgresql-dev
for debian:
apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient12-dev apache-server libapache-mod-php4 php4-pear postgresql-dev
To Install:
Web-Meetme 3.X works only with asterisk 1.4
Web-Meetme 2.X works only with asterisk 1.2
Download and extract to a web accessible directory
wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/web-meetme/Web-MeetMe_v3.0.3.tgz?download
tar -zxvf Web-MeetMe_v3.0.3.tgz
compile app_cbmysql.so in web-meetme/cbmysql
make install
copy cbmysql.conf to /etc/asterisk and edit with appropriate mysql settings
for debian sock is /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Setup your database, there is an example file in webmeet-me/cbmysql/db-table-create-v5.txt
Just take out the `DB_CDR`. and 'sequenceNo' and 'recurInternval' need to be replaced with ` backticks not single quotes.
load the module in asterisk
load app_cbmysql.so **note: module as of now does not support the reload command and sometimes restart asterisk when loading**
edit web-meetme/lib/defines.php
edit web-meetme/lib/database.php
edit web-meetme/phpagi/phpagi-asmanager.php so user name and secret for asterisk manager correspond to a user in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
add cbmysql to dialplan
exten=>900,1,cbmysql() exten=>901,1,cbmysql(901);where901isavalidroominthedatabase
Go back to Asterisk cmd MeetMe
【Web-MeetMe开源项目详解】 Web-MeetMe是一款基于PHP的开源网页应用程序,专为Asterisk PBX(Private Branch Exchange)系统设计,用于便捷地安排和管理电话会议。Asterisk是一个功能强大的开源VoIP通信平台,允许...
##### meetme.conf - **描述**: 会议配置。 - **应用场景**: 当需要配置电话会议功能时使用。 ##### musiconhold.conf - **描述**: 音乐保持配置。 - **应用场景**: 设置等待期间播放的音乐。 ##### queues.conf -...
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